Ok........ I'm going to play devil's advocate here with a little mother hen thrown in for good measure! Miss Brittany has some excellent artistry on her lovely body, and I say that in the truest sense of the word artistry. BUT! When beautiful young ladies reach MY age, 50+, the ink fades. Life leaves its mark on all of us, especially we women. Even the most artfully done tat loses its beauty to time. Had I been brave enough to get a tat when I was younger, I surely would have. I would have filled every available place on my body with elaborate dragons, I have a passion for dragons! But, chicken shit me never got one, and with ALL this hindsight, I'm glad I didn't.
But I understand with each piece of art, there is a story behind it. However, many have found, years later, that the memory of the story would have been better than having a permenant record of it. Besides, you can't get more permenant than than the human mind! At least til 'old timers' sets in.