WLM Rally To Be Hosted in Sept at Texas A&M

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep. Those public universities are "all the same", too, LLephantMan.

LexusLover's Avatar
You Liberals are all the same ... want government, unless the paper generated by the government you want doesn't fit your agenda!!!!

Speedo driving on city streets claiming he's driving "on campus" and speeding, which he claims is not against the law because a cop didn't stop him! Then when confronted with the documents from UT and the city of Austin to show he's full of shit ...

he claims he drove around on the city streets (he named them) and that was proof he could drive on campus!!!!

Then declares himself "the winner"! And along come the other two Amigas following his ass into the deep water to drown with him! Originally Posted by LexusLover
By Speedo's standards of "driving on campus" at UT @ Austin, it's been within the last year that I was "driving on campus" according to Speedo's definition. I drove on a public street and passed UT @ Austin facilities on both sides of the public street owned, maintained, and regulated by the City of Austin. Just like he claims to have done.

The government documents I have produced with links is sufficient proof to demonstrate to anyone but a moron or pathological liar that UT @ Austin is not a "public place," but is in fact regulated by the UT Board of Regents through the administration, which includes the UT Police Department. The same with A&M.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
By Speedo's standards of "driving on campus" at UT @ Austin, it's been within the last year that I was "driving on campus" according to Speedo's definition. I drove on a public street and passed UT @ Austin facilities on both sides of the public street owned, maintained, and regulated by the City of Austin. Just like he claims to have done.

The government documents I have produced with links is sufficient proof to demonstrate to anyone but a moron or pathological liar that UT @ Austin is not a "public place," but is in fact regulated by the UT Board of Regents through the administration, which includes the UT Police Department. The same with A&M. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Can you drive on the streets that pass through the UT campus? Yes or no. Do you need a permit to drive on those streets? Yes or no? If the streets are "owned, maintained, and regulated" by the city of Austin, why is it that the parking spaces on campus streets require parking permits ISSUED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, not the city of Austin? The kiosks that exist at certain entries onto the UT campus are owned and maintained by UT, not the city of Austin.

Certainly there are regulations on ALL streets in Austin, not just those that pass through the UT campus. They are PUBLIC streets. Anyone can drive on them. Your statement is WRONG. You are allowed to drive on the UT campus without a permit. Who owns and maintains the roads and who establishes parking regulations is irrelevant.

"I've not been on the campus in years, but when I did I was not allowed to drive on the campus without a permit, which is consistent with 99% of the campuses on which I have spent time."
LexusLover's Avatar
Speedo's drowning now. He's lost the discussion, but keeps yapping.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speedo's drowning now. He's lost the discussion, but keeps yapping. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes. I've "lost the discussion". lol. And exactly how many people have agreed in any way with your POV? Zero. Nada. Zip. No one.

Your statement was WRONG and no matter how many irrelevant arguments you come up with to defend it, it will always be WRONG.
  • grean
  • 08-31-2017, 07:46 AM
A&M is a public university, this means that anyone can demonstrate there. Originally Posted by pyramider
It's very important to allow them to do so as well. It's horrible speech but all the same needs to be protected from government.

The opinions of those who would speak hate will not be the only ones oppressed. Soon people with other opposing arguments cold be stopped from expressing theirs.

It's too easy a cop out to cite security concerns. Boston PD handied the protests and counter protest quite well.

If there was a creditable threat, that would be one thing.

Surely, Texas DPS and local law enforcement can do just as well as Massachusetts.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's very important to allow them to do so as well.

Surely, Texas DPS and local law enforcement can do just as well as Massachusetts. Originally Posted by grean
The administration must issue a permit. If anyone thinks A&M is a "public" university ... submit your application to attend. City Streets and County Roads are considered "public," but that doesn't mean you can do what you want any where you want to in them.

First: If you want to drive on them you need a ..... license to drive!

Of course, Speedo thinks you don't need a driver's license if the police don't stop you and ask for it!!!! And you can drive as fast as you want so long as the police don't stop you for SPEEDING! But he's a Liberal-Nazis with a double standard ... one for him and one for everyone else.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Speedo's drowning now. He's lost the discussion, but keeps yapping. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Pot meet kettle.

BTW -- Kettle is a worthless, lying piece of shit!

Hey Kettle! Why do you have to lie in every post you fucking make?

You were wrong the instant you stared this ridiculous argument. At the very instant you pushed the submit button. You have NEVER been correct on it. Not once.

Perhaps you just don't know you're lying, which indicates yet other issues.

Now go rustle us up some of them Galveston sharks, LLephantMan!

LexusLover's Avatar
Hey, AssUp ....

  • grean
  • 08-31-2017, 07:58 AM
The administration must issue a permit. If anyone thinks A&M is a "public" university ... submit your application to attend. City Streets and County Roads are considered "public," but that doesn't mean you can do what you want any where you want to in them.

First: If you want to drive on them you need a ..... license to drive! Originally Posted by LexusLover
It is a public University.

Permits are just for the when and where so that proper measures can be taken to assure public safety. They cannot be refused because of the type of speech or opinions being demonstrated.

Because of Harvey I could see justification in delaying and rescheduling it so as not to direct resources away from relief effort. My understanding it was just out right canceled.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The administration must issue a permit. If anyone thinks A&M is a "public" university ... submit your application to attend. City Streets and County Roads are considered "public," but that doesn't mean you can do what you want any where you want to in them.

First: If you want to drive on them you need a ..... license to drive!

Of course, Speedo thinks you don't need a driver's license if the police don't stop you and ask for it!!!! And you can drive as fast as you want so long as the police don't stop you for SPEEDING! But he's a Liberal-Nazis with a double standard ... one for him and one for everyone else. Originally Posted by LexusLover
When are YOU gonna stop "yapping," bub?

What kind of trouble did you get into lo those many years ago in Austin? Obviously, you're an expert at ALL things in a city where you admittedly haven't lived since before I was born...

What despicable act did you perform, promote or propose that resulted in your forced exile from Austin in the 1940s?

I guess Clarksville's loss is the Galveston Tourist Bureau's gain.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is a public University. Originally Posted by grean
Like I said ... submit an application if you think it is "truly public" ... and when you get rejected ... whine about it.

My example of "public streets" is appropriate.

You have to apply for a permit to hold a rally or making a speech.

You're getting "jacking your jaws" confused with the speeches and rallies for or against certain issues. Just like the administrations can control who comes and goes on the campuses they can control their activities. It's in the Texas Education Code and also in the Board's regulations. Playing word games doesn't avoid their authority to regulate activities on THEIR PROPERTY!
LexusLover's Avatar
AssUp ... I hope the pic of an almost naked lady didn't upset you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like I said ... submit an application if you think it is "truly public" ... and when you get rejected ... whine about it.

My example of "public streets" is appropriate.

You have to apply for a permit to hold a rally or making a speech.

You're getting "jacking your jaws" confused with the speeches and rallies for or against certain issues. Just like the administrations can control who comes and goes on the campuses they can control their activities. It's in the Texas Education Code and also in the Board's regulations. Playing word games doesn't avoid their authority to regulate activities on THEIR PROPERTY! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Public universities are OUR property, LLiarMan.

Oh, and how did that WLM rally work out for you, LLiarMan?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
AssUp ... I hope the pic of an almost naked lady didn't upset you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not at all. I love the smell of Photoshop in the morning! Even if it began as a picture of your Mama!

Why would you think it would?

Or was this yet another lame attempt to divert the discussion from your lies?

Quick, another lie!!! Hurry!