Is Wakeup a mod?

dearhunter's Avatar
Point of Order: Modtards can be banned......and is JaD still a modtard?

You do know your searches on Wakeup give him wood.......ijs
  • pxmcc
  • 01-16-2017, 10:16 AM
How many times do I have to say it...moderators are not allowed, except in extreme circumstances, to moderate forums they are not in charge of...

2dogs knows this, that's why him telling me to close or edit threads is just a troll, meant to goad the rest of the lemmings here into thinking I'm not something I obviously am. He won't do any of those things here either. However, I'm beginning to think you're either extraordinarily obtuse, or just amazingly ignorant of how this board works. Either way, you probably better sit this one out honey... Originally Posted by Wakeup
So which forum/forums are you in charge of exactly? Like I said before, I don't doubt your mod status. I'm going to steer clear of that forum once I know what it is so I don't get banned again. ha ha

If you bought the forum and appointed yourself Mod, you can appoint yourself sovereign as well and then grant yourself sovereign immunity. "Thou shalt not sue the king!"
  • pxmcc
  • 01-16-2017, 10:22 AM
Point of Order: Modtards can be banned......and is JaD still a modtard?

You do know your searches on Wakeup give him wood.......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
I'm pretty sure Pistol Pete got banned. He hasn't been around to rack up my points of late. He had no common sense imo.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I wish I could confirm that Wakeup is actually a modtard but unfortunately I cannot do that. Rules and all.
Wakeup's Avatar
So which forum/forums are you in charge of exactly? Originally Posted by pxmcc
If you see my name at the top do the forum, listed as a moderator of it, you'll now which forum I'm a moderator of...

I wish I could confirm that Wakeup is actually a modtard but unfortunately I cannot do that. Rules and all. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Exactly! That's the amazingly funny part about all of this. People who know I'm a mod cannot offer evidence to confirm that I'm a mod. People who don't know I'm a mod cannot offer evidence to confirm I'm not. There is only one person who can confirm to y'all that I'm a mod...and they're never going to do it, because conversations like this are exactly why I was made a moderator in the first place. Guess what people, you're stuck with taking my word for it, or not. Do y'all get it, finally?

I hate to end this thread short of the 10,000 views I was shooting for, but I think y'all are beginning to realize that the question, "is Wakeup a mod" is only worth discussing if the intent is to see how many times you can get me to jack off in a'll never get the evidence of the answer you're looking for, whether you believe the answer is "yes" or "no."

P.S.-I know it stings, 2dogs, learning the limits of your mod advice to you would be not to get this angsty over my moderator status...I've made better mods than you lose their mod status.

P.P.S.-I serve at the leisure of the person who appointed me...any day, and time, for any reason, they can choose to remove that status. Maybe y'all will get your wish...maybe y'all won't...either way, the world continues to spin, and zero fucks are given.
Wakeup's Avatar
However, if you'd like to conduct a fun experiment...change your custom user title to say "Super Moderator"...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm pretty sure Pistol Pete got banned. He hasn't been around to rack up my points of late. He had no common sense imo. Originally Posted by pxmcc
He might be back so be careful I'm a mod now too. Lol. I'm under certain restrictions as DH and WU says. Its all true. I choose not to flex those powers just yet
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
dearhunter's Avatar
SC is not a modtard.............see what I did there?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
SC is not a modtard.............see what I did there? Originally Posted by dearhunter
I am. I moderate myself
Thank you baby Tewbow for this banning now my inbox can be free of bullshit...
I'm pretty sure Pistol Pete got banned. He hasn't been around to rack up my points of late. He had no common sense imo. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Neither do you
Thank you baby Tewbow for this banning now my inbox can be free of bullshit... Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
One order of thin mints please
Guest123018-4's Avatar
hey, you guys better get back on topic.
It is all about Wakeup and don't forget it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am really surprised he did not tell you that himself.