Wife Sues Mistress

Posted by Maribel:
"I agree...sheesh. If she was making him happy, he wouldn't be 'cheating'... "

I'm going to have to disagree with this; men are responsible for their own behaviors. I don't believe for one second that women are responsible for their cheating husbands. Actually, I don't even believe that husbands who cheat are necessarily unhappy in the marriage to begin with. Saying that a woman is responsible for making her husband cheat because she is not "making him happy" is akin to saying that a woman is responsible for making a man violate her because she is dressed provocatively.
CajunGent's Avatar
It is a well known fact, that all men who error in their ways, are led to their error by women. It has been that way since Eve led Adam to the tree in the Garden of Eden. Having said that, I am turning off my computer, and will check back in 30 days from now after the wrath has fallen down to bearable levels. <smile - tongue in cheek>

Cajun Gent
Cajun gent, you are a wonderful person. :P
discreetgent's Avatar
Tsk, tsk CajunGent you forgot about the snake
Sydneyb's Avatar
well, i';ve been at the wrath of a woman scorned - twice, actually!

once it was while ago on a long weekend with a client - to cabo - as we came back from a brutal afternoon on ATV's (I flipped mine and it landed on my ass - ouch!), as we arrived back to the hotel with dust in our nostril.s and buires on our assess we both got fed ex's. Mine had horrible messages, pictures of their grown children (who I loved by default) and a letter that was threatening to my and my child's well being.

In that case, I wrote her (the client gave me her email) back something very similar to the following: 'I have no interest in taking your place - I do not want your life and that's not ever what I have aspired to, In addition, sex with xxxxx is the worst sex of my life. I truly thought I was doing you a favor and taking part of your obligation as my own'. I showed this to xxxx.
6 months later I got a response. it said 'you are right. lets take out the middle man and meet for lunch'. With the clients approval, I met his wife for lunch. She was funny, beautiful and sweet and admitted that I was exactly right - she DIDN"T want sexual obligation, but didn't want to lose her place in the life they had created together - and she was concerned and afraid that I would take her place. All this was with the knowledge and approval of the former client. I agree its a unique situation. Its also one of those human experiences that I could never have had, if not for this job.

I guess my 'round about point is that blaming the other woman is futile. Either your man is true to you or he isn't. And if he isn't, the first place to look is inward, second is at your partner THIRD and LAST is the other woman.....
GneissGuy's Avatar
I am not sure the legal concepts behind "alienation of affection", except that I can certainly understand the words, and the high level concept trying to be addressed... Originally Posted by Rudyard K
It's probably simply lawsuit lottery. Hope you get a judge and jury that will be so offended that they will give a large award no matter what the underlying facts or legal niceties.

Sounds like wifey has large legal bills to contend with and I wonder if the mistress has enough money to make it worthwhile anyway. Maybe the law firm was out to get some publicity.
Let me get this straight .....you think your wife would remarry you after she divorced you because you spent all your money on a far sighted goat that your ex wife then had to recover and now your ex wife has all the money you once had and wants to remarry you? Originally Posted by WTF

And you feel the need to insult me why?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-25-2010, 07:25 AM
And you feel the need to insult me why? Originally Posted by AdelleAshcroft

Well let's see how this goes.....

Adelle, I hope I did not insult you. If I did , please point out just where you thought I did and I will gladly apologize. I quoted deerhunter. The quote you quoted me from was in response to him.

OK , I see where deerhunter was fantasying about having an affair with you!

My apologizes.

The very best he could do would be a goat and even then only if she was far sighted. You are so far out of his league that I did not realize that he was such a dreamer and living in lala land and had used your name in his post. So Sorry.

The only commonality between you and a goat is that I love to eat
Rudyard K's Avatar
Well let's see how this goes.....

Adelle, I hope I did not insult you. If I did , please point out just where you thought I did and I will gladly apologize. I quoted deerhunter. The quote you quoted me from was in response to him.

OK , I see where deerhunter was fantasying about having an affair with you!

My apologizes.

The very best he could do would be a goat and even then only if she was far sighted. You are so far out of his league that I did not realize that he was such a dreamer and living in lala land and had used your name in his post. So Sorry.

The only commonality between you and a goat is that I love to eat
cabrito! Originally Posted by WTF
Wow!? The new, kinder and gentler WTF. The old WTF would have argued that he was not doing that...put some dozen links to various websights...half of those websights would have discussed how a goat was a wonderful creature sacrificed for the gods...and the other half would have been to websights on sentence structure that would have concluded that there was no way he was being offensive. Then the responses would have gone on for page after page, with follow up links, ad naseum.

But instead, he just fell on his sword...demonstrated that it was only by error that he cast an aspersion...and that he was truly sorry for doing so. Who would have thought? A wise move WTF.

Now, if we can only get you to use that same wisdom in your political leanings?...my work here will be complete.
discreetgent's Avatar
Now, if we can only get you to use that same wisdom in your political leanings?...my work here will be complete. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Given up on me completely, I see
Rudyard K's Avatar
Given up on me completely, I see Originally Posted by discreetgent
There are many things I can accomplish...but I'm not Moses.
There are many things I can accomplish...but I'm not Moses. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I've heard you think of yourself as God.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Wow!? The new, kinder and gentler WTF. The old WTF would have argued that he was not doing that...put some dozen links to various websights...half of those websights would have discussed how a goat was a wonderful creature sacrificed for the gods...and the other half would have been to websights on sentence structure that would have concluded that there was no way he was being offensive. Then the responses would have gone on for page after page, with follow up links, ad naseum.

But instead, he just fell on his sword...demonstrated that it was only by error that he cast an aspersion...and that he was truly sorry for doing so. Who would have thought? A wise move WTF.

Now, if we can only get you to use that same wisdom in your political leanings?...my work here will be complete. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

I wish that son of a biscuit got his gall stones 5 years ago
discreetgent's Avatar
I've heard you think of yourself as God. Originally Posted by Ansley
RK delusional? Can't be.
TexasGator's Avatar
Wow!? The new, kinder and gentler WTF. The old WTF would have argued that he was not doing that...put some dozen links to various websights...half of those websights would have discussed how a goat was a wonderful creature sacrificed for the gods...and the other half would have been to websights on sentence structure that would have concluded that there was no way he was being offensive. Then the responses would have gone on for page after page, with follow up links, ad naseum.

But instead, he just fell on his sword...demonstrated that it was only by error that he cast an aspersion...and that he was truly sorry for doing so. Who would have thought? A wise move WTF.

Now, if we can only get you to use that same wisdom in your political leanings?...my work here will be complete. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Well let's see how this goes.....

Adelle, I hope I did not insult you. If I did , please point out just where you thought I did and I will gladly apologize. I quoted deerhunter. The quote you quoted me from was in response to him.

OK , I see where deerhunter was fantasying about having an affair with you!

My apologizes.

The very best he could do would be a goat and even then only if she was far sighted. You are so far out of his league that I did not realize that he was such a dreamer and living in lala land and had used your name in his post. So Sorry.

The only commonality between you and a goat is that I love to eat
cabrito! Originally Posted by WTF

Fear not, RK! Remember, I set the over/under at two (2) days before he is unable to just "let it go."


I give him til tomorrow evening -tops!