Facebook and The Hobby

Still Looking's Avatar
FB NO GO! Bad voodoo!
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
I have an adult board persona name, that I use in just ALL hobbying activities. I have a FB account and other accounts that use my personal info. I wouldn't even think about crossing those two at any time. No bueno!
Cpalmson's Avatar
Isn't there a "rip off" site or sites like Fuck-book? Some places advertise as being the Facebook of sex. I don't know about opening a Facebook page for the hobby. It almost makes too much sense that it doesn't make sense-- if you know what I mean. As a main conduit for advertising and all, probably not a good idea. I think they try to keep the site PG-13.
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 06-16-2011, 05:55 PM
None of the friends I have on my hobby FB account cross the PG-13 line. If there is a questionable post on my wall, I delete it. The biggest problem I have is with my non-hobby FB account. Some of the fucktards I grew up with don't have a clue about discretion. My hobby friend are very discrete and can keep a secret.
I wouldn't criss cross this with FB for nothing.. A lot of girls do blogs you might try that. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Thanks lady, good idea. I actually got the idea of fb from the blog on my website...I think it would be smarter to stick with that

Thanks everyone for your comments!
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
I have Facebook, twitter, and myspace...with myspace being the strongest with over 10,000+ friends. I tour the US and it is way for me to communicate and blog to the general public. I have privacy setting set so that if your not 18 or older, then you can see anything.

It's sort of hard for me to believe that I'm the only one with that opinion, but in two years time I have amassed a rather big following. On my website, I have hits from between 45 and 75 countries each month...and the traffic is amazing. So if some of you are looking for the type of client who tend to get to know you and want to spend numerous hours and days with you. This will upgrade your image. If you plan on simply working locally, then it might just be a waste of time...

here is my myspace page:


here is my facebook page: (I think this is more for individuals than businesses, but it does work and my clients to follow me here to)


then of course there is twitter, which allows you to up date guys in seconds, and you can do it easily from your phone...


So...I half expect to hear that I'm crazy, but, as with any business, you have none unless the client finds you.....
Still Looking's Avatar
I have Facebook, twitter, and myspace...with myspace being the strongest with over 10,000+ friends. I tour the US and it is way for me to communicate and blog to the general public. I have privacy setting set so that if your not 18 or older, then you can see anything.

It's sort of hard for me to believe that I'm the only one with that opinion, but in two years time I have amassed a rather big following. On my website, I have hits from between 45 and 75 countries each month...and the traffic is amazing. So if some of you are looking for the type of client who tend to get to know you and want to spend numerous hours and days with you. This will upgrade your image. If you plan on simply working locally, then it might just be a waste of time...

here is my myspace page:


here is my facebook page: (I think this is more for individuals than businesses, but it does work and my clients to follow me here to)


then of course there is twitter, which allows you to up date guys in seconds, and you can do it easily from your phone...


So...I half expect to hear that I'm crazy, but, as with any business, you have none unless the client finds you..... Originally Posted by KristenDiAngelo
I would say this gives new meaning to the word Exposure!
shorty's Avatar
None of my civie friends know about my hobbying and I prefer to keep it that way.
To me Facebook is a waste of time just my 2 $
i say no to facebook. its not very discrete
topsgt38801's Avatar
I totally stay away from facebook. Too much junk on it.

I set up a Facebook page for my hobby persona, but it scared me a little. It started contacting people on its own and suggesting that they "friend" me. Fortunately, some of those people know me from both the "real world" and the hobby world, and they were able to warn me.

FB may be too "intelligent" for hobby use and I will probably deactivate the page. However, keeping it up could be fun! Open to suggestions here...
Hi Nat, I met you through Krista of New Orleans.

Anyway, You have to be really good computer skills to keep the two separate but it is possible. Make sure you have 2 separate emails, make sure you properly configure your privacy settings, ignore the friend recommendations and there are a couple other things that come up you need to be aware of.

I think Facebook would be a good marketing tool. That's kinda the algorythm behind the concept. I have two accounts. My hobby account has gotten me some non-pro P4P action that has been a lot of fun.