If the mission was to discriminate against a certain segment of society under the guide of saving money , then yes the mission was accomplished.$3.4 billion -- not Odumbo's bullshit lies -- is the more realistic projection of how much it will cost to preform these surgeries over the next ten years ... and that doesn't include the cost for hormone therapy, work days lost for recovery or cost to cover unforeseen complications resulting from surgery, etc. Odumbo's numbers are lies just like he lied about how much Odumbocare would cost.
If anywhere I said billion over ten years, it was a typo.
They are projected to spend way more on ed pills than they would have Transgendered.
I have said the military should pay for neither.
I have said it is nothing more than outright discrimination to restrict able bodied and mind Americans from entering the military.
Trump did that woth his order.
You notice how he also lies about it...caught the brass off guard after tweeting he consulted with them.
You will jang your head in shame for ever getting in bed with this draft dodging male Kardashian. Originally Posted by WTF
(Washington Free Beacon)