Yo MODS!!!!!!!!!! A question please? (Yo Mokoa... you been served!)

Whispers's Avatar
My first thought would be why do you care?

I've been trying to do my little part to help clean up San Antonio now for close to a year...... Community Service... you guys are fun!

You don't hobby in San Antonio .... Really?.... hmmmm....... So the only one's hobbying are writing reviews?...... much less use the short notice availability thread. Me personally I don't even really look at the short notice thread myself since I like to plan out my hobbying in advance. LMAO.. Scheduling PUSSY.... I've never understood the concept...... But I like the fact that it is available if for some reason I did want to take advantage of it. I mean what exactly does it hurt other than some stupid advertising rule. So the owners that provide the site to all of us free of charge (if we contribute) have "stupid" rules? I mean does it really make a difference if a lady wants to say hey I am available. Isn't that what the hobby is about guys being able to find girls they can fuck and ladies being able to let guys know on how they can get fucked. And Ads tell us all we need to know! Or are you just bored and trolling again since you have nothing else better to do than to bore the San Antonio Co-ed with your opinions that no one here really cares about.

..IJS Originally Posted by a10bomb
Uh Huh!... No one cares?.... that makes me so sad man.... well... I'll keep trying ..... maybe someone will come around and start to care
Dear Cara,

Maybe you are not aware of the rules of the SNATCH thread and of what was going on there...

Providers were allowed to not only post ONE post a day as you had asked for above, but actually ONE POST EVERY 12 HOURS, making it 2 POSTS PER DAY... Without having to pay anything for it...

Those rules are in place to "level the playing field" for the following reason:

1. I can post my availability and so can everyone else. I CANNOT utilize my pictures there, or videos, or happy faces, or bold and screaming fonts to call attention to myself. MY ability to put an ad together could not interfere with anyone on that thread.

2. If I post more than one post every 12 hours and you actually follow the rules, I am inundating the thread with MY availability, while you, following the rules, end up eating dust, just because I am not respectful of rules. If I, and everyone else, follow the rules, we all have one shot at visibility EVERY TWELVE HOURS, using the SAME FONTS, NO PICTURES, etc...

THAT is leveling the playing field. Now... We all have the opportunity to post ads twice a weeks. What and how you decide to do it, it's completely up to you. I know how I do it.

As for "changing the rules", yes, we can try to change rules/laws etc... But you don't do it by breaking them and stepping on other people's rights. All providers HAD the RIGHT to post EVERY 12 HOURS. I CANNOT try to change this rule by simply stepping on other ladies' rights by breaking the rules and just doing whatever the hell I want to.

It's a real shame that, because of people not following the rules, we are losing another form of marketing and communication with our clients. How's that for changing the rules?

Just my 0.02...

Camille Originally Posted by CamilleFox69

I wasn't even aware of the SNATCH thread but thank you for explaining how things such as posting pictures/videos/faces/screaming fonts and breaking the rules interferes with other ladies ad visibility. However, it doesn't explain how posting 1 ad per day "unlevels" the playing field. What I asked was "HOW DOES POSTING 1 AD PER DAY UNLEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD?"
Now I completely understand, and agree, how using pictures/videos/faces/screaming fonts can be unfair and interfere with other women's ads that are following the rules. I agree we should all use the same fonts, no pictures, etc to post ads that way we get the same shot at visibility.
I also agree that breaking the rules and stepping on other people's rights is not the way to change rules/laws. I didn't say that's how we should change those rules.
We have mods that moderate our site and make sure we follow the rules. Why can't the rules be changed to where we can post everyday without the pictures/videos/faces/screaming fonts and that be moderated? It was ONLY an opinion. I myself do not break the rules. I post ads according to the rules of the site, etc. I don't post threADS. I BARELY comment on anything. Tonight is just a rare night for me. LoL!
Cara, the mods don't make the rules. If you want to change the rules, you have to blow the owners. All of them and equally. You can try communicating with them, but good luck trying to have your voice heard.
I understand the board belongs to the owners and that's what they decided to allow. I said I see no harm in posting 1 ad per day and didn't understand how THAT unlevels the playing field. I don't need to ask the owners because this community and site is here for us to post our comments and talk with one another about things that interest us and give our opinions. That question was meant for the members of the community. I want to know their opinion on how posting 1 ad per day unlevels the "playing field" for us providers. It's because it doesn't. "2 ads...10ads...as long as the rules apply to everyone equally and they are enforced equally it should be fair". I completely agree! And it's basically the SAME THING I meant with my comment. Regardless of how many ads are posted if the rules of posting those ads are enforced, it does no harm.
I believe changing rules in this environment would/does work. I'm sure rules have been changed or modified since this site was put up. Of course the owners would have to do it. And of course they don't want to keep our "votes". But I'm sure they want to keep people using their site. It's kind of the same thing. If enough of us get together and ask for something to change and it's reasonable, I'm sure they would consider it. I'm not saying we should do this. It's just a point.
And I do post on P411. Thanks.
And thanks for explaining the difference in a threAD and an AD.
The point of my comment was I didn't understand why a "short notice thread" was such a big deal. As long as the rules are enforced equally...it shouldn't be a big deal.

And every comment doesn't have to be over-analyzed with a fine-tooth comb. JS.
Cara, the mods don't make the rules. If you want to change the rules, you have to blow the owners. All of them and equally. You can try communicating with them, but good luck trying to have your voice heard. Originally Posted by Simon Riley
I never said the Mods make the rules. I'm not desperate to have this rule changed because I follow the rules in place now. My opinion is the rule is dumb and I THINK it should be changed. It doesn't mean enough to me to go blow or try communicating with anyone about it.
I understand the board belongs to the owners and that's what they decided to allow. I said I see no harm in posting 1 ad per day and didn't understand how THAT unlevels the playing field. I don't need to ask the owners because this community and site is here for us to post our comments and talk with one another about things that interest us and give our opinions. That question was meant for the members of the community. I want to know their opinion on how posting 1 ad per day unlevels the "playing field" for us providers. It's because it doesn't. "2 ads...10ads...as long as the rules apply to everyone equally and they are enforced equally it should be fair". I completely agree! And it's basically the SAME THING I meant with my comment. Regardless of how many ads are posted if the rules of posting those ads are enforced, it does no harm.
I believe changing rules in this environment would/does work. I'm sure rules have been changed or modified since this site was put up. Of course the owners would have to do it. And of course they don't want to keep our "votes". But I'm sure they want to keep people using their site. It's kind of the same thing. If enough of us get together and ask for something to change and it's reasonable, I'm sure they would consider it. I'm not saying we should do this. It's just a point.
And I do post on P411. Thanks.
And thanks for explaining the difference in a threAD and an AD.
The point of my comment was I didn't understand why a "short notice thread" was such a big deal. As long as the rules are enforced equally...it shouldn't be a big deal.

And every comment doesn't have to be over-analyzed with a fine-tooth comb. JS.
Originally Posted by SweetCara
When you say "JS", do you mean, "Jizz Snake", "Just Saying", "Jus Saiin", "Jesus Satan", "JavaScript", etc...?

Now where the fuck did I leave that fucking comb?
bearf15amc's Avatar
Leave the SNATCH alone... I really like snatch... I don't always get the opportunity to plan... Occupational hazard. Find something else to focus your attention like World Peace, Ebola prevention, etc.

Leave the SNATCH alone... I really like snatch... I don't always get the opportunity to plan... Occupational hazard. Find something else to focus your attention like World Peace, Ebola prevention, etc.

Bear Originally Posted by bearf15amc
Looks like you're SOL! Mokoa has shut down the thread!

A thread that had more hits than the guidelines, or any other thread, as far I can see!

Great job Whispers! Now you can add to your list of accomplishments that you had the most popular thread on ECCIE shut down - you're a one man destruction machine! I'm sure your popularity with the masses will soar now!
flinde's Avatar
this is exactly why I quit coming here. whispers et al bullshit. got too hard trying to separate the ho's from the malicious nonsense and my time is more valuable than that.

mods, owners, make your board work. get rid of this mean-spirited idiot and his Compadre's.

till then, bye bye.
this is exactly why I quit coming here. whispers et al bullshit. got too hard trying to separate the ho's from the malicious nonsense and my time is more valuable than that.

mods, owners, make your board work. get rid of this mean-spirited idiot and his Compadre's.

till then, bye bye. Originally Posted by flinde
Miss your contributions, flinde. Damned shame.
this is exactly why I quit coming here. whispers et al bullshit. got too hard trying to separate the ho's from the malicious nonsense and my time is more valuable than that.

mods, owners, make your board work. get rid of this mean-spirited idiot and his Compadre's.

till then, bye bye. Originally Posted by flinde
Miss your contributions, flinde. Damned shame. Originally Posted by PDid
No Shit Flinde! Where the fuck have you been at?
Chincho's Avatar
Are you people really blaming whispers he didn't bring it up somebody in Austin did, it doesn't look to me that he did anything except to pass the message on along to the locals.

If you want to blame someone, start with the hookers breaking the rules then go after the mods.
How long did we have that thread for? Now all of the sudden it's taken down?

Round of applause to the tards who contributed in taking it down. Because I'm sure it was just a wretched, terrible eyesore to everyone who viewed it. *Sarcasm*
Are you people really blaming whispers he didn't bring it up somebody in Austin did, it doesn't look to me that he did anything except to pass the message on along to the locals.

If you want to blame someone, start with the hookers breaking the rules then go after the mods. Originally Posted by Chincho

How long did we have that thread for? Now all of the sudden it's taken down?

Round of applause to the tards who contributed in taking it down. Because I'm sure it was just a wretched, terrible eyesore to everyone who viewed it. *Sarcasm* Originally Posted by Tracy Aine
I have PM'd him and told him how closing this thread affects business for MANY local ladies. Some derive as much as 70 to 80% of their income from there and they have never broken a rule. As I also pointed out, a lot of the infractions were being caused by travelers and not the ones that used the thread day in and day out.

It is really unfortunate that people's lives are being affected because of the choice of some. Whispers posted his original post about SNATCH infractions at 8:10 and in 2 hours, one of our main ways of communicating with clients was completely gone.

I know that many rules were broken there but show me a forum where they are not? Are we closing down all of them?

Precious_b's Avatar
Looks like you're SOL! Mokoa has shut down the thread!

A thread that had more hits than the guidelines, or any other thread, as far I can see!

Great job Whispers! Now you can add to your list of accomplishments that you had the most popular thread on ECCIE shut down - you're a one man destruction machine! I'm sure your popularity with the masses will soar now! Originally Posted by Louigi
Probably couldn't stand one thread that has more hits than any of his.

Are you people really blaming whispers he didn't bring it up somebody in Austin did, it doesn't look to me that he did anything except to pass the message on along to the locals.
... Originally Posted by Chincho

Yeah. Don't blame the messenger.
But look at his motives and past axe grinding history with a Mod.

Personally, I can't see how removing a short notice thread would do more good than just leaving it there....
Forgetting the problems brought up about it.