TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

Dev Null's Avatar
Tell 'em, Leni ... er, I mean Ellen.
Precious_b's Avatar
Tell 'em, Leni ... er, I mean Ellen. Originally Posted by Dev Null
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Millions of people love him. Trumped. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
ANd millions more do not.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...he nearly came to cleaning trumps clock... Originally Posted by Precious_b
But, uhmmm, he didn't. Welp, guess we can put that one ye olde history books as having not actually happened.
Dev Null's Avatar
I think both NPR and PBS had an interview with someone that went to military school with him. From the his description, he was a little guy. But trump pissed him off and he nearly came to cleaning trumps clock. I so wish that guy had did it. I can imagine a little pip knocking off that bad haircut. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Oh to be a fly on the wall in that military school. I can see it now on his "permanent record" - does not play well with others.
Precious_b's Avatar
But, uhmmm, he didn't. Welp, guess we can put that one ye olde history books as having not actually happened. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
*pb shakes head*
I was so rooting for you to get the Alt-Write title, Grammar Flunky.
Precious_b's Avatar
Oh to be a fly on the wall in that military school. I can see it now on his "permanent record" - does not play well with others. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Hidden with all the other stuff under threats.
But I don't think school records are a matter for public display.
I think the First Stripe kept the incident from proceeding any further. My money would have been on Randy Newman contender.
Millions of people love him.
Millions, as in the millions that showed up for he biggest inaugural ever, even topping the sermon on the mount
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Millions of people love him.
Millions, as in the millions that showed up for he biggest inaugural ever, even topping the sermon on the mount Originally Posted by stikiwikit

Now you are just lying. Proves you are a Trump fan.
"Now you are just lying. Proves you are a Trump fan"

Why yes, I am a fan of seeing him hanging from a tree limb for treason1

(Actually, I was responding to a statement by SATEllen about how millions like The Big Asshole but forgot to put it in quotes.)
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...But I don't think school records are a matter for public display.... Originally Posted by Precious_b
History often repeats itself. We learned that during the Presidential election season of 2007-2008, when the candidate's and their spouses school records turned to dust mysteriously.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Why yes, I am a fan of seeing him hanging from a tree limb for treason1... Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Not sure I got time just now, but I am curious to see the articles of the treason you refer to above. Where they contained within the impeachment articles? Maybe they were contained in the Mueller report? Buried in the Ukrain phone call perhaps? Hidden in a mayonnaise jar on your back porch?
Dev Null's Avatar
Not sure I got time just now, but I am curious to see the articles of the treason you refer to above. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
He is using a rhetorical device called "hyperbole", much beloved by our current president.

It's not the first time Trump has suggested someone investigating him has committed treason.

Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

There were some American citizens who adhered to the Nazis and spied within the United States and were convicted of treason. But, for example, the Rosenbergs, who stole the atomic bomb secrets and gave them to the Russians, were not tried with treason. They were tried for espionage because there was no enemy with whom we were at war at the time.
Precious_b's Avatar
History often repeats itself. We learned that during the Presidential election season of 2007-2008, when the candidate's and their spouses school records turned to dust mysteriously. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No idea what you're talking about. Only record I heard to where I had tinnitus was about a birth certificate.
sportfisherman's Avatar
How you like this Fake Pres ( No Majority ) Chump ;
When the economy is "good" as judged by the stock market ; that's his economy. He owns it. It's due to him.
When it goes down ; It's the democrats and somehow tied in with the coronavirus and the dems response to it.