Tips for the Intangibles

Good one Ed

Is it me or are your breast looking bigger in that avatar . Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Hmm....Well I haven't had any recent enhancements so not sure why they would look bigger?

Could be the make-up!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Well I'm 25 (26 this year-I'm getting old! ha)...anyways, I will tell you I am no "kid", I have a kid, I've been on my own for almost 9 years now, am well spoken, and am a damn good conversationalist. So putting the "kid" label on the whole of that age range is pretty presumptuous, just saying... Originally Posted by Valerie
Well darling, I definitely didn't mean you. You are a credit to womanhood period. And I said most, not all. And being over 21 doesn't make one an adult. And I stand by everything I said.

But I dare you to do the research, and prove me wrong.

When CT posed the question, I was not offended. Anyone who doesn't use squigglies and doesn't write their ads in text language should not be offended. Even those that do should not take the content of my post as a downplay, but constructive criticism. I have learned that if something hurts your feelings that bad, change it. If you're not going to change it, develop thicker skin about it. Everything I say on this board is meant to encourage, educate and uplift both men and women. Hopefully it prompts some to change.

Before you scratch her off your to do list remember 1 thing. Alot of ladies don't write there own adds and have someone else do it. A straight out phone conversation might be a little forward especially if she doesn't know you. Email diaglog might be the best approach to get a feeling. I always considered good conversation a perk, I mean your not going to be talking the whole time are you. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Uh, if someone else is writing her ads, that would be enough for me to decide not to see her. I prefer independent ladies, and someone else doing her ad speaks to me of a manager, not interested at all in that game.
There's one lady who has been on my "To Do" list for a while. Today I saw a post by her. Bad grammar, misspelled words. Obviously, she is going to sound somewhat ignorant in person--a total turnoff to me. I had to cross her off the list.

However, there are lots of ladies that don't post here. So, it's nearly impossible to discern this issue just from the board.

Are there any guys here who have developed tips on how they determine ahead of time that the lady is not only intelligent, but knowledgeable and a good conversationalist? Especially on a wide range of subjects? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Chuck is complaining that a lady is too dumb and ignorant for him??????..................... ........................HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! I think he stole HER complaint!!!!.............HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Chuck, I can say that I never had a problem finding something interesting to talk about with a lady.....even if you can't find some common interest, you can find some subject that a lady knows so you can learn something from her.......your problem, from my point of view, is that YOU aren't the good and interesting conversationalist......

I go out of my way to present myself as a competent professional: good grammar, sexy pictures, work out and eat right, doll myself all pretty, smell pretty when I know I can, get my pedicures, laugh and have a good sense of humor – the whole nine yards. I would venture to say that most ladies do. Relax – have fun!
...because most ladies don't understand how important it is. You guys forget that the larger number of ladies in the business now are kids between 18 and 25 (I know, but age doesn't make anyone grown. And on a normal basis, these ladies would still be at home with their parents, or financially dependent on them while going to school). Then they didn't get into this thinking it was a business. Not-like-a real one anyway. You pay she lays. She's what you're looking for physically. You look at the pictures of her ass, not her brain. How intelligent does her ass have to be anyway?

And the text language is all the kids know. They think it's cute. And the cuter the ad, the cuter they're supposed to be to you. Until this generation learns to put thought into all their endeavors, you'll just have to decipher through the hearts and stars and half-spelled words to see what she has to offer. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

I absolutely agree with this. Over the past 10 years there has been a huge surge of "barely out of the teen's" girls getting on the "internet escort train". So many of them do not take this seriously, nor do they look at this as a real profession. They may have model looks, and a great body, but totally lack in the professionalism department and the common sense areas.
Uh, if someone else is writing her ads, that would be enough for me to decide not to see her. I prefer independent ladies, and someone else doing her ad speaks to me of a manager, not interested at all in that game. Originally Posted by tigercat
There are web designers that will actually do the ad writing / wording for you. That has nothing to do with the lady actually being managed by someone. It may just mean she would rather someone else put it together for her and just pay the website designer to do it.
atlcomedy's Avatar
There are web designers that will actually do the ad writing / wording for you. That has nothing to do with the lady actually being managed by someone. It may just mean she would rather someone else put it together for her and just pay the website designer to do it. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I agree...

I "outsource" a lot of stuff in my personal and professional life, but the caveat is I still "own" their mistakes or poor judgement because it is my life/my business. I can say, "oh well that was the printers fault," but that doesn't change the fact that my phone is not ringing.
I agree...

I "outsource" a lot of stuff in my personal and professional life, but the caveat is I still "own" their mistakes or poor judgement because it is my life/my business. I can say, "oh well that was the printers fault," but that doesn't change the fact that my phone is not ringing. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Too true. Ultimately, the buck stops with whom ever is contracting the work to proof read, tweak or whatever a website or copy. It's one reason I do all my own advertising and webdesign.
I rarely see a lady without first seeing some posts on sites like this or communication via some emails. Occassionally I may use some telephone conversations, but most ladies do not want to waste time with guys who are not scheduling with them.

Basically, most ladies do not want to incur marketing cost with hobbysit trying to just see if they are compatible. Basically, you have to spend an hour together and pay the rate to see if you click.

I do agree that I do not schedule with a lady whose posts are impossible to understand or HAve VArIeTy of TYpeseT tHAt I caN'T rEAd. Originally Posted by tigercat

I agree Tigercat, I will not waste my time with someone who is not scheduling or setting a date in stone. I do, however, like to have that 5-10 minute conversation for me to feel out the fellas personality. You can tell alot just from that conversation.

By the way, there are plenty of men who try to use a lady for communication purposes only (even negative communication is better then nothing at all when you are that lonely). But perhaps they don't have the funds/courage/whatever to actually meet. While my heart goes out to such men, I am a buisiness woman and my time is money.

The 5-10 minute conversation is wonderful to sort of "break the ice" and become just a tad familiar with eachother. I've even set my clothes and MAKE-UP according to a certain personality type. But again, I will not waste my time or even give out my cell number to someone if nothing is set in stone.