Do you think Colonel Peters is correct?

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  • 01-19-2015, 07:13 AM
. If I invite someone into my house but I don't like guns and I DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE A GUN, where is the problem if I never find out. Most people with concealed carry don't go around shoving their weapon into people's faces. I could say the same thing about a political opinion (which is a right). I don't want that opinion in my house but if you keep your mouth shut then I don't know and you're welcome.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I guess you never heard about respecting someone private property.

If someone does not want me to bring tobacco , guns or whiskey on their private property then I respect their request or do not go on their private property.

Shit do you go say deer hunting on private land and just because you do not get caught stealing a deer from their private property think everything is ok?
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  • WTF
  • 01-19-2015, 07:15 AM
No LL, I am actually doing exactly wtf you are doing when you claim I am trying to impress Bimbos.

I have about as much factual knowledge that you are posting to impress LE as you do that I am posting to impress bimbos.

So my question to you is why do you continue to lie about this Bimbo shit and about me employing illegal immigrants? Originally Posted by WTF
Just in case LL feels the need to try and explain his hypocrisy.
boardman's Avatar
I do not ask people I know who come into my home whether or not they are carrying handguns. I expect my friends to understand that the majority of homeowners (57% approximately) do not have guns in their homes and usually it is for the reason that they don't want guns in their homes. Whether or not they have valid CHLs is irrelevant to me. If I ever found out that someone entered my home with a handgun they would be asked to leave and never be invited in again. I certainly respect your opinion as to whether or not you let people into your home with handguns. To each his own. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Then what exactly was your beef?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Your cited poll is probably more than a bit askew because many Americans, given the current clime, are not going to self-report having a weapon in their home, speedy. Gun sales are up and have been up since before Odumbo was elected, speedy. Further, one must wonder about the legal status of the Hispanics polled. That would certainly have an impact on whether that family possessed a weapon and definitely have an impact on self-reporting the same. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
First, if you have studied Market Research polling techniques at all, polls are 100% anonymous so it is doubtful that many respondents would feel it necessary to lie. Second, why do you think people would tend to say they don't have a gun in their home when in fact they do?

To respond to your statement on gun sales increasing since Obama took office, that is probably true. However, the majority of gun sales have been shownestimated to be to existing gun owners, not to people purchasing their first guns. To be fair, there are other articles that state that the number of households owning guns is on the increase. Estimates range from 33% to 45%. Statistics are certainly open to the interpretation of the person reading them.

"Those who own guns, own more guns," said Josh Sugarmann, the executive director and founder of the Violence Policy Center, a Washington-based gun control advocacy group. Last year the organization released an analysis of figures from the General Social Survey, which found that both the number of households owning guns and the number of people owning guns were decreasing.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Then what exactly was your beef? Originally Posted by boardman
WOW!! You have to go back to the beginning of this discussion in this thread. Because SOME people interpret the 2nd Amendment as people having the right to carry their handguns wherever they so choose, including into my home, and the burden remains on me to ask them if they are carrying in order to keep them from entering my home with a handgun.
I B Hankering's Avatar
First, if you have studied Market Research polling techniques at all, polls are 100% anonymous so it is doubtful that many respondents would feel it necessary to lie. Second, why do you think people would tend to say they don't have a gun in their home when in fact they do?

To respond to your statement on gun sales increasing since Obama took office, that is probably true. However, the majority of gun sales have been shownestimated to be to existing gun owners, not to people purchasing their first guns. To be fair, there are other articles that state that the number of households owning guns is on the increase. Estimates range from 33% to 45%. Statistics are certainly open to the interpretation of the person reading them.

"Those who own guns, own more guns," said Josh Sugarmann, the executive director and founder of the Violence Policy Center, a Washington-based gun control advocacy group. Last year the organization released an analysis of figures from the General Social Survey, which found that both the number of households owning guns and the number of people owning guns were decreasing.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Phone numbers can be matched to names and addresses, speedy; so your disingenuous claim that such calls are entirely "anonymous" is BS, speedy. Here's another FYI for you, speedy. There's no reason why someone on the receiving end of a cold call has to believe that the caller represents who they *say* they represent and believe that the call does not serve a surreptitious purpose for some private or government entity, speedy.

The number of women gun owners in America has gone up from 13 percent in 2005 to 23 percent today.
boardman's Avatar
WOW!! You have to go back to the beginning of this discussion in this thread. Because SOME people interpret the 2nd Amendment as people having the right to carry their handguns wherever they so choose, including into my home, and the burden remains on me to ask them if they are carrying in order to keep them from entering my home with a handgun. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So you don't like the burden of having to ask or notify, right? I get that.

My response would be to be careful of who you allow on your property and especially IN your home. That is a responsibility of any homeowner and it has nothing to do with guns.

I honestly think that the SOME you are referencing, who insist that they have a right to carry on your property against your wishes, would be considered a fringe element not mainstream representation of gun owners. Do they exist? I guess, I don't know any that extreme. The non-fringe would leave their gun at home if the gathering or reason for coming onto your property were important enough to them or just not come at all.

I would say this, based strictly on my opinion and experience: Most law abiding gun owners are conservative. The more staunchly they defend the 2nd Amendment the more they tend to defend the entire constitution as written. By nature that conservatism would translate into respecting private property. I can't think of one gun owner I know that believes property rights less important than their right to keep and bear arms. I would venture to say that most of the people I know would consider being forced to give up their property rights or their guns to be equally egregious.
The more I think about this the more it appears you are creating a demographic that just isn't there.
rioseco's Avatar
So you don't like the burden of having to ask or notify, right? I get that.

My response would be to be careful of who you allow on your property and especially IN your home. That is a responsibility of any homeowner and it has nothing to do with guns.

I honestly think that the SOME you are referencing, who insist that they have a right to carry on your property against your wishes, would be considered a fringe element not mainstream representation of gun owners. Do they exist? I guess, I don't know any that extreme. The non-fringe would leave their gun at home if the gathering or reason for coming onto your property were important enough to them or just not come at all.

I would say this, based strictly on my opinion and experience: Most law abiding gun owners are conservative. The more staunchly they defend the 2nd Amendment the more they tend to defend the entire constitution as written. By nature that conservatism would translate into respecting private property. I can't think of one gun owner I know that believes property rights less important than their right to keep and bear arms. I would venture to say that most of the people I know would consider being forced to give up their property rights or their guns to be equally egregious.
The more I think about this the more it appears you are creating a demographic that just isn't there. Originally Posted by boardman
Of all the CCL holders I know, none would care to be in SpeedRacerXXXs' home with or without a legally posessed weapon if they knew his feelings and concerns. I say it is a very safe bet for his rights to be respected by lawful carriers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ignorant fuck.
rioseco's Avatar
Ignorant fuck. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Firey Flaming Faggot !
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-19-2015, 08:29 AM
I can't think of one gun owner I know that believes property rights less important than their right to keep and bear arms.. Originally Posted by boardman
And then there is JD....

I'm really curious about this strange problem you have with guns. If I invite someone into my house but I don't like guns and I DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE A GUN, where is the problem if I never find out. Most people with concealed carry don't go around shoving their weapon into people's faces.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
boardman's Avatar
And then there is JD.... Originally Posted by WTF
Please explain how his hypothetical disproves my opinion.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Phone numbers can be matched to names and addresses, speedy; so your disingenuous claim that such calls are entirely "anonymous" is BS, speedy. Here's another FYI for you, speedy. There's no reason why someone on the receiving end of a cold call has to believe that the caller represents who they *say* they represent and believe that the call does not serve a surreptitious purpose for some private or government entity, speedy. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I was involved in Market Research for about 10 years. The interviewers are given a list of phone numbers, nothing else. Yes, IF you wanted to track down exactly who answered the questions the people supplying the phone numbers could find them with all the technology we have today. In my many years involved with such opinion polls, very few potential respondents turned down the opportunity to be involved. In fact, the overwhelming majority jumped at the chance to respond.

If you or anyone else has a problem answering questions over the phone do not do so. That is certainly your right to simply hang up.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

I honestly think that the SOME you are referencing, who insist that they have a right to carry on your property against your wishes, would be considered a fringe element not mainstream representation of gun owners. Do they exist? I guess, I don't know any that extreme. The non-fringe would leave their gun at home if the gathering or reason for coming onto your property were important enough to them or just not come at all.

. Originally Posted by boardman
I really like that paragraph.

But I'll go back to JD's poll in another thread. 6 respondents stated that there should be NO gun control. Now to me gun control means limiting the rights of others to carry what weapons they want wherever they want to. No gun control means no age restrictions, no restriction as to what weapon they want to own, no restrictions as to when they can carry it, and no restrictions as to where they can carry it. Very possible that my definition of no "gun control" is too strict.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I was involved in Market Research for about 10 years. The interviewers are given a list of phone numbers, nothing else. Yes, IF you wanted to track down exactly who answered the questions the people supplying the phone numbers could find them with all the technology we have today. In my many years involved with such opinion polls, very few potential respondents turned down the opportunity to be involved. In fact, the overwhelming majority jumped at the chance to respond.

If you or anyone else has a problem answering questions over the phone do not do so. That is certainly your right to simply hang up.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Again, speedy, you 'assume' that the caller you are calling takes you at your word and answers your questions honestly. And just how many people did you call wouldn't give you the time of day, speedy? Those who suspect you as misrepresenting yourself will not answer your questions; just like those who do not wish to compromise their privacy anymore than it has been.