Limericks for the Adorables

slohandatx's Avatar
The delight is Sensual Sophia
Drives me towards Onomatopoeia
Rustle, gulp, slurp and slap,
Gurgle, woof, bang and clap,
It sizzlin' time time when you see-uh
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
I just posted this one in a review thread. But what the hey, let’s memorialize Angelina again.

Angelina is a muy fina senorita --
I like to boink-ah, and kiss-ah, and eat-ah.
She does a trick with a cigar
That’s just a little bizarre.
And she likes to eat-ah and beat-ah my meat-ah.

These are a couple oldies but goodies. This one is the very first hobby limerick I ever wrote. Ava’s muse tapped me on the shoulder.

Have I told you of the amazing Ava?
Her puss has a wonderful flavor.
It’s both salty and sweet --
A real treat to eat,
As she my woody does savor.

And this Adorable retired a long time ago, but I still enjoy the memories of our times together.

Have I told you of the Amazing Rebecca?
And the things she once did with my peckah?
First she slurped it, then chewed it,
And then damn near unglued it!
I had hit the Rebecca trifecta!

rCoder's Avatar
When it's time to jubilee,
Then must find the cutest bee,
With sweetest nectar,
Perfect erector,
The sexy Crystal Kitty.
rCoder's Avatar
Well at least the recent troll wars threads have been inspirational...

All this banter about trolls,
And which group discussions controls,
With drama unfold,
Is already old,
Back to multiple shots on goals!