Trump is at less than 50% of GOP voters if they have another choice.

winn dixie's Avatar
I truly believe that Former President Trump is now too old to be President.

He needs to become the elder Statesman.of conservative America.

Ron DeSantis and Tulsi Gabbard,(who needs to switch parties), would make a winning ticket. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Tulsi is awesome. And I agree to a point. Her 2nd amendment stance is not good.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Lol. Right. You’re another of “them”. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I'm old enough to remember people referring to you as "them" and they weren't talking about your gender. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have learned nothing. You should just stop but you won't because you are one of "them"
I truly believe that Former President Trump is now too old to be President.

He needs to become the elder Statesman.of conservative America.

Ron DeSantis and Tulsi Gabbard,(who needs to switch parties), would make a winning ticket. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I would go with that. I think Trump served his useful purpose. We need a new candidate that will serve the country and shut these stupid vindictive asshole Democrats up once and for all.
It would be nice if they would talk about the issues and not the person. Most of Trumps policies are supported by a large group of people. Many like that Trump would fight instead of rolling over all the time for the issues. The problem is that Trump often picked a fight or skirmish when it wasn't really needed or in his best interest.
It would be nice if they would talk about the issues and not the person. Most of Trumps policies are supported by a large group of people. Many like that Trump would fight instead of rolling over all the time for the issues. The problem is that Trump often picked a fight or skirmish when it wasn't really needed or in his best interest. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Very astute sir, I liked the results of his policies. Anyone that doesn’t like prosperity for all.
HedonistForever's Avatar
It would be nice if they would talk about the issues and not the person. Most of Trumps policies are supported by a large group of people. Many like that Trump would fight instead of rolling over all the time for the issues. The problem is that Trump often picked a fight or skirmish when it wasn't really needed or in his best interest. Originally Posted by farmstud60

I agree which is why Republicans ( I can't vote in Republican primaries ) should nominate someone who will follow what has come to be known as Trump policies when they should be correctly called Conservative policies.

I'll state for the record that I do not think Trump is fit to be President but then again, I don't think Biden or Harris are fit either. So if I'm given a chose between two unfit candidates, I'll vote for the unfit person that will implement the policies I believe in.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I would go with that. I think Trump served his useful purpose. We need a new candidate that will serve the country and shut these stupid vindictive asshole Democrats up once and for all. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Imma say nope. Trump's useful purpose is obvious and sorely needed. Just look on these here fora. Even just the mention of Trump drives them into a rage. Hell! You don't even have to mention or even allude to Trump and they fly off into a TDS induced coma. The Demonicrats have spent the last 6 years attacking Trump unsuccessfully.

No, I say we need Trump 2.0 for exactly that reason -- it will cause the TDS crowd's heads to explode. Trump 2.0 will be like country music was to the aliens in Mars Attacks. Gourds will be popping all over the joint and it will be glorious. Then we can get into the business of rebuilding our country.

Elections have consequences.
Let's make those consequences monumentally consequential
Imma say nope. Trump's useful purpose is obvious and sorely needed. Just look on these here fora. Even just the mention of Trump drives them into a rage. Hell! You don't even have to mention or even allude to Trump and they fly off into a TDS induced coma. The Demonicrats have spent the last 6 years attacking Trump unsuccessfully.

No, I say we need Trump 2.0 for exactly that reason -- it will cause the TDS crowd's heads to explode. Trump 2.0 will be like country music was to the aliens in Mars Attacks. Gourds will be popping all over the joint and it will be glorious. Then we can get into the business of rebuilding our country.

Elections have consequences.
Let's make those consequences monumentally consequential
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I understand what you are saying. I agree somewhat, but during Trump's four years Democrats contributed nothing positive to this country. It was all about getting Trump at all costs and they are still at it. Trump is just too much of a trigger for these idiots.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I understand what you are saying. I agree somewhat, but during Trump's four years Democrats contributed nothing positive to this country. It was all about getting Trump at all costs and they are still at it. Trump is just too much of a trigger for these idiots. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Exact-a-mundo! Gives this person a Cupie doll. Consider that by 2024 the Demonicrats will have been in the minority for almost 2 years in Congress. This is regardles of whether Trump goes the Speaker of the House route or not. Though, just those 2 years alone could purge, aka neuter the Demonicrats for a decade.

Maybe he goes half a loaf for those two years as speaker and we also get to discover if the Republican party as a whole can git 'er dun or not. Seems a fair chance they might not be able to without a strong hand (leg) on the throttle. If not, then he hops on the tank and we roll over the RINOs and get jiggy wid it.

As you may have surmised - I don't give one single, solitary wit about their widdle feewins. Not interested in playing fair or nice. This is America - Futt Buck 'em!

... TRUMP is STILL the odds-on FAVOURITE to Win in 2024.

They can't shake His support...

Hmmmm... Now you mates surely know more about old America
than me - but were people clamouring for Bush's father
to run again after he lost to Clinton?? ... When Carter lost
to Reagan - did the Dems want him to try again?? How 'bout
Gerald Ford??

Trump STILL has His support... Not-onley do people EXPECT
Trump to be the Republican choice - they expect Him to WIN.
Against whomever the Democrat choice is.

Now THAT is sayin' something! ...
Exact-a-mundo! Gives this person a Cupie doll. Consider that by 2024 the Demonicrats will have been in the minority for almost 2 years in Congress. This is regardles of whether Trump goes the Speaker of the House route or not. Though, just those 2 years alone could purge, aka neuter the Demonicrats for a decade.

Maybe he goes half a loaf for those two years as speaker and we also get to discover if the Republican party as a whole can git 'er dun or not. Seems a fair chance they might not be able to without a strong hand (leg) on the throttle. If not, then he hops on the tank and we roll over the RINOs and get jiggy wid it.

As you may have surmised - I don't give one single, solitary wit about their widdle feewins. Not interested in playing fair or nice. This is America - Futt Buck 'em!

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Well if Trump runs again and wins, the House and the Senate has to have an overwhelming majority of Republicans not just a slight margin. Otherwise I am afraid it will just be a repeat performance of Trump's first term. The Democratic Party needs to be completely annihilated, it's time and way over due.
Polls show that Biden would kick the fucking moron fat orange ass to the curb again

Dah...america is not that stupid. A 3rd time record loss

Biden or trumpy will not run again though

Dah...send more money to the fucking moron fucking morons or pay to attend his rally. Lol broke blood sucking loser
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump's useful purpose is obvious and widely known.

Elections have con men riding tanks with pants full o' shit
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Polls show that Biden would kick the fucking moron fat orange ass to the curb again

Dah...america is not that stupid. A 3rd time record loss

Biden or trumpy will not run again though

Dah...send more money to the fucking moron fucking morons or pay to attend his rally. Lol broke blood sucking loser
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yeah right. Polls also show Biden's approval rating is below 30%, Biden can't get out of his own way. That idiot isn't kicking anybody's ass.
Putin and Saudi need more favors from their appointed one in 2016

Dah...and jared needs 2 more billion 2

Polls agree that trumpy is a fucking moron that will never be close to an elected position again