Another help for those mortgages underwater.

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  • 04-14-2010, 07:51 AM
Yep, I'm sure if they would peruse your 888 posts here, they would see your heart pour out for them. I once said I felt sorry for a homeless guy and gave him $20. I feel better already just thinking about that. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I do not feel sorry for our military personnel, police nor firefighters. If you do that is your business. I do not feel sorry for homeless people either btw. It is what it is. I do however seek economic solutions. In the example that you asked...I would disincentive war. I would pay our soldiers the exact same rate I paid private contractors.

Rich people call the shots on war...let them pay for it. I do not feel sorry for the rich btw. They actually have the money to pay the military, police and firefighters more. They never do but they have the abality. Talk is cheap.....isn't that your point.
Rich people call the shots on war... Originally Posted by WTF
Holy mackerel!

You can learn something new every day by reading this forum.

All this time I thought politicians called the shots regarding war!
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  • WTF
  • 04-14-2010, 08:11 AM
Holy mackerel!

You can learn something new every day by reading this forum.

All this time I thought politicians called the shots regarding war! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Well CM if the rich ain't on board then the politicians have no shot at going to war or sustaining it.

There you've learned two things new today.
Well CM if the rich ain't on board then the politicians have no shot at going to war or sustaining it. Originally Posted by WTF
OK, now I see what you meant.

How could I not have realized that?

Politicians never succeed in undertaking and implementing decisions unless the "rich" are on board with them.

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  • WTF
  • 04-14-2010, 08:49 AM
OK, now I see what you meant.

How could I not have realized that?

Politicians never succeed in undertaking and implementing decisions unless the "rich" are on board with them.

Right? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Pretty much....the populist movement is not a very well funded one.

But 'never' is a tad harsh, don't ya think? Lets just say hardly ever.

Next you'll be telling me abused streetwalkers are the driving force behind the decision to go to war!
Pretty much....the populist movement is not a very well funded one.

But 'never' is a tad harsh, don't ya think? Lets just say hardly ever.

Next you'll be telling me abused streetwalkers are the driving force behind the decision to go to war! Originally Posted by WTF
Well, let's see...

The $800 billion "stimulus" package, the massive new health care "reform" bill, the expansion of the war in Afghanistan, big tax increases, could go on and on. Oh, no, politicians never attempt to do anything unless the "rich" are on board!
Rudyard K's Avatar
Talk is cheap.....isn't that your point. Originally Posted by WTF
Not really. My point is that agruments like yours are inconsistent...and portray that it is YOU who is the one who really cares about humanity. That is just not so.

What is your goal?

Do you want to save lives? I'm all for that. Then lets allocate the societal dollars spent where it saves the most lives. I say that knowing that years ago I read a study that showed on a "bang for the buck" (in savings lives per dollar spent) more lives are saved by restriping the roadways than most any other societal cost. Not very sexy, but if savings lives is your goal, then we ought to be pushing that first. Then continue down the "bag for the buck" scale, on a dollars spent per lives saved basis, until society runs out of money. That will save the most lives.

Do you want to provide health care to the most people? I'm for that too. But I want to allocate the societal dollars to where it does the most good for the most people. As such, I can probably get the most "bang for the buck" (more folks provided for per dollar spent) by providing routine care to those members in society who are exercising healthy habits. As such, those fat slobs, or folks who don't exercise (and can), or folks who smoke (like me), or folks who don't eat well (also like me), or folks who engage in high risk activites (such as P4P), or drug users etc...get put to the back of the line. Let's allocate the societal dollars where it does the most good. Now you're talking the language that most conservatives understand.

You don't seek economic solutions. You, instead, seek money for your emotional solutions. Your motivations are no more moral than simply portray them that way. I truly do seek economic solutions. And I want society to spend the dollars where it serves the most of society.

You don't like wars? Well, Kumbaya and a Big Group Hug. I don't like 'em either. But you also can't tell me how many lives have been saved in the US because we were the toughest kid on the block. What would have happened with no Cold War build up? Cuban Missile Crisis posturing? Vietnam or Korean War?...No Iraq war 1 or 2?...No Afgan war?...No US nukes or ships sailing the seven seas? Somalia exercise? occupation of Germany post WWII? I haven't a clue...nor do you. You just think you know.
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  • WTF
  • 04-14-2010, 01:35 PM
I truly do seek economic solutions. And I want society to spend the dollars where it serves the most of society.
Originally Posted by Rudyard K
As do I...but I know more believe you do than you believe I do. Or I belive we both do. Not sure which and it really does not matter. It is called politics.

I do believe that you can no more paint me with your colors than I can paint you with mine long as you keep doing so, I believe that I will do the same to you. And I will smile while doing so, not because of smugness but because I am truely amused at your belief in what you think about my beliefs! Make sense RK?
human nature being what it is and past history of successful societies should leave no question, but alas one leads with wanting to feel good about himself and the other with knowledge of what works
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Human nature bah!
Animal nature.
Fuck you. I kill you. I take what you have. Like grass we are here and then we are gone.
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  • WTF
  • 04-14-2010, 09:50 PM
human nature being what it is and past history of successful societies should leave no question, but alas one leads with wanting to feel good about himself and the other with knowledge of what works Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
