Jackie our girl Condalisa

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-16-2017, 02:47 AM
MT Pockets's Avatar
Multi-Handle BITCH, give it up... your sauce is weak

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I wasn't speaking about you. Fat Bastard is whom I was addressing. Let's all just wait to see how this is going to play out for Fatty. Originally Posted by R.M.
As we can see by her reply IFFY, She and I are not at odds. So there is no need for you to chime in.
I do have a question for you though. Are you envious? If so, of me or her? And how would you know what my sauce taste like?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
SLOBBRIN is not only a racist, xenophobic asshole, he's also likely the least intelligent member of this board. Do not expect much in the way of comprehension from him.
MT Pockets's Avatar

MT Cranial Cavity: Man you are really a fucking idiot.

Yup, pissed you off with my last series of replies, didn't I? Like I told you earlier, there's a purpose behind every word that I use when I debate with you guys. I don't just destroy your argument, I destroy your credibility, and say things to get you to react the way intend for you to react... Exposing more of your psychological profile. This is you trying to "regain control" in a debate you could sense you've lost control in.

MT Cranial Cavity: You must have nothing better to do than beat the keyboard to death.

Do you not read the comments that you're responding to? What part of this statement, that I've made on this thread, do you not understand?

"Don't assume that I'm doing this on a phone, or tablet, and don't assume that I'm typing these posts. Even if I were to type this, I'm a speed typist, a skillset that I learned and used before coming across Dragon Naturally Speaking speech to text software." -- herfacechair

If you knew anything about keyboarding, you'd know that rapid typing doesn't involve destroying the keyboard, even when a lot of noise is generated. However, I'm generating the vast majority of these replies using speech-to-text software. If you thoroughly read my replies on this thread, you wouldn't have assumed that I had plenty of time, or that I had nothing better to do, something you would've gathered by reading this statement that I made earlier in this thread:

"I WISH that I had too much time on my hands. I'd be well underway on completing my doctoral dissertation, and I wouldn't be retiring from the Army if I had "too much time" in my hands." -- herfacechair

Like the other liberals that I've debated against, over the past 13 years, you're so consumed by emotion, caused by your sense of loss of control, that you overlook the facts and automatically assume that because I'm destroying your argument this way, I must not "have anything better to do".

What I'm seeing with your replies is that you're so emotionally unhinged, upon seeing my destroying you, that your narcissism and emotion drive you to attempt to regain that control... Your screeds in response to me show me that you have anger and control issues.

MT Cranial Cavity: I am excited to meet a real life Megalomaniac though. (DEFLECTING YOUR OWN TRAITS)

Like other liberals, you deflect your traits onto the one that's destroying you in debate. I noticed that you've consistently ignored the questions that I've asked you, and you've consistently ignored the evidence that I presented. Together with my commentary, even you're seeing that you're getting destroyed, and that I'm refusing to back down in the face of your verbal tantrums... the ones that you're pulling in an attempt to regain control. The fact that you're still attempting to argue an argument that you've lost speaks volumes to your narcissism.

MT Cranial Cavity: Keep up the good fight brother.

Just like the liberals elsewhere, resort to referring to me as "brother" or "bro" when I've gotten you hard in the jugular. Definitely, I'll keep up the good fight, just as I've been keeping it up for the past 13 years of destroying liberals.

MT Cranial Cavity: The keyboard is the new frontier!

Actually, speech to text, along with voice to computer interaction, is the new frontier. Even if I use the keyboard, it's with keyboarding skills where I'm not even looking at the keyboard. But, I notice that your meltdown continues with this comment.

MT Cranial Cavity: Hey I noticed you responded to several post that were directed at other members while telling me you never get mixed up on who is who. Sounds like you forgot what handle you were signed on under.

False. Again, if you were to research my posting history, you'll know that I'll address people that weren't addressing me in the first place. Again, from what you quoted above:

"During the last decade,
I'd jump into a thread, dominated by liberals, and take them on as the sole conservative. I didn't have problems knowing who said what, I attributed the right statement to the right retard... Something that got easier as the debate rolled along and the opposition dwindled to one, then none." -- herfacechair

This was in response to you. Now, do you see where I have that quote bolded in red text? Let me know if you can't see it, perhaps one of your allies could point it out to you. But, if you pay attention to what it says, you'd notice the following:

1. I find a thread dominated by liberals

2. I jump onto said thread... This should clue you into the fact that I haven't previously posted on this thread mentioned in the statement.

What should this tell you? That I respond to people who originally weren't responding to me maybe? Look at my first reply to you. I said this:

"I was going to ignore all of your posts until you decided to grace me with your ignorance." -- herfacechair

Notice that I said POSTS in my first reply to you. If my reply to you was just my first post, what were the other posts that I was talking about? The posts where you addressed others maybe?

Are you that stupid that I have to point this out to you? Or, is this a situation that you can't read English generated so that 5th grader could understand what I'm saying?

MT Cranial Cavity: I also like your save on the Army - Marines / bullshit. If you're so fucking smart why did you not pick up on it to start with?

That's not a "save" as in trying to BS you. It's me telling you as it is regarding how the real military works. This is something you'd know if you actually served. What I said is fact. You have to know your audience, you can't assume that I'm going to be familiar with how the Air Force or Marines are going to name their units, how they're designated, etc. I'll be familiar with the Navy and the Army's, as I've been in both.

It's like expecting someone in the Air Force to be familiar with the Navy's rating designations, and expecting Sailors to know the Army's MOSs. Different terms, different methods, different branches. Asking me why I didn't pick up on it in the first place dismisses the fact that you didn't communicate something in a way that someone in my branch of the military would understand. Got it, "Brain"? The fact that you won't acknowledge the differences in the way the services do things, or admit to you being wrong in your approach, speaks volumes to your narcissism.

I'm sorry, "part of the 1/9" is not how we see things. Had you said, "First Battalion Ninth Marines", or "1st Battalion 9th Marines", my Army mind would've understood precisely what you were getting at. Heck, had you mentioned "1-9 Marines", I would've understood what you were getting at. Without that, someone outside of gary5912's old unit, definitely someone that wasn't in the Marines, isn't going to make the connection if you just throw a fraction out there, which is what you did. This isn't a "reader error" but an operator error on your part.

MT Cranial Cavity: Look I will give you a nod that you are a good bullshitter (NARCISSISM DISPLAYED HERE)

What you dismiss as my being a "good bullshitter" is your narcissistic ego protecting itself from a valid, logical, factual explanation destroying your arguments, and destroying what you assumed was the case. In the face of the facts and logic that I used to destroy your arguments... And expose you as the liberal windbag that doesn't know WTF he's talking about... your fragile ego sets up stress shields and identify these facts as "BS". Your narcissism is doing a good job preventing you from admitting that not only are you wrong, you're also getting destroyed in a way that even your intellect is recognizing but your arrogance is refusing to accept.

MT Cranial Cavity: but you are no mastermind.

Your reaction here indicates that you're doing exactly as I expect you to do... Given the choice of words, and sentences, that I use in my replies. Again, there's a purpose behind how I put my replies together. Not only do I destroy your arguments with a fact based, reasoned, logical argument, I capitalize on your psychological makeup to say things that'll get you increasingly unhinged. You've reacted just the way I expected you to react. This is part of the joy I get in destroying arguments like yours.

MT Cranial Cavity: So keep on entertaining your minions.

I take sadistic pleasure in destroying your arguments, and seeing your reactions to what I do. This is part of the reason to why I've been doing this for a long time... the fun is addictive. If my allies, who happen to be your betters, are entertained by this, that's gravy. I've done more than what I set out to accomplished if that's the case.

MT Cranial Cavity: And until you have something constructive to say, bye Felicia!

Apparently, I've whopped you so bad that I've stirred up memories of a previous severe arse whopping that you received in the hands of someone called "Felicia". But, I doubt that you meant this. I predict that you're going to see my reply, get even more unhinged, react to losing control, then move to try to regain that control by posting more of your meltdowns here. Which one of us is going to be right about what you'll do?

MT Cranial Cavity: And you are the fluffer for a face sitter.

Take it away MT Cranial Cavity:

"Man you are really a fucking idiot." -- MT Cranial Cavity

Why? Let's take my username apart like this:

Her... Face... Chair

Do you see it now? Her what? Face chair maybe? If my face is a "chair" for a "her", wouldn't that make me the one who gets his face sat on, and the woman being a face sitter? Heck, just look at my signature:

"As long as I have a face, beautiful women have a place to sit." -- herfacechair

Why, after these pieces of information, would I be the face sitter? Because you can't read something that a 5th grader would be able to understand? Or, I got you so good that you're seething with emotion?

MT Cranial Cavity: At least HFS has a little game

Yes, you're almost right about the "game". I take sadistic pleasure in destroying your arguments and watching you melt down as a result of this. It's even sweeter when you react the way I get you to react based on the words that I use in response to you.

MT Cranial Cavity: or likes to type a lot. LOL!

You've been here since June last year, and, in less than a year, have 500 posts. I've been here since August 2010, and you already have well more than half the posts that I have. Who likes to type again? Also, keep in mind, I'm using speech-to-text software. If you knew how to read, or had the capability to understand something that a 5th grader could understand, you'd know that.

MT Cranial Cavity: I admit that is mighty chivalrous of old facesitter to stand up for you.

Says the guy that jumped on here to WK for a stolen valor phony retired sergeant major. Keep in mind what I'm focusing on... Destroying your arguments as well as that of those on your side of the argument.

Now, compare and contrast these two words:

1. facesitter.

2. herfacechair

If these look, and mean, the same to you, you need to go back to the education system that pushed you to graduation and sue them for your money back.

Better yet, write our usernames on a piece of paper, and tape that paper to your bathroom mirror. Then, clench your fist and put it on top of your head, knuckles facing up. Widen your eyes, and say this:

"Dhem Sthrong!"

Then, while keeping your fist on your head, knuckles facing up,
nod your head in agreement and then say this:

"Dhem Schmart!"
Originally Posted by herfacechair
More Fodder from the Coo coo nest. Are you a moron or a child? Your lame response to comments I make are like what a spoiled teenager would say when they are arguing with a parent. As for the -,/ thing I was correct and you were wrong so WTF? The rest of your ramblings cannot be answered by an actual human. Maybe a Dodo bird.

On second thought. Do you have Aspergers? That would explain why you talk like you do.

I think the funniest reply is you thinking Felicia is anyone other than you. Shows how current you are. By the way if you can call my pockets a cranial cavity why can I not call you by another name? If you knew who Felicia was you would know you are not important enough for me to remember your name. Maybe that's why I mixed you up with Gary. Actually he seems like a normal guy for the most part. I regret connecting him to you. There is something really wrong in your head.
herfacechair's Avatar

MT Cranial Cavity: And until you have something constructive to say, bye Felicia!

Apparently, I've whopped you so bad that I've stirred up memories of a previous severe arse whopping that you received in the hands of someone called "Felicia". But, I doubt that you meant this. I predict that you're going to see my reply, get even more unhinged, react to losing control, then move to try to regain that control by posting more of your meltdowns here. Which one of us is going to be right about what you'll do? Originally Posted by herfacechair
So MT Brain Bucket? What's your answer to the underlined question? If you can't even get straight what you are going to do, what makes you think that you can know what you're talking about with regards to anything else that you spew all over the place here and elsewhere? Your statement was conditional. Unless I had anything constructive to say, it was "bye". Since you replied, your statement suggests that my reply was indeed constructive. However, your response to this one indicates that you don't think that this is constructive, it indicates that even when it comes to projecting what it is you're going to do, I get it right and you get it wrong. Now are you starting to understand what I mean when I state that I get a good psychological profile of you people down, and be able to say things that will get you guys to react a certain way? I got it right about what you will do where you got it wrong, let that sink in.

MT Cranial Cavity: More Fodder from the Coo coo nest.

Take it away MT Brain Bucket:

"And until you have something constructive to say, bye Felicia! -- MT Cranial Cavity

1. Since you replied to me, again, after making the above statement, is your statement, that this is "fodder from the coo coo nest", wrong on the account that you would not have replied unless I had something constructive to say? YES [ ] NO [ ]

2. If you answered "NO" to question 1, then were you wrong, and I was right, regarding what you'd do if my reply "wasn't constructive"? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Copy and paste these two questions, their options, your reply. Put an "X" in the box that represents your reply. Spare me any additional BS that you would want to add regarding the questions and options.

Considering that you type your posts as if that toy monkey, that occasionally shows up in your MT Cranial Cavity to bang its cymbals, decided to take you over instead, causing you to post as if a retarded ghost possesses you, you don't have a leg to stand on accusing others of "providing fodder from a cuckoo nest."

MT Cranial Cavity: Are you a moron or a child? Your lame response to comments I make are like what a spoiled teenager would say when they are arguing with a parent. (DEFLECTING YOUR TRAITS)

First, how about you try to be original? One sign that I see, among those that get destroyed in debate, is their move to copycat the one that is doing the hammering. What I said earlier in this thread:

"You dismiss any logical, factual, and reasoned argument destroying your diatribes, assumptions, opinions, or what you would call your "arguments" as "bullshit", the way juveniles dismissed their parents' lecturing them as "bullshit". Any argument that forces you to see that you'd know WTF you're talking about is something that you consider as "bullshit"." - herfacechair

Therein lies the reason to why you dismiss my arguments as "fodder from a cuckoo nest". You are doing nothing but deflecting your own traits onto me, just like liberals typically do when conservatives destroy them in debate. Instead of accepting the fact that you have been destroyed in debate, and that you have been defeated, your narcissism drives you to keep arguing so that you get a false sense of victory, and a false sense of regaining control.

Second, I've helped raise preteens, teenagers. Your responses to me, and to other conservatives, are consistent to what I've seen in these preteens/teenagers in the face of a line of reasoning that they refused to accept. The difference between you, and these preteens/teenagers who are now adults? Unlike you, they've grown out of that, now accepting the line of reasoning that is based on fact and logic where you continue to behave like a preteen/juvenile. Your responses here are immature and juvenile in reaction to a superior line of reasoning.

Third, the reason to why you deflected your traits onto me, and asked me if I were either a "moron" or "child", is because I keep hammering you and refuse to let your BS stand. You want me to stop replying to you, don't you? That ain't happening. There is no endgame to these debates as far as I am concerned. Get used to me consistently replying to you and destroying your arguments...[/color] Ad infinitum.

MT Cranial Cavity: As for the -,/ thing I was correct and you were wrong so WTF? (A HIGHER FORM OF NARCISSISM.)

Baghdad Bob? Is that you?

This indicates the high degree of narcissism that radiates from you. What I explained to you, regarding the "/" versus "-" is fact as you were colossally wrong to just throw a fraction at me and expect me to figure out what it is you're trying to talk about. Again, we use a "--" when it comes to lower unit to higher unit numbers representation. What I explained to you, in my previous post, was the proper way to address the numbers in a unit name, where applicable, if you wanted me to understand what you're getting at. Simply stating "1/9" is meaningless.

Gary jumped on here and properly identified that unit the way it should be named, which was different from what you were trying to say. The fact that you would respond, to these facts, by insisting that the one that provided you with these facts is "wrong" speaks volumes to the fact that you're narcissistic. You're too arrogant to admit when you are wrong, even insisting that the person that is correct is "wrong" while at same time insisting that your erroneous information was "right".

Like a moron, or an errant juvenile rejecting his/her parents' wisdom, you plow on as if you're the "teenager that has all the answers".

MT Cranial Cavity: The rest of your ramblings cannot be answered by an actual human.

Correction, even your consciousness tells you that any further attempt to dismiss the facts destroying your arguments without your embracing proven falsehoods would cause you to be uncomfortable. As arrogant as you are, your narcissism wants you to keep driving on with regards to advancing an argument, that even you know is wrong, against an argument that deep down inside, you realize is right. So, feeling uncomfortable with doing what your narcissism wants you to do, you simply dismiss the rest of what I say.

All of this is driven by your desire to regain control in a situation you feel you've lost control. You're doing everything I'd expect someone, too arrogant to admit that he's wrong, and that he has been defeated, to do in this argument.
Your arguing against a fact based, logical, reasoned argument with one that has been disproven is equivalent to you breathing in your own exhaust.

MT Cranial Cavity: Maybe a Dodo bird.

Even when humans proved themselves to be a threat to their populations, the Dodo bird didn't adjust to human presence... Continuing business as usual so to speak. You, after getting destroyed on this thread by my side of the argument, plow on with "business as usual" a-la dodo bird. If anybody deserves the dodo bird label, it's you.

MT Cranial Cavity: On second thought.

This is proof that you're driven by emotion powered by the fact that you see yourself as having lost control, as evidence by your seeing yourself as having lost the debate and having gotten destroyed. Your emotion is causing you to react without thinking, causing you to inject your additional thoughts. Do keep reacting the way I'm causing you to react.

MT Cranial Cavity: Do you have Aspergers? That would explain why you talk like you do.

first, what I said earlier in this thread:

"Before, and after, I went to Iraq, I had interviews with therapists and psychiatrists. These folks were "certified" in their professions, and found me to be normal. Who should we believe? An idiot behind the keyboard that has never met me, who doesn't know WTF he's talking about, or a certified professional that has met me?" -- herfacechair

Like the typical liberal, you respond, to consistently getting destroyed in debate, by accusing me of having one type of psychological issue or another. This is usually motivated by your frustration, of my constantly destroying your BS, and of my not backing down, further driven by your need for control... Something you see as "being lost" on the account of your inability to "control" me with your responses... Mainly, your attempts to "re-establish control" by getting me to stop destroying your arguments.

When your tricks fail to work, you accuse me of having psychological issues, as this makes it easy on your ego to explain away the fact that I keep on you and keep on destroying your arguments. It's easier for you to do this, as it allows you to dismiss the fact that you're getting destroyed, and it allows you to hold onto what you're increasingly seeing as a week/indefensible argument.

MT Cranial Cavity: I think the funniest reply is you thinking Felicia is anyone other than you. Shows how current you are.

This is more of your narcissism creating impressive "force fields" to defend your MT Cranial Cavity from all attacks of reason. What you're too slow, and retarded, to realize is that I took a weak insult, intended for me, and strengthened it before hammering you with it. Your narcissism tells you that "I didn't realize that you were talking about me", when in fact I knew that you were talking about me, but decided to hit you back with a stronger form of insult than what you threw at me.

Your failure to realize this, and your reacting accordingly, makes me think that you got picked on a lot in school.

MT Cranial Cavity: By the way if you can call my pockets a cranial cavity

I could see why you'd call your MT Cranial Cavity "pockets", considering that when that toy monkey shows up in your empty noggin to bang its cymbals, you try to toss coins up at it to prevent it from trying to take you over... an effort that fails as it takes your coins and attempts to control you anyway.

MT Cranial Cavity: why can I not call you by another name? If you knew who Felicia was you would know you are not important enough for me to remember your name.

Nobody told you that you couldn't call me, or somebody else, by another name. The cold hard reality is that you missed the point behind why I changed your name here, and I'm not the only one that has changed your name. You also missed the point behind my taking the insult that you sent my way, making it stronger, and whacking you with it. Had you interacted with other people, when you were growing up, to include those in your age group, you would've learned how to do that. It wouldn't surprise me if you were consistently picked on when you were growing up. Your actions here indicate that you are easily spun like a top.

MT Cranial Cavity: Maybe that's why I mixed you up with Gary.

No, you mixed me up with Gary because you are reacting with emotion. You got emotional when you saw both of us destroying you in argument, and, with emotions raging, you reacted without thinking, and without knowing what you are talking about. All you are concerned about was taking a course of action that would give you a sense of "regaining control". You have control and anger issues.

MT Cranial Cavity: Actually he seems like a normal guy for the most part.

From your perspective, he would be a "normal guy" simply for the fact that although he destroys you in debate, he is not doing it to the intensity that I am doing it here. What this boils down to is your perception of our "controllability", how well you could "control" what we would do. In this case, your means of "control" is your "response" to our posts. I destroy your posts in a way that you are not used to, in a way that forces you to see how wrong you are, and in a way that's equivalent to my rubbing your face into your argument in a way that's forcing you to see how much of a cluster fuck your line of reasoning is.

MT Cranial Cavity: I regret connecting him to you.

No, you don't regret mistaking us as being the other, the only thing that you regret is being called out for it and being reminded that you don't know what you're talking about. You regret the fact that you got called out for reacting emotionally, and for your not using your MT Cranial Cavity for something other than a temporary hanging for a toy monkey banging its cymbals together.

MT Cranial Cavity: There is something really wrong in your head.

No, there is nothing wrong in my head. The only reason that you're saying that is that I refused to let up on destroying your arguments. You would rather have me let your BS stand, unchallenged. You expect me to simply "disappear" or do something else other than coming back here and taking you apart. This statement, that you make, is driven by the fact that you are frustrated that you couldn't control what I do, which is causing you to consistently feel like you've lost control, which puts you in a position of attempting to regain control and not succeeding at it.

MT Cranial Cavity: As we can see by her reply IFFY, She and I are not at odds.

You missed the point that he made. He understood what you said, and wasn't attacking you based on you guys not being at odds. You also missed R.M.'s comment saying that she was addressing Private Jubba the Gut instead of you. She was simply addressing your arrogant assumption that everything is about you.

MT Cranial Cavity: So there is no need for you to chime in.

Your narcissism is at it again. It's OK for you to chime in, attacking me in a thread I had not addressed you in, but it's not OK for someone to jump in and attack you? He had every right to call you out, and expose you for the shallow, narcissistic personality that you come across as.

MT Cranial Cavity: I do have a question for you though. Are you envious? If so, of me or her?

No, he's not jealous of you, not by a longshot. Don't mistake his calling you out for what we see in you as him being envious of you. That's like being envious of the neighborhood dog for being allowed to take a shit outside in the neighborhood. Why would anybody be envious of you? Heck, I wouldn't, especially with the faulty line of reasoning that you've demonstrated on this board.

MT Cranial Cavity: And how would you know what my sauce taste like?

He was describing your clusterfuck of a commentary as being "weak". Your responses here are weak, but funny given that you make it obvious that you have a thin skin, excessive narcissism, easily emotional, easily spun up like a top, etc.
herfacechair's Avatar
Originally Posted by R.M.
"Guydik", in the video, is a parody of a real live phony special forces veteran who only had less than two months in the Army, a washout from Basic Combat Training/One Station Unit Training. He has a video on Youtube involving how to effectively fight with just a shovel.

What happened in his situation? He claimed decades of special forces experience, to include joint involvement with the Russian Spetznaz. He wrote a book about his experiences, which was on a "to read" list within some organizations. That is, until, he got exposed as a phony.

When his business started to fail, because the organizations realized that his book was as phony as he was, he started to fight back. He exposed the real identity of members of the special forces organization he was privy to, that called him out as a phony. His antics included taking them and others to court. He ended up winning the "Stolen Valor Award" contest conducted at one of the military blogs.

He's known, among us, as "The turd with a face."

And Private Luke Wyatt, without using a search engine, what's REDCON1, and when would you say it?

Give me an example of when you used it.
herfacechair's Avatar
Private Wyatt, your talking about your promotion process, and when you came in, exposed you as a phony. Based on what you said, there's no way you could've served in the NCO ranks. In fact, what I said before still stands. If you served, you made it as far as Specialist, after taking forever to get there, then you left as a Specialist... or possibly as a PV1.

But, as you could read below, I explain why your joining, and promotion, explanations demonstrate the fact that you're a phony retired Sergeant Major, that you're not a Sergeant Major, and that you don't know basic information that you would've known had you made it to Sergeant Major.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: You realize you are on a whore board ? A fucking whore board ?

This hasn't stopped you from doing on this message board the very things that you are complaining he is doing. You insist, up and down, that you are the "real deal", and that you have seen action, been involved in war. On a whore board. But, when somebody calls you out, all of a sudden you have to remind them that this is a whore board. It's only when you get hammered, right?

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: I don't think you have served

I could tell, simply by reading his posts here, that he has military background. Not just him, but other posters here, who are destroying you and your phony military veteran claims. We know that you did not serve in the capacity that you would like for us to believe. At best, you had a short stint. At worse, you didn't serve.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: and first do you know my rank when I was injured ? You really don't think I was injured as SM do you dipshit?

What he actually said:

"BTW.. took me all of 18 seconds to get a list of every Sergeant Major wounded or being awarded a purple heart while or prior to the rank of Sergeant Major since Sergeant Major Richard W. Corwine, 7th U.S. Cavalry, at Pine Ridge, 1890. Care to guess how long it took to get a list of every living active or inactive Sgt Major in Texas? Less than 3 min. You ain't on the list, Pigboy." - Av8R

Nobody thinks that you were injured as a "Sergeant Major" because you never were one. Nobody here also believes your claim of being injured in combat, or of even being in a combat theater. I could tell, by the tone of your posts, that you are in a state of panic, and that you are frustrated over the fact that you are losing control as well as losing this argument.

You want people to believe your phony military persona, and you are in a state of panic and stress that people will not believe your claims.

Now, continue reading to see my explanations, in response to your phony veteran BS, why you didn't serve in the military in the capacity that you claim, and why I don't believe that you served in the NCO ranks:

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: I entered the army as E1 many, many years ago -probably longer than you been alive

A real veteran would not given a response like this, in this capacity, when talking about when they entered. OK, so you don't want to mention the actual year that you entered. I entered the military when the Soviet Union still existed, at the tail end of the Cold War, when the longest serving members of my chain of command and NCO support channel were Vietnam Era Veterans, including Vietnam War Veterans. They hadn't reached their 20-year mark, or had just reached it and wanted to continue serving.

You see how easy it was for me to mention when I entered without giving away the exact year that I entered? This is a far cry from "many years ago". That doesn't tell us anything, and it indicates that you're pulling crap out of your arse so that you could fake the experience.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: and over time worked my way up to specialist (E-4).

Had you served, you would know that rank promotion, up to specialist, is "automatic" provided certain conditions were met. You didn't have to "work your way up", just have the basic time in grade, time in service, and other administrative requirements completed, and have the recommendation of the chain of command. Also, the fact that you would use "over time", instead of providing a range of years that you spent going from PV1 to SP4/SPC speaks volumes to the fact that you're just making things up and not speaking from an actual military experience... Or, you're probably hiding something related to an actual military service.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: I spent enough time and months I easily qualified for E-5(Sergeant).

Yet more proof that you did not serve in the capacity that you claim, or that you didn't serve at all. You don't "qualify for Sergeant". You meet time in grade, time in service, and other requirements like the requisite NCOES, to meet the requirements to end up in one of the promotion zones. Then, this is when you qualify for consideration for promotion to the next higher rank. Your statement here claims that you only spent months before easily "qualifying" for Sergeant. This implies that you got promoted below the zone.

Given your attitude here, and your statements of "working up to specialist over time" suggests that if you served, you took the scenic route up to E4. Together with your conduct on these threads, I would say that if you did serve, the highest rank you reached was SP4/SPC. You seem unknowledgeable about the process involved with NCO promotions.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: If you are in the army you would know once you hit E-4 you have to start collecting points just to make E-5 depending on your MOS.

If you were/are an NCO, in the Army, you would not have put it that way.

No, you don't wait until you promote to Specialist to accumulate points. You don't collect points. Also, this doesn't depend on MOS, you have to accumulate points in ALL MOSs. Perhaps you meant that there was different promotion point cut offs for different MOSs. For someone that claims to be a SGM, you sure as hell can't easily communicate this beyond "collecting points depending on MOS".

This is more evidence that you didn't serve, or that you did not serve in the capacity you would like us to believe. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if what you say here is applicable to the Texas State Guard, as your explanations are inconsistent with how we do things in the regular or reserve army.

We start encouraging our privates to start accumulating their promotion points as soon as possible. We set them up to complete the necessary requirements to go to Basic Leader Course, the current PLDC. We encourage them to start accumulating Army education points, as well as encourage them and help them score well with BRM and APFT. Bottom line, preparation to become an NCO begins well before promotion to Specialist. You'd know this had you been in the NCO ranks.

Instead, you sound like you have experience in a state defense force, but not in a federal reserve force, or federal militia.

I could tell that you looked this information up on the internet, because I don't see actual Army experience behind your posts.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: Over the many years my work was assessed by several top ranking NCOS and over time went from staff sergeant to Sergeant first class to master Sergeant and eventually Sergeant Major.

Again, you're full of baloney, that's not how it works.

No, higher ranking NCOs, well above the NCO above you in the NCO support channel, would not be the primary people that would assess your potential for promotion up to the next pay grade. They wouldn't look at your work, but the work of those under you who are impacted by your leadership, in addition to your work.

The NCO, immediately above you in the NCO support channel, will be the one that assesses your potential/readiness for the next higher rank. This would've included professional development counseling sessions, verbal and written, as well as hands-on training, and other events designed to improve your leadership and skill set for your current and inspired rank.

Once the NCO, immediately above you in the NCO support channel, determine that you are ready for the next higher NCO rank, they would recommend you for promotion, encourage you to put in a promotion packet, and start preparing you for the NCO promotion board. This would be the "higher ranking NCOs" that would assess you. They would do this at the board, based on your appearance, performance, and packet. This would be a "one time event" for each promotion consideration, that would be them deliberating, ranking, and recommending you for inclusion on the promotion list.

When you're up for E7 and above, it becomes a centralized process where they board your record. Even then, you have to be recommended by the NCO and OICs in your rating chain, and show sustained superior performance.

You, as someone that allegedly was a Sergeant Major, would've spoken as if you knew this process. The absence of the knowledge of this process proves that you were not an NCO, or a senior NCO, as you'd like to make us believe. Given your attitude on this thread, I doubt that you were considered for promotion into the NCO ranks. Your comments denigrating the diseased relatives of a poster or two, your wishing ill on someone else simply because you disagreed with him, and your insulting R.M.'s mothering without knowing who she truly is as a mother, aren't things that someone, who was a SGM, would do.

Had you been a SGM, you wouldn't be on a warpath to get those, who call you out for your BS, removed from the board, or "sent on a vacation". Instead, you'd try to work with them and put your own selfish interests aside for the common good... Like coming clean as to what your actual experiences are.

You wouldn't have made it up the NCO ranks without giving a fuck about others. In fact, since your performance would've been based on the performance of those under you, you would've had the incentive to give a shit about those under you, as well as those that you had to work for, and with, and actually have done it from the heart.

That's absent from your posts, and actions, which indicates that a key skillset, needed to be an effective NCO, is absent from you... Something that wouldn't be the case had you been an NCO. You act more like an errant Private than you do an NCO.

How about some specifics? What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major?

I noticed that when I started to interact with you, you had "retired CSM" in your profile, something that you changed to "retired SGM". That happened after I reached out to you the first time.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: Last I checked from your incorrect wiki link there's over 3000 of us - so unless you know all 3000 SM's

Whether that number is correct or not doesn't change the fact that you're not one of those Sergeants Major.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: you can kiss my ass

Actually, we'd rather kick your ass on these forums, and destroy your phony veteran claims.
Private Wyatt, your talking about your promotion process, and when you came in, exposed you as a phony. Based on what you said, there's no way you could've served in the NCO ranks. In fact, what I said before still stands. If you served, you made it as far as Specialist, after taking forever to get there, then you left as a Specialist... or possibly as a PV1.

But, as you could read below, I explain why your joining, and promotion, explanations demonstrate the fact that you're a phony retired Sergeant Major, that you're not a Sergeant Major, and that you don't know basic information that you would've known had you made it to Sergeant Major.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: You realize you are on a whore board ? A fucking whore board ?

This hasn't stopped you from doing on this message board the very things that you are complaining he is doing. You insist, up and down, that you are the "real deal", and that you have seen action, been involved in war. On a whore board. But, when somebody calls you out, all of a sudden you have to remind them that this is a whore board. It's only when you get hammered, right?

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: I don't think you have served

I could tell, simply by reading his posts here, that he has military background. Not just him, but other posters here, who are destroying you and your phony military veteran claims. We know that you did not serve in the capacity that you would like for us to believe. At best, you had a short stint. At worse, you didn't serve.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: and first do you know my rank when I was injured ? You really don't think I was injured as SM do you dipshit?

What he actually said:

"BTW.. took me all of 18 seconds to get a list of every Sergeant Major wounded or being awarded a purple heart while or prior to the rank of Sergeant Major since Sergeant Major Richard W. Corwine, 7th U.S. Cavalry, at Pine Ridge, 1890. Care to guess how long it took to get a list of every living active or inactive Sgt Major in Texas? Less than 3 min. You ain't on the list, Pigboy." - Av8R

Nobody thinks that you were injured as a "Sergeant Major" because you never were one. Nobody here also believes your claim of being injured in combat, or of even being in a combat theater. I could tell, by the tone of your posts, that you are in a state of panic, and that you are frustrated over the fact that you are losing control as well as losing this argument.

You want people to believe your phony military persona, and you are in a state of panic and stress that people will not believe your claims.

Now, continue reading to see my explanations, in response to your phony veteran BS, why you didn't serve in the military in the capacity that you claim, and why I don't believe that you served in the NCO ranks:

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: I entered the army as E1 many, many years ago -probably longer than you been alive

A real veteran would not given a response like this, in this capacity, when talking about when they entered. OK, so you don't want to mention the actual year that you entered. I entered the military when the Soviet Union still existed, at the tail end of the Cold War, when the longest serving members of my chain of command and NCO support channel were Vietnam Era Veterans, including Vietnam War Veterans. They hadn't reached their 20-year mark, or had just reached it and wanted to continue serving.

You see how easy it was for me to mention when I entered without giving away the exact year that I entered? This is a far cry from "many years ago". That doesn't tell us anything, and it indicates that you're pulling crap out of your arse so that you could fake the experience.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: and over time worked my way up to specialist (E-4).

Had you served, you would know that rank promotion, up to specialist, is "automatic" provided certain conditions were met. You didn't have to "work your way up", just have the basic time in grade, time in service, and other administrative requirements completed, and have the recommendation of the chain of command. Also, the fact that you would use "over time", instead of providing a range of years that you spent going from PV1 to SP4/SPC speaks volumes to the fact that you're just making things up and not speaking from an actual military experience... Or, you're probably hiding something related to an actual military service.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: I spent enough time and months I easily qualified for E-5(Sergeant).

Yet more proof that you did not serve in the capacity that you claim, or that you didn't serve at all. You don't "qualify for Sergeant". You meet time in grade, time in service, and other requirements like the requisite NCOES, to meet the requirements to end up in one of the promotion zones. Then, this is when you qualify for consideration for promotion to the next higher rank. Your statement here claims that you only spent months before easily "qualifying" for Sergeant. This implies that you got promoted below the zone.

Given your attitude here, and your statements of "working up to specialist over time" suggests that if you served, you took the scenic route up to E4. Together with your conduct on these threads, I would say that if you did serve, the highest rank you reached was SP4/SPC. You seem unknowledgeable about the process involved with NCO promotions.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: If you are in the army you would know once you hit E-4 you have to start collecting points just to make E-5 depending on your MOS.

If you were/are an NCO, in the Army, you would not have put it that way.

No, you don't wait until you promote to Specialist to accumulate points. You don't collect points. Also, this doesn't depend on MOS, you have to accumulate points in ALL MOSs. Perhaps you meant that there was different promotion point cut offs for different MOSs. For someone that claims to be a SGM, you sure as hell can't easily communicate this beyond "collecting points depending on MOS".

This is more evidence that you didn't serve, or that you did not serve in the capacity you would like us to believe. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if what you say here is applicable to the Texas State Guard, as your explanations are inconsistent with how we do things in the regular or reserve army.

We start encouraging our privates to start accumulating their promotion points as soon as possible. We set them up to complete the necessary requirements to go to Basic Leader Course, the current PLDC. We encourage them to start accumulating Army education points, as well as encourage them and help them score well with BRM and APFT. Bottom line, preparation to become an NCO begins well before promotion to Specialist. You'd know this had you been in the NCO ranks.

Instead, you sound like you have experience in a state defense force, but not in a federal reserve force, or federal militia.

I could tell that you looked this information up on the internet, because I don't see actual Army experience behind your posts.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: Over the many years my work was assessed by several top ranking NCOS and over time went from staff sergeant to Sergeant first class to master Sergeant and eventually Sergeant Major.

Again, you're full of baloney, that's not how it works.

No, higher ranking NCOs, well above the NCO above you in the NCO support channel, would not be the primary people that would assess your potential for promotion up to the next pay grade. They wouldn't look at your work, but the work of those under you who are impacted by your leadership, in addition to your work.

The NCO, immediately above you in the NCO support channel, will be the one that assesses your potential/readiness for the next higher rank. This would've included professional development counseling sessions, verbal and written, as well as hands-on training, and other events designed to improve your leadership and skill set for your current and inspired rank.

Once the NCO, immediately above you in the NCO support channel, determine that you are ready for the next higher NCO rank, they would recommend you for promotion, encourage you to put in a promotion packet, and start preparing you for the NCO promotion board. This would be the "higher ranking NCOs" that would assess you. They would do this at the board, based on your appearance, performance, and packet. This would be a "one time event" for each promotion consideration, that would be them deliberating, ranking, and recommending you for inclusion on the promotion list.

When you're up for E7 and above, it becomes a centralized process where they board your record. Even then, you have to be recommended by the NCO and OICs in your rating chain, and show sustained superior performance.

You, as someone that allegedly was a Sergeant Major, would've spoken as if you knew this process. The absence of the knowledge of this process proves that you were not an NCO, or a senior NCO, as you'd like to make us believe. Given your attitude on this thread, I doubt that you were considered for promotion into the NCO ranks. Your comments denigrating the diseased relatives of a poster or two, your wishing ill on someone else simply because you disagreed with him, and your insulting R.M.'s mothering without knowing who she truly is as a mother, aren't things that someone, who was a SGM, would do.

Had you been a SGM, you wouldn't be on a warpath to get those, who call you out for your BS, removed from the board, or "sent on a vacation". Instead, you'd try to work with them and put your own selfish interests aside for the common good... Like coming clean as to what your actual experiences are.

You wouldn't have made it up the NCO ranks without giving a fuck about others. In fact, since your performance would've been based on the performance of those under you, you would've had the incentive to give a shit about those under you, as well as those that you had to work for, and with, and actually have done it from the heart.

That's absent from your posts, and actions, which indicates that a key skillset, needed to be an effective NCO, is absent from you... Something that wouldn't be the case had you been an NCO. You act more like an errant Private than you do an NCO.

How about some specifics? What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major?

I noticed that when I started to interact with you, you had "retired CSM" in your profile, something that you changed to "retired SGM". That happened after I reached out to you the first time.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: Last I checked from your incorrect wiki link there's over 3000 of us - so unless you know all 3000 SM's

Whether that number is correct or not doesn't change the fact that you're not one of those Sergeants Major.

Private Major Luke_Wyatt: you can kiss my ass

Actually, we'd rather kick your ass on these forums, and destroy your phony veteran claims. Originally Posted by herfacechair
I will keep this real simple- would you like to join Av8R on a free one way cruise?
MT Pockets's Avatar
So MT Brain Bucket? What's your answer to the underlined question? If you can't even get straight what you are going to do, what makes you think that you can know what you're talking about with regards to anything else that you spew all over the place here and elsewhere? Your statement was conditional. Unless I had anything constructive to say, it was "bye". Since you replied, your statement suggests that my reply was indeed constructive. However, your response to this one indicates that you don't think that this is constructive, it indicates that even when it comes to projecting what it is you're going to do, I get it right and you get it wrong. Now are you starting to understand what I mean when I state that I get a good psychological profile of you people down, and be able to say things that will get you guys to react a certain way? I got it right about what you will do where you got it wrong, let that sink in.

MT Cranial Cavity: More Fodder from the Coo coo nest.

Take it away MT Brain Bucket:

"And until you have something constructive to say, bye Felicia! -- MT Cranial Cavity

1. Since you replied to me, again, after making the above statement, is your statement, that this is "fodder from the coo coo nest", wrong on the account that you would not have replied unless I had something constructive to say? YES [ ] NO [ ]

2. If you answered "NO" to question 1, then were you wrong, and I was right, regarding what you'd do if my reply "wasn't constructive"? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Copy and paste these two questions, their options, your reply. Put an "X" in the box that represents your reply. Spare me any additional BS that you would want to add regarding the questions and options.

Considering that you type your posts as if that toy monkey, that occasionally shows up in your MT Cranial Cavity to bang its cymbals, decided to take you over instead, causing you to post as if a retarded ghost possesses you, you don't have a leg to stand on accusing others of "providing fodder from a cuckoo nest."

MT Cranial Cavity: Are you a moron or a child? Your lame response to comments I make are like what a spoiled teenager would say when they are arguing with a parent. (DEFLECTING YOUR TRAITS)

First, how about you try to be original? One sign that I see, among those that get destroyed in debate, is their move to copycat the one that is doing the hammering. What I said earlier in this thread:

"You dismiss any logical, factual, and reasoned argument destroying your diatribes, assumptions, opinions, or what you would call your "arguments" as "bullshit", the way juveniles dismissed their parents' lecturing them as "bullshit". Any argument that forces you to see that you'd know WTF you're talking about is something that you consider as "bullshit"." - herfacechair

Therein lies the reason to why you dismiss my arguments as "fodder from a cuckoo nest". You are doing nothing but deflecting your own traits onto me, just like liberals typically do when conservatives destroy them in debate. Instead of accepting the fact that you have been destroyed in debate, and that you have been defeated, your narcissism drives you to keep arguing so that you get a false sense of victory, and a false sense of regaining control.

Second, I've helped raise preteens, teenagers. Your responses to me, and to other conservatives, are consistent to what I've seen in these preteens/teenagers in the face of a line of reasoning that they refused to accept. The difference between you, and these preteens/teenagers who are now adults? Unlike you, they've grown out of that, now accepting the line of reasoning that is based on fact and logic where you continue to behave like a preteen/juvenile. Your responses here are immature and juvenile in reaction to a superior line of reasoning.

Third, the reason to why you deflected your traits onto me, and asked me if I were either a "moron" or "child", is because I keep hammering you and refuse to let your BS stand. You want me to stop replying to you, don't you? That ain't happening. There is no endgame to these debates as far as I am concerned. Get used to me consistently replying to you and destroying your arguments...[/color] Ad infinitum.

MT Cranial Cavity: As for the -,/ thing I was correct and you were wrong so WTF? (A HIGHER FORM OF NARCISSISM.)

Baghdad Bob? Is that you?

This indicates the high degree of narcissism that radiates from you. What I explained to you, regarding the "/" versus "-" is fact as you were colossally wrong to just throw a fraction at me and expect me to figure out what it is you're trying to talk about. Again, we use a "--" when it comes to lower unit to higher unit numbers representation. What I explained to you, in my previous post, was the proper way to address the numbers in a unit name, where applicable, if you wanted me to understand what you're getting at. Simply stating "1/9" is meaningless.

Gary jumped on here and properly identified that unit the way it should be named, which was different from what you were trying to say. The fact that you would respond, to these facts, by insisting that the one that provided you with these facts is "wrong" speaks volumes to the fact that you're narcissistic. You're too arrogant to admit when you are wrong, even insisting that the person that is correct is "wrong" while at same time insisting that your erroneous information was "right".

Like a moron, or an errant juvenile rejecting his/her parents' wisdom, you plow on as if you're the "teenager that has all the answers".

MT Cranial Cavity: The rest of your ramblings cannot be answered by an actual human.

Correction, even your consciousness tells you that any further attempt to dismiss the facts destroying your arguments without your embracing proven falsehoods would cause you to be uncomfortable. As arrogant as you are, your narcissism wants you to keep driving on with regards to advancing an argument, that even you know is wrong, against an argument that deep down inside, you realize is right. So, feeling uncomfortable with doing what your narcissism wants you to do, you simply dismiss the rest of what I say.

All of this is driven by your desire to regain control in a situation you feel you've lost control. You're doing everything I'd expect someone, too arrogant to admit that he's wrong, and that he has been defeated, to do in this argument.
Your arguing against a fact based, logical, reasoned argument with one that has been disproven is equivalent to you breathing in your own exhaust.

MT Cranial Cavity: Maybe a Dodo bird.

Even when humans proved themselves to be a threat to their populations, the Dodo bird didn't adjust to human presence... Continuing business as usual so to speak. You, after getting destroyed on this thread by my side of the argument, plow on with "business as usual" a-la dodo bird. If anybody deserves the dodo bird label, it's you.

MT Cranial Cavity: On second thought.

This is proof that you're driven by emotion powered by the fact that you see yourself as having lost control, as evidence by your seeing yourself as having lost the debate and having gotten destroyed. Your emotion is causing you to react without thinking, causing you to inject your additional thoughts. Do keep reacting the way I'm causing you to react.

MT Cranial Cavity: Do you have Aspergers? That would explain why you talk like you do.

first, what I said earlier in this thread:

"Before, and after, I went to Iraq, I had interviews with therapists and psychiatrists. These folks were "certified" in their professions, and found me to be normal. Who should we believe? An idiot behind the keyboard that has never met me, who doesn't know WTF he's talking about, or a certified professional that has met me?" -- herfacechair

Like the typical liberal, you respond, to consistently getting destroyed in debate, by accusing me of having one type of psychological issue or another. This is usually motivated by your frustration, of my constantly destroying your BS, and of my not backing down, further driven by your need for control... Something you see as "being lost" on the account of your inability to "control" me with your responses... Mainly, your attempts to "re-establish control" by getting me to stop destroying your arguments.

When your tricks fail to work, you accuse me of having psychological issues, as this makes it easy on your ego to explain away the fact that I keep on you and keep on destroying your arguments. It's easier for you to do this, as it allows you to dismiss the fact that you're getting destroyed, and it allows you to hold onto what you're increasingly seeing as a week/indefensible argument.

MT Cranial Cavity: I think the funniest reply is you thinking Felicia is anyone other than you. Shows how current you are.

This is more of your narcissism creating impressive "force fields" to defend your MT Cranial Cavity from all attacks of reason. What you're too slow, and retarded, to realize is that I took a weak insult, intended for me, and strengthened it before hammering you with it. Your narcissism tells you that "I didn't realize that you were talking about me", when in fact I knew that you were talking about me, but decided to hit you back with a stronger form of insult than what you threw at me.

Your failure to realize this, and your reacting accordingly, makes me think that you got picked on a lot in school.

MT Cranial Cavity: By the way if you can call my pockets a cranial cavity

I could see why you'd call your MT Cranial Cavity "pockets", considering that when that toy monkey shows up in your empty noggin to bang its cymbals, you try to toss coins up at it to prevent it from trying to take you over... an effort that fails as it takes your coins and attempts to control you anyway.

MT Cranial Cavity: why can I not call you by another name? If you knew who Felicia was you would know you are not important enough for me to remember your name.

Nobody told you that you couldn't call me, or somebody else, by another name. The cold hard reality is that you missed the point behind why I changed your name here, and I'm not the only one that has changed your name. You also missed the point behind my taking the insult that you sent my way, making it stronger, and whacking you with it. Had you interacted with other people, when you were growing up, to include those in your age group, you would've learned how to do that. It wouldn't surprise me if you were consistently picked on when you were growing up. Your actions here indicate that you are easily spun like a top.

MT Cranial Cavity: Maybe that's why I mixed you up with Gary.

No, you mixed me up with Gary because you are reacting with emotion. You got emotional when you saw both of us destroying you in argument, and, with emotions raging, you reacted without thinking, and without knowing what you are talking about. All you are concerned about was taking a course of action that would give you a sense of "regaining control". You have control and anger issues.

MT Cranial Cavity: Actually he seems like a normal guy for the most part.

From your perspective, he would be a "normal guy" simply for the fact that although he destroys you in debate, he is not doing it to the intensity that I am doing it here. What this boils down to is your perception of our "controllability", how well you could "control" what we would do. In this case, your means of "control" is your "response" to our posts. I destroy your posts in a way that you are not used to, in a way that forces you to see how wrong you are, and in a way that's equivalent to my rubbing your face into your argument in a way that's forcing you to see how much of a cluster fuck your line of reasoning is.

MT Cranial Cavity: I regret connecting him to you.

No, you don't regret mistaking us as being the other, the only thing that you regret is being called out for it and being reminded that you don't know what you're talking about. You regret the fact that you got called out for reacting emotionally, and for your not using your MT Cranial Cavity for something other than a temporary hanging for a toy monkey banging its cymbals together.

MT Cranial Cavity: There is something really wrong in your head.

No, there is nothing wrong in my head. The only reason that you're saying that is that I refused to let up on destroying your arguments. You would rather have me let your BS stand, unchallenged. You expect me to simply "disappear" or do something else other than coming back here and taking you apart. This statement, that you make, is driven by the fact that you are frustrated that you couldn't control what I do, which is causing you to consistently feel like you've lost control, which puts you in a position of attempting to regain control and not succeeding at it.

MT Cranial Cavity: As we can see by her reply IFFY, She and I are not at odds.

You missed the point that he made. He understood what you said, and wasn't attacking you based on you guys not being at odds. You also missed R.M.'s comment saying that she was addressing Private Jubba the Gut instead of you. She was simply addressing your arrogant assumption that everything is about you.

MT Cranial Cavity: So there is no need for you to chime in.

Your narcissism is at it again. It's OK for you to chime in, attacking me in a thread I had not addressed you in, but it's not OK for someone to jump in and attack you? He had every right to call you out, and expose you for the shallow, narcissistic personality that you come across as.

MT Cranial Cavity: I do have a question for you though. Are you envious? If so, of me or her?

No, he's not jealous of you, not by a longshot. Don't mistake his calling you out for what we see in you as him being envious of you. That's like being envious of the neighborhood dog for being allowed to take a shit outside in the neighborhood. Why would anybody be envious of you? Heck, I wouldn't, especially with the faulty line of reasoning that you've demonstrated on this board.

MT Cranial Cavity: And how would you know what my sauce taste like?

He was describing your clusterfuck of a commentary as being "weak". Your responses here are weak, but funny given that you make it obvious that you have a thin skin, excessive narcissism, easily emotional, easily spun up like a top, etc. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Okay I skimmed through your latest Novel. First of all if anyone is losing their shit it would be you. You come back with a mile long rant to every fucking sentence that I type pretty much. And most of what you type is ramblings. Most of what you say is not even reality based.
You still do not know who Felicia is. And I did not know you changed your name. Did you change your gender also?
And you say I am frustrated that I can not control you? Really? I mash the buttons on my keyboard a few dozen times and you spend all day typing a response like your life depends on it.
I am also wondering if you are using a speech to text program because of your rambling Syntax. Are you paralyzed ?
If so then I can see how acting like a bad ass on the net would be good therapy for you.
I asked you about Asperger's. You do know that was a compliment don't you. You write like someone that has it but actually you do not seen that smart.
Look I am only slightly above average from a IQ sense. But I know quite a few really smart people. Not only do I have several friends that are gifted I own a business that has me interact with folks daily that are brilliant. You sir are not.
If you had an exceptional intellect you would not post such long winded fables about every little portion of a post on a Escort board.
As soon as you start talking about someone shitting in another ones mouth you are just internet trash like the rest of us.

So watch this, I demand you respond to this post with another bestiary filled with your astonishing wit. Hurry! I am hanging by a thread waiting to be filled with your wisdom.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I will keep this real simple- would you like to join Av8R on a free one way cruise? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I think they know each other, if you know what I mean.
I will keep this real simple- would you like to join Av8R on a free one way cruise? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
MT Pockets's Avatar
FUCK YOU FAT BASTURD Originally Posted by gary5912
Wow! You sure took that personal. Mind explaining? Never mind.
Still fluffing and WKing for seArgent shitburner, huh MT ? Do YOU get to pick his dingleberries on the weekends or just on the days when assup is " under the weather " ?
Wow! You sure took that personal. Mind explaining? Never mind. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
HFC is right! you are a weak minded person! carry on
SLOBBRIN is not only a racist, xenophobic asshole, he's also likely the least intelligent member of this board. Do not expect much in the way of comprehension from him. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And he's not fond of YOU fudge-packers either ! Good man, that IFFY !