If the forum for all posters or just a few?

Come on, now. We are all pretentious wannabes or we wouldn't be posting on a forum called Diamonds and Tuxedos, Catering to Lavish Lifestyles, etc. If any of us were that important we would be living our lavish lifestyles and not wasting beautiful days indoors on an internet escort forum.
I joined HDH because I was curious about the women and wanted to see if I could fit in to the Cool Kids Club. To my excitement, I could. It was also a nice community with interesting people and discussions. I joined Eccie (which has been sort of a disappointment lately, as there's more arguing and mudslinging and "this offends me/that offends me" than intelligent dialogue) because I had met a few people on ASPD whom I liked and wanted to continue interacting with. (Thanks PJ!)
I'd love to see all this nonsense about calling people out for how upscale/discreet/smart they are/aren't, because it's all been another incarnation of "what defines a HDH?," which is a conversation that's, among other things (like elitist), really dull. Can we move on? Even the people who (I'm assuming) came in here with an agenda to dismantle the elitist attitude they perceive here aren't really getting the job done; it's been lots of nasty elite cattiness and clique-iness from men and women and old and new members. Can we just stop? Because I sort of enjoyed the community we had going and I'd love to sign in here and not see so many mean and passive aggressive things being said. I want the forum to be welcoming to new people, but I'd love to see a little more respect all around. (And no, not "respect" in the sense of an disingenuous politeness, as discussed in a previous post. Respect as in a dictionary definition; grab a dictionary if needed.)
Feel free to tell me I'm part of the problem; I probably am, but I'm ready to move on if anyone wants to join me.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Oh it is more respectable around here. It just took some work.
Can we just stop? Because I sort of enjoyed the community we had going and I'd love to sign in here and not see so many mean and passive aggressive things being said.
I assume I'm one of those to which you are referring.

I agree there are certain groups of people who design their potshots for other groups on the board. It leads to some back-and-forth one upsmanship, which I'm sure you perceive as part of the problem. Your beloved PJ is not innocent in this respect, nor is he alone. There are a host of us who engage in this "dialogue."

I don't know if it's possible to achieve what you want. But I'm sure that if we do you'll find a warmer venue. We'll be sorry to see you go.
Oh Chuckie, I just pick on you because I like you. If you quit posting I wouldn't have a foil.

(Okay, I guess I could use WTF as a foil. But it wouldn't be the same.)
Come on, now. We are all pretentious wannabes or we wouldn't be posting on a forum called Diamonds and Tuxedos, Catering to Lavish Lifestyles, etc. If any of us were that important we would be living our lavish lifestyles and not wasting beautiful days indoors on an internet escort forum.

Can we just stop? Because I sort of enjoyed the community we had going and I'd love to sign in here and not see so many mean and passive aggressive things being said. I want the forum to be welcoming to new people, but I'd love to see a little more respect all around. (And no, not "respect" in the sense of an disingenuous politeness, as discussed in a previous post. Respect as in a dictionary definition; grab a dictionary if needed.)
. Originally Posted by Natalie
Dear Natalie.
I agree with you completely. Especially when it comes to respect. Have been missing that one here lately....
Naomi4u's Avatar
Come on, now. We are all pretentious wannabes or we wouldn't be posting on a forum called Diamonds and Tuxedos, Catering to Lavish Lifestyles, etc. If any of us were that important we would be living our lavish lifestyles and not wasting beautiful days indoors on an internet escort forum. Originally Posted by Natalie
You said a mouthful there. 100% Agree!
Dear Natalie.
I agree with you completely. Especially when it comes to respect. Have been missing that one here lately.... Originally Posted by ninasastri
If you want respect, take the damn chip off your shoulder and just assume that you have it. Nobody needs to take everything said here so fucking personal. (Hint: Its the Internet - we aren't real) Let things slide. If you ignore people that bother you, you take away their ability to do so.
If you want respect, take the damn chip off your shoulder and just assume that you have it. Nobody needs to take everything said here so fucking personal. (Hint: Its the Internet - we aren't real) Let things slide. If you ignore people that bother you, you take away their ability to do so. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I agree, thanks :-) .....slide .....slide......

My personal wish is that people would be more careful in the future on what they write and what kind of impression that might have on others.

That is at least important for me and - i think - can be expected in a D&T threads even if we just are all pretentious wannabees :-). It would be good to pretend at least that you have style then either ,......(lol)
Mazomaniac's Avatar
(Hint: Its the Internet - we aren't real) Originally Posted by pjorourke

If this were real life me and PJ would be getting our ass kicked six times day.

Everybody just gotta chill - including me.

If this were real life me and PJ would be getting our ass kicked six times day.
Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
And that would be a slow day.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I agree, thanks :-) .....slide .....slide......:fis h_h4h: Originally Posted by ninasastri
Nina is the provider of the day (In my book) Many blessing your way....
Nina is the provider of the day (In my book) Many blessing your way.... Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
That is sweet of you to say....But i am sure there are many others out there .....who deserve that medal of honor as well....male and female......
My personal wish is that people would be more careful in the future on what they write and what kind of impression that might have on others. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I wish I had a pony. We are both equally likely to get our wishes.
WTF, pjorouke, RK et al. Can I drop in sometime?
I wish I had a pony. We are both equally likely to get our wishes. Originally Posted by pjorourke
oh come on..... ...unfortunately i think you are right, but let`s hope for the best, shall we?