Young girls with LOW prices?

...Then you have the older, seasoned, good looking escorts that TRULY love their profession. Loves a man's touch. These are the women that never fade with time. They actually become more attractive as time passes. They love their clients and hobby... Originally Posted by cluefinder
Agreed, and hope our time together has helped give you this perspective.

P.S. I never fell for the pet rock thing. I need my pets to love me back.
hogfan2222's Avatar
Baby D...only 3 reviews this year...hmmmm
Baby D...only 3 reviews this year...hmmmm Originally Posted by hogfan2222

Please keep this on topic. The amount of reviews is not the topic here.

St. Searcher

I wonder myself after the PM I got from Das flicker and then this little slick comment she threw out there.
Originally Posted by SerenityXX
They aren't one and the same, but they might as well be. If you look up 'douchebag' in the dictionary, you've got a good idea of what you're dealing with. What's funny is how she thinks she's got anyone fooled.
Your take on this situation is all in your warped mind. However, your comments clearly illustrate how over-the-top you will act and the drama you'll post, completely lacking self-control when your temper is flaring, justified or not. Wow, I hope none of your clients piss you off, for their sake. The "I'll do anything to get you" tough girl types aren't exactly conducive for hobby discretion. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Aren't you the one who has said they carry a gun...
They aren't one and the same, but they might as well be. If you look up 'douchebag' in the dictionary, you've got a good idea of what you're dealing with. What's funny is how she thinks she's got anyone fooled. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Aren't you the one who has said they carry a gun... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Off topic, rude and unnecessarily insulting.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-27-2015, 03:12 PM
* *
Off topic, rude and unnecessarily insulting. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Are we playing Jeopardy? What are three things Ginger is good at for $100.

I simply pointed out things that someone else mentioned in their post. You have mentioned before in these forums that you have a firearm. And yet you go after someone else for being 'tough'. As for Das Douchebag, everyone knows the story on you two guys. I didn't insult you, btw.
Baby D...only 3 reviews this year...hmmmm Originally Posted by hogfan2222
CBJ + her attitude on here.
As for Das Douchebag, everyone knows the story on you two guys. I didn't insult you, btw. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Tell us more! Seems you have something to tell everyone. Start another thread about me, there's no need to jump the shark on this thread.

Now back on topic. You get what you pay for. Good, bad and in some cases ugly as well!

It's your coin, don't let someone tell you how to spend it. It's their pussy, don't let someone else tell you what you can't sell it for.
Aren't you the one who has said they carry a gun... Originally Posted by WombRaider
I think you just got an Rtm button pushed LMAO you know who loves pushing those!!!
But, I still think you Rock!!
  • MrGiz
  • 10-27-2015, 07:11 PM
Thats just insane to me, and if you ARE going to be GFE then you should even charge more....Poor girls are just selling themselves short. Just for a quick buck, I rather get the slow money at least its safer and I`m getting more than 150 bucks.... Originally Posted by BabyDallass
I think you're a very lovely female (especially when caught smiling) !!!
I don't want to sound mean... But WTF do YOU know (or care about) GFE???
If you choose not to cum close to providing it... Should you really be "commenting" on it?
Are you really "qualified" to?
Just curious
Ah, this thread brings me back to the glory days of drama on this board with Sexy_Brittany beating up on Dreamzy. LOL
Agree the board has been boring lately. After reading all this I have a few comments.

1. Charge what you want, provide what you will. Those that are interested will come. Those not interested will not. The rest does not matter.

2. When money business, egos, friends, cliques are involved, drama ensues. It cannot be controlled and erupts like a festering boil. These threads are entertaining to all.

3. Reading all this thread, one interesting fact stood out to me like a flare in the night. Baby Dallas.does not allow DATY or perform BBBJ because she is concerned about disease. Her opinion and so be it. However, I did find it ironic she will allow DATY from Ginger. I wonder how many second hand BBBJs she exposed herself to doing that? We used to joke about hooker math. Guess this is a new form of hooker logic. Reminds me no matter how well we think we know the provider, we have no idea of how risky their behavior is in their private lives.
I understand not everyone can get along and some people enjoy the "drama" I though eccie was for having fun and getting paid....

To the original topic providers can set their own rate at whatever they want no matter how high or low or fair the hobby brings in all types of hobbyist blue collar to white collar and retirees to people that due odd jobs to pay for this.

So the whole one rate to rule all is kinda ludicrous if you're a good provider and screen well hobbyist will see you.

This hobby is about choices and fun.
Ah, this thread brings me back to the glory days of drama on this board with Sexy_Brittany beating up on Dreamzy. LOL
Agree the board has been boring lately. After reading all this I have a few comments.

1. Charge what you want, provide what you will. Those that are interested will come. Those not interested will not. The rest does not matter.

2. When money business, egos, friends, cliques are involved, drama ensues. It cannot be controlled and erupts like a festering boil. These threads are entertaining to all.

3. Reading all this thread, one interesting fact stood out to me like a flare in the night. Baby Dallas.does not allow DATY or perform BBBJ because she is concerned about disease. Her opinion and so be it. However, I did find it ironic she will allow DATY from Ginger. I wonder how many second hand BBBJs she exposed herself to doing that? We used to joke about hooker math. Guess this is a new form of hooker logic. Reminds me no matter how well we think we know the provider, we have no idea of how risky their behavior is in their private lives. Originally Posted by Rockydoc

Kinda of like girls who rim clients and then kiss the next one alot!!