Reinventing your self an inquiry into ethics

I'm curious as to why a lady that didn't need to market herself would hang around a board like this.

Honey, my skin is as thick as a rhino. Nothing here bothers me.

I made that comment to make a point. Obviously, it went over some peoples head. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Same reason PLENTY of other people can be fun, entertaining, & there are at times debates....Either way, no one owes YOU or anyone else for that matter an explanation as to why we post...
Dayum! The economy must be in better shape than I've heard -- another lady who doesn't need the business. Good for you.
Same reason PLENTY of other people can be fun, entertaining, & there are at times debates....Either way, no one owes YOU or anyone else for that matter an explanation as to why we post... Originally Posted by Valerie
Now Valerie, it has been made abundantly clear that the only reason anyone posts on here is for shameless self promotion because we don't have enough appointments to keep us properly busy...or because we are price fixing pussy connoisseurs or something like that, fighting the good fight and what not, carry on. Oh yeah and there is definitely the entertainment factor.
Wow what what the topic of this tread again?
Wow what what the topic of this tread again? Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
ooooh, I'll take "what is the reason for posting on eccie for one thousand" Alex!
Dayum! The economy must be in better shape than I've heard -- another lady who doesn't need the business. Good for you. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Guess what I said in my previous post went over your little head....anyways...

The economy is great for myself, thank you ...I get 90% of my biz from TER, not Eccie...although I do get a lot of good laughs on here, stupid people can be quite amusing.

ANyways, off to bed now..

Now Valerie, it has been made abundantly clear that the only reason anyone posts on here is for shameless self promotion because we don't have enough appointments to keep us properly busy...or because we are price fixing pussy connoisseurs or something like that, fighting the good fight and what not, carry on. Oh yeah and there is definitely the entertainment factor. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
Naomi4u's Avatar
So this thread is still open. Wow.
I get 90% of my biz from TER, not Eccie... Originally Posted by Valerie
Well there ya go. They have a message board that fits your style.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yea, but then we would not have the luxury of seeing how annoyed you are by certain posters lol. Here's a little hint on how people disappear...IGNORE them, and they will go away.

If people know you are actually worried and upset about them posting, they will continue to do it just to spite you. Wanting a society or even a board to conform to what "you" want, is a bit barbaric wouldn't you say?

As M.A.X. suggested, PAY FOR your own private board here if it means that much to you. As long as the guidelines are followed, you won't really be able to do much about anyone posting here or anywhere else for that matter. If you are that upset about your friends not posting anymore, why not just call them lol.

Many of my friends have also gone away because of bs from "other" people. Would I like them to come back? Sure, but I can't exactly go crying to the mods to ban those that may have caused them to go to another board. It was still "their" choice to leave.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Just a suggestion since I enjoy giving this board and it's owners a "plug" every now and again just to increase their revenue..... I understand that forums are for sale on this board. If "the group" doesn't like that anyone can participate and interact, then maybe "the group" should purchase a private forum just as other "social" groups do. Best of luck!

Ya'll excuse me...I gotta go wash off the pretentiousness that's dripping all over this forum. eeeewwww Originally Posted by M A X
This post is so full of win .
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-23-2011, 07:11 AM

As I understand it, Reese's problem was that it affected her RL job. Her hobby life was not affected that much. She is starting over in the RW. That's why she's only working twice a year. At least that is my understanding.

Yeah, and this normally peaceful guy (me) thinks the dude should suffer for his conduct. Had it been a slip of the tongue, that would be one thing. But it wasn't. He still ribs her. He's probably trying to blackmail her into free sessions, too. Wouldn't put much past him (the pond scum--and that's using the nice words I know ). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It goes back to 2005 Christmas show when I didnt bring a dress to go hang out with the fool after working 14 hours that day please we did 5 shows. Why would I do that?
He never liked me sense then. BTW has had some karma thrown his way. Ha Ha.
I did NOT want to change my hobby handle at all but was force to and I had to start over, so it did damage to my personal life and hobby life.
So needless to say I loathe any one whom has ever black mailed or outed someone.
Yea, but then we would not have the luxury of seeing how annoyed you are by certain posters lol. Here's a little hint on how people disappear...IGNORE them, and they will go away. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Sometimes the path of least resistance is best. Its much quieter now.
London Rayne's Avatar
I too was outed by a local provider, hence the reason I am so cautious about working there now. I say "outed" but really she just looked up the name my cell was registered in, which happened to be the last owner of that number lol. Gotta love ignorance.

This info. was passed around the board as gospel, and what is even more nuts is that guys continued to see her as if she would never do the same to them. In time, her issues manifested and a mod was actually a victim who got the word out...took 2 years, but Karma does repay.

It's a character flaw...plain and simple. The money guys pay is like a contract that prevents me from outing them for stupid reasons...boyfriends are fair game though lol.
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