Fox News $787.5 Million Settlement

Cody69's Avatar
I don't how to tell you guys this but when they count the votes by district some districts have more votes for one party than the other. In other words, Allegheny country is an democrat country and Washington is a Republican county.

This is hilarious. You guys kill me. Definitely some Wednesday night humor for sure. You guys kill me. You two need to start selling Pillows.LOL

Now I see what type of people votes for the Orange Crook. I understand.
... Now 'old on there for half-a-mo, Cody.

Did I just see you put the badmouth on BIDEN??!

PRESIDENT Joe Biden - the same fellow that YOU voted for??

... Please say it ain't so!

All the Fox/Dominion and voting issues aside for a moment -
WHY are you surely dismissing Joe Biden like that??
Is it his age - or the piss-poor job he's done?

Oh, and it surely would seem that the Dominion settlement
hasn't hurt Fox-News much-any... They were back at it tonight,
with the Highest-Rated news shows in prime time!

#### Salty
Cody69's Avatar
Biden should not be the President. Trump should be in Jail. Lets face it. Biden was the best of two pieces of Shit. If we had to vote today between the two I would vote for the Old Senile Biden again. Trump is another Putin and I can't see how you guys can't see that.

And before you guys write about inflation wake up. It is world wide. China, Canada, Thailand, the Netherlands, Germany, England, that is the people I have personally talked to and they all said the same, same in those countries.

Stock market up and down, what happened when Baby Bush was in there? It always goes up and down. Covid has fucked this whole world up. We are lucky it is now what it is. Hopefully before I die it goes up some. I have lost but not to bad.

What everyone should worry about is how both parties let all our products have gone out of this country. China could close us down in a week by not sending anything over here. Look what happened to the cars three years ago. Over a chip.
.... Hmmmm... At least you attempted to answer me question, mate.

Prolly thinking that if you ever get-past yer Trump derangements
- you'd surely be a fair-minded fellow!

#### Salty
Would have been interesting to see that special master process play out. Originally Posted by HDGristle
... A very wise and apt comment from you, sir.

I'd have liked to see that also.

... I surely do have me-own suspicions as-to
why we didn't. ... Lemme know if you'd care
to share yours.

#### Salty
Cody69's Avatar
.... Hmmmm... At least you attempted to answer me question, mate.

Prolly thinking that if you ever get-past yer Trump derangements
- you'd surely be a fair-minded fellow!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I will get past Trump when he stays with his rich white friends and maybe up the ante and maybe take that mean looking old lady of his to bed and get out of politics. He is no good for this country. A kid can't even go to the wrong house and ring a door bell with out getting shot in the head twice. Think about it
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What exactly does that kid have to do with Trump?
berryberry's Avatar
Biden should not be the President. Trump should be in Jail. Lets face it. Biden was the best of two pieces of Shit. If we had to vote today between the two I would vote for the Old Senile Biden again. Trump is another Putin and I can't see how you guys can't see that.
Originally Posted by Cody69
What exact policies of Trump's were bad for the country?
Be specific please
Cody69's Avatar
What exact policies of Trump's were bad for the country?
Be specific please Originally Posted by berryberry
Well to start with the virus was fake and it closed the country down because it took him to long to start to do something and we are still paying the price now. The news is fake, now everything is in question.

He did continue the up swing that Obama got started with our economy. That was one plus. Only reason gas prices were down was because of Covid and 10% unemployment. Use to make it to Pittsburgh during rush hour in 20 minutes that normal took 1 hour because no one was working.

The constant battle between the parties that he had a lot to do with. I don't see an end now. The constant Bull Shit. Dump Shit. If he would have stayed out of sight and let people do there jobs and shut the fuck up he would have still been president.

When he lost the election he is the one totally behind the votes coming in in the middle of the night bull shit. Fuck this country big time with that BS. And the dumb fucks still want to believe even after Fox admitted guilt. What he has done, the country has been fucked ever since. You have followers that believe what one person says. To ever think of voting for him again you have to be nuts. That is why we have what we have.

I don't see anyone one in the horizon to run. He had nothing to do with that. No one decent wants the job.
berryberry's Avatar
Well to start with the virus was fake and it closed the country down because it took him to long to start to do something and we are still paying the price now. The news is fake, now everything is in question.

He did continue the up swing that Obama got started with our economy. That was one plus. Only reason gas prices were down was because of Covid and 10% unemployment. Use to make it to Pittsburgh during rush hour in 20 minutes that normal took 1 hour because no one was working.

The constant battle between the parties that he had a lot to do with. I don't see an end now. The constant Bull Shit. Dump Shit. If he would have stayed out of sight and let people do there jobs and shut the fuck up he would have still been president.

When he lost the election he is the one totally behind the votes coming in in the middle of the night bull shit. Fuck this country big time with that BS. And the dumb fucks still want to believe even after Fox admitted guilt. What he has done, the country has been fucked ever since. You have followers that believe what one person says. To ever think of voting for him again you have to be nuts. That is why we have what we have.

I don't see anyone one in the horizon to run. He had nothing to do with that. No one decent wants the job. Originally Posted by Cody69
So you can't name one single POLICY of Trump's that was bad

You realize nothing you stated is a policy. I guess if one was grading very generously, maybe your generic comment about he did good for the economy could pass. But come on, talk policies !!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That Covid shit is so stupid, and these guys just keep repeating it. I’m not sure if they’re trying to convince themselves or someone else. The US did about the same as every other country, actually worse than some places that didn’t shut down at all. He never called the virus fake, by the way. That’s just another fairytale to add to the list.

Nothing ever improves without having a grasp on reality, which seems to be getting more rare by the day.
Cody69's Avatar
That Covid shit is so stupid, and these guys just keep repeating it. I’m not sure if they’re trying to convince themselves or someone else. The US did about the same as every other country, actually worse than some places that didn’t shut down at all. He never called the virus fake, by the way. That’s just another fairytale to add to the list.

Nothing ever improves without having a grasp on reality, which seems to be getting more rare by the day. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I am not going to argue about this topic again we have done this all before but you better look at his comments or ask someone you trust. He most definitely said it was fake at first and he added another democrat hoax to make him look bad. I know you hope no one knows the truth of the dumb shit he has said. I watched it live I was retired when that happened.
bambino's Avatar
Cody69's Avatar
The truth Originally Posted by bambino
Your news source is so good you have to join it to see how great it is. LOL, Don't post something that can't be read by everyone!!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I am not going to argue about this topic again we have done this all before but you better look at his comments or ask someone you trust. He most definitely said it was fake at first and he added another democrat hoax to make him look bad. I know you hope no one knows the truth of the dumb shit he has said. I watched it live I was retired when that happened. Originally Posted by Cody69
Every news and fact check organization on the planet disagrees, but we should take your word for for no apparent reason. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. Your delusions don’t become reality just because you wish it to be.