Pain is deep for those who trusted him

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Thank the vets then trash the CIC what a idiot...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Right! Wouldn't want to insult the CIC. That was against the law in 1918 and may still be on the books. Never blame the guy responsible for making the decisions (even if he refuses to make decisions). You guys sound just like Hillary when she was first lady taking questiona about foreign policy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-25-2013, 02:04 PM
Tisk, Tisk. Just because a soldier didn't see any combat doesn't mean he/she didn't offer a viable contribution to the service. You should know better than that. Originally Posted by acp5762
A soldier that did not see combat provided about as much support as I did to the fighting soldier. As a tax payer, I paid their salary. I value the one that saw combat over both my contribution to that service (payiny the bills) and some pencil pusher in a cushy job state side that joined for the benifits.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-25-2013, 02:15 PM
"a job" is not being on the government "tit" as you say .. and those who have served in combat are familiar with the importance of those who provide them with "support" ....

.. and those who die providing it ....

Do you play golf?

I realize you are "not there" ... but I don't see any PROS playing without a caddy. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You do realize that every taxpayer is a fighting soldiers caddy. We pay their salary. So without us the caddy nor the golfer would play. My point is, that I do not lump real fighting soldiers with a bunch of folks that have not seen action. I lump folks that did not see action along with myself , who saw no action.

I'm not giving Navy boy JD the same respect that I would give some Marine that saw action in say Fallujah. If you want to....fine with me but I won't join that party.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You are one stupid S.O.B (hey that should be your new name) WTF! This is not World War II. Care to show me the civilian sacrifice made for our men and women in uniform? Care to show my YOUR sacrifce? You seem to forget that I spent two years in the Army before making a career of the Navy. You seem to have some chickenshit notion that I am trying to impersonate some warrior like you only probably see in a video game. I have never tried to compare my Navy service to what my Army uncles went through or to what the Marines that were on board my ship did. Let me tell you a little aside you snarky piece of shit. During the first Gulf War the Marines on my ship trained daily in fighting in close quarters, their fired their weapons, and they jogged uncounted hours in body armor, weapon, and MOPP gear. They did this for months when the temperature on the flight deck was 135 degrees. While they did this I was jogging alongside (but in running shoes and shorts), I ran my work center at peak performance, we did battle problems in the fireroom with the ventilation off (the temperature was 150 degrees) and full uniform. I even volunteered to go ashore with the Marines when they went training. When it was all said and done, the war ended in 96 hours and our Marines did not see combat. I guess you can say the Navy saw our version of combat when we went to GQ when two Iraqi Mirages tried to get the drop on us. Us, being the amphib fleet. Those old, slow, defenseless ships carrying Marines. Navy people died out there SSOB. Ten people died when a steam valve ruptured in the same space I stood my watch on another ship of the same class. No one died when another ship of my class hit a mine and blew out their forward pump room. The standard cruise of a navy ship is six months...I never saw a standard cruise. I have had eight month cruises (wartime), ten month cruises (wartime), and even a 12 month cruise.

I don't claim any unearned glory. That is what you are doing SSOB and I won't be a part of it for you. You have identified yourself as lower than scum. If you had any sense of honor you would be ashamed but I don't think you have it in you. According to your terms those Marines on my ship did nothing and deserve very little in the way of respect. Your terms, not mine. So go away and search your soul this weekend. Go find some military to hang out with, buy them drinks, listen to their stories, and maybe even introduce them to a provider.

Funny thing, I was told I may be coming to Texas the second week of June. Not solid yet but....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Which caddy do you think you are SSOB? Jerry Lewis or Will Smith?
Right! Wouldn't want to insult the CIC. That was against the law in 1918 and may still be on the books. Never blame the guy responsible for making the decisions (even if he refuses to make decisions). You guys sound just like Hillary when she was first lady taking questiona about foreign policy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Iowa is trending Hillary...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Iowa was trending Edwards and Huckabee too.
Iowa was trending Edwards and Huckabee too. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Rand Paul is second Hillary is first you are last.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
The golfer/caddy analogy sucks big time. It actually makes the opposite point, the caddies are paid less, have less access, and are very dispensable.

One doesn't have to disrespect the military to be tired of the endless requests for approval they get. I feel it is a knee jerk over-reaction to the hatred given VietNam vets. I respect and appreciate the military, but deep down I believe the military is fighting not for my freedom, but for Dick Cheney's, and other's, wallets. That tempers my appreciation. I am ready to fight now if anyone invades my freedom. Now. And I don't ask for thanks or for discounts at the movie theatre, or for free trials on eccie, because of it. Stop asking for discounts, stop asking to pay less than me, and I'll appreciate your service more.

And too many holidays. If you really want respect, true honest respect, it should come honestly, not because of a holiday. November 11th should be the true moment of appreciation, the moment we were supposed to stop butchering each other.

Unfortunately the other persons with this sentiment aren't getting their point across without insults. There is some logic to the unpopular view, but its lost in the insults.

Enjoy the weekend! But seriously, combat or not, why the hell should bankers, teachers, postal workers, stockbrokers and such get Monday off? Get to work, you lazy fucks....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and you smell like number two (that was too easy)
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No, you posted you were on the government tit. You're just to dumb to realize it! Military tit and now on the education tit. The next big bubble is student loans, when it hits, college students will drop back to where they were before the government pumped them up so folks like you could find a job. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, sure some people in the military, and some teachers, are goldbrickers and don't do their share, and they are on the government teat. But the ones who earn their pay deserve some respect for their contributions.
Some teachers do their very important job quite well, and make a positive impact on people's lives.
No fighting man could survive too long without the support troops.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
WTF, sure some people in the military, and some teachers, are goldbrickers and don't do their share, and they are on the government teat. No, if they're getting paid by the government, they're getting paid by the government. But the ones who earn their pay deserve some respect for their contributions. Like they get every time some Teawipe or rat wang, anti-union hack goes on a rant about how useless all educators are because they aren't "accountable."
Some teachers do their very important job quite well, and make a positive impact on people's lives. Damnation through faint praise.
No fighting man could survive too long without the support troops. Blind hog finds acorn!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
What a pile of equivocating shit that's totally unworthy of your hard core right wing mental affliction. Did we have a hard night sleeping in our car last night? The HP police roust you before it was time to get up?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Our favorite custodial engineer - it now seems at a "private" skool - probably something like "Miss Williams' Finishing and Socialite Academy," seems to be confused about his contribution to our military excess in the War of Some Caribbean Island's Aggression Against the United States, i.e. Ronnie's Adventure to Make Us Feel Good About Ourselves. Pity. I wonder where the statue of him is located? Is the bunghole accessible to any strays wandering by needing relief?
and you smell like number two (that was too easy) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I smell like Rand? Guess you smell like Hillary pussy...