OH2 Down?

TemptationTammie's Avatar
I’ve been made aware of the Puffin web browser and have been able to get onto OH2 through that browser!
trapperkeeper2000's Avatar
When I try PIA vpn I get "your IP is blocked" from pretty much every country I choose.

Tried in multiple browsers and get the message about max login attempts reached, even if it's the first time I've tried in a long time.

Is there a decent OH2 replacement out there?
I cannot believe it's still down. Tryst annoys me, no reviews, and not enough activity, and List Crawler is wellllll... LIST CRAWLER!
Yeah. Today is especially slow even with VPN I use. It’s a hit or miss on some days works fine with VPN other days is just slow crawl that I just end up giving up out of lack of patience.
anandaman's Avatar
I've found these steps work every time for logging in:

- Turn on your VPN to a domestic city (without it on, I get the "wait 15 minutes to try again notice". If the VPN is set to an Int'l city, you'll get the "banned IP address" notice)
- If you don't have a VPN, get one (NordVPN, VyprVPN, etc).
- If you enter your username/password and get the "incorrect password, you have 4 more tries notice", simply enter your username/password again and you'll get in.
- Others have told me they get the "bad certificate" notice. If you get that, just ignore it and click to go the site.

Once you're in the site is working 100% of normal. I don't understand the "slow" comments above. The site's not slow, but perhaps your VPN or internet connection are slowing things down...

I've found these steps work every time for logging in:

- Turn on your VPN to a domestic city (without it on, I get the "wait 15 minutes to try again notice". If the VPN is set to an Int'l city, you'll get the "banned IP address" notice)
- If you don't have a VPN, get one (NordVPN, VyprVPN, etc).
- If you enter your username/password and get the "incorrect password, you have 4 more tries notice", simply enter your username/password again and you'll get in.
- Others have told me they get the "bad certificate" notice. If you get that, just ignore it and click to go the site.

Once you're in the site is working 100% of normal. I don't understand the "slow" comments above. The site's not slow, but perhaps your VPN or internet connection are slowing things down...

A'Man Originally Posted by anandaman
As a software developer... if a website requires you to use a VPN to access it... that site needs some work internally.
This is actually my 1st post here, but after months i downloaded puffin and was able to get to oh2. I had even emailed back and forth with ck and nothing was working for me untill today. Hope this helps
Is puffin paid browser?
I emailed ck for help as well. Here is what worked for me, persistence. Lol. But once you’re in, don’t log out.

I got in on safari at like 1am after 3 tries. Maybe there is less site traffic at that hour or something.

I didn’t have to download another browser nor set up a vpn.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Is puffin paid browser? Originally Posted by austinatious
To the best of my knowledge it’s a free browser.
I’ve been using it only for OH2, and haven’t paid anything.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm not willing to jump through flaming hoops in order to use a website. Common sense would dictate that perhaps ownership should actually fix the issues-- even if that means a full pulldown and rebuild.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Puffin was my solution as well. No issues logging on in the past 2 weeks. I did get the paid version just to avoid the ads. One time $3.99.
casa-nova's Avatar
Lately, after some trial and error VPN extensions on Chrome browser have worked for me. Browsec VPN etc.
I have that, and it doesn't work anymore.
anandaman's Avatar
I have that, and it doesn't work anymore. Originally Posted by Subclubkid81
Try logging in twice. You get a wrong password notice on the first try. Go down to the login box at the bottom of the page to login on the second try. It's been working every time with me...

Be sure to have the VPN turned on...
