America is great because I can call him the Orange Clown in Chief (for now, at least.) Btw, I'm a registered independent, and will remain so. You don't have to be a rocket scientist or a Democrat to see that he's the Divider in Chief, the Russian in Chief, the Racist in Chief, and the Grifter in Chief. I liked Reagan, but this gent is best described as the Orange Clown in Chief. Sure, he's the president, although whether that election was legit is in serious doubt. Mueller is working on that one at the moment, and we'll know the answer soon enough.
Originally Posted by pxmcc
Spoken like someone in deep denial. They've been working hard on this crap for around a year and haven't found jack shit yet. Unfortunately this government has come to a halt, democrats are doing everything in their power to shut the country down, along with the mccains in the GOP. They would rather make this country look bad, than reach somewhere in the middle. For example all of this ACA repeal, we all know the rates are going way up and it needs a lot more work. So who pays? The American public, who are watching their ACA premiums and deductibles go way up with no end in site. So by repealing or replacing it....oh my goodness, we hate obama and are looking to get rid of his legacy....which is the viewpoint of the liberal democratic side. It's about his ego and that of his buddies, however when the GOP is looking for a better plan, it's fuck Trump, we'll die before we repeal the almighty obamas legacy. OK, so put all those fuckers in Washington on the same ACA and see how quickly it gets repealed or replaced.
About mccain, yes Trump was an asshole to say what he said about him, however through his own fault mccain is coming off as fuck Trump, fuck America. His legacy went from war hero, to a bitter angry old man who put his feelings ahead of the American people.
All this racist, russian, grifter is nothing but negative rhetoric from a bunch of butt hurt liberals. Fuck them and the obama train they rode in on. The election results are still up in the air as to who benefited from the supposed cheating/hacking.
Also for every bit of negative Trump rhetoric, I can come up with the same or more negative rhetoric against hillary and hussein obama.