Himeros Desire God....and guys like him...what do you do??

Well look here y’all. Maybe this is or this ain’t the appropriate place for my lil ole contribution. But not sure where else to place it so here it is.
Only a real dumbass would think he could get by bullshitting the SBC ladies. I know they talk. And guess what guys. They discuss US! Surprise, surprise, SURPRISE! Duh!
The very first time I met Majic, back when she became my ATFBS (All Time Favorite Baby Sitter) she was straight up with me about her ‘personal’ relationships and very limited BBFS. Didn’t discourage me at all! I don’t go that way myself so I don’t consider it an issue. And if any gal in the business is mindful of dotting ‘i’s and crossing ‘t’s when it comes to the business side of things it is our very own MMM.
She remains my ATFBS, has done me favors like she has everybody else. Even acted as matchmaker for me and my now ‘go to’ gal DD.
As much history as we have, and as ‘special’ as I believe I am to both of these mentioned providers ain’t no way in HELL im expecting either of them to get my old crusty ass to pop 4 times! Or invest 4-5 hours with me for any less than $1,200! And I ain’t ashamed to admit that I am definitely NOT in that tax bracket. (Especially post divorce).
If SBC ladies choose NOT to see any fella that is on the fella. One lady ain’t getting another lady to diminish her income for no reason. Ats way I see it anyway.
So Himeros, seems as though you may have pooped in ya mess kit.
I suspect these ladies will eventually allow you back into their graces with appropriate actions. But over disclosing has damaged your rep in my opinion more than theirs. Probably shoulda thought that one through a little better and allowed some time before responding. Ats my guess.
I’ll be back down south in a couple of weeks so I hope all the SBC BS is settled by then because this kinda drama discourages outside providers from coming into our area and I have at least two smoking hot, very congenial ladies promising to come to SBC in the future. So, y’all get along now here. There is plenty of pussy, variety and consistency around SBC these days so don’t fuck it up!
Now some shit just needs to stay BCD. Ain’t no need to air all this dirty laundry out here for the whole damn world to see.
I probably shoulda edited all this prior to posting it.
Now, since Meredith and MMM are associates, I can perceive some delightful days upon my return. Wonder could we get DD and Whitney to join in? Damn, what would one Old fucker do with 4 mouths, 8 tits, 4 asses and 4 pussies all to himself? Probably die happy, happy, happy!
Too many men out there treating women like they are just a vagina on life support to work out their own insecurities on. I hope the other ladies speak out otherwise they are just as much a part of enabling this crap as the men who do it. But like cowboy, I am just an old fart with an opinion.
destinydevine's Avatar
He told me in a P.m. that he used to be pelican point I answered his ISO and after a few pms He said that he used to be pelican when he first started to hobby. I guess I figured after year that he May be different. Magic is right about everything he More often than not it is too rough. He fabricated about CIM in his first review of me. He wrote it differently than what I remembered. He wrote that I took it like a champ when he popped. The reason I know that is because gents pm me saying you Do CIM now. This is how i remember it First time I ever saw him was a year ago and we met at Starbucks for meet and greet then he said that he couldn’t session because he had something important to do so he proceeded to take me back to my room . When we got there he decided he wanted to come up . As I’m giving him BBBJ as he stands on the bed I tell him let me know when you’re about to pop because I do not like it in my mouth. He grabs my head and start moving it then I know he’s about to pop and I try to pull away and he holds my head I won’t let it go. One time i was doing CG and he smacked me across my face. I did not know what to think . He chokes too hard I like being choked I like it rough to a certain extent. He is too rough and he blatantly lied for his own selfish reasons. Y’all are probably thinking why did I not say anything I did he didn’t listen and I guess I wasn’t assertive enough, how’ve it doesn’t make it any less wrong of how he does ladies.
Now some reality strikes. THAT kinda chit gets a fella ‘black balled’ by the ladies. They don’t have to see any of us fuckers if they don’t want to. And once the word gets out. Well, you’re fucked for good. And not the good kinda fucked either.
Aren’t there board rules about certain behavior? If not there ought to be.
Ladies, y’all cover each other’s back. Tell one another if one of us is a prick or a dick head of something. Actions have consequences ya know. Learnt dat in kindergarten. Remember?
Abuse is NEVER ok. Period!
Not in this to say who's right or who's wrong. But I will say that what Destiny said above is exactly what she told me many months ago.
He is evidently one serious revolting client or one stud that makes them come back. However, if he treats you that bad and you continue to see him it is on you. We all have the option of making our own choices.
Clients like this do not change anything except their handles.
Meredith's Avatar
I really dont like this--not one bit. I have had a similar experience. Manhandling, holding me down, not fun hair pulling, not stopping when it is clearly wayyy past time (hours) and its obviously uncomfortable if not painful, hiding the clock, making me miss an appointment. and I paid for the privilege, unwittingly. (i paid for a room and without any explanation he didnt bring his part) Why didnt i tell him to get out? There is a display of strength over you. It is a veiled threat. You just try to do your best to get out without confrontation. Its ugly. I blamed myself for not being tough and strict about the business part. And for getting sucked in. It makes a girl feel a bit ashamed for "letting" that happen. Even though we do what we do, I can only speak for myself, I am simply a girl and this can be a dangerous world for girls. No matter what we do. I dont understand the need to abuse another person just to get off. This is beyond an alert. Forcing someone to do something they dont want to do is wrong and if force is used then the individual knows what they are doing. I think we call that evil.

He is not one of you gentlemen. He is not like any of you that i know. This complaining he is doing and the things he is saying are an attempt to hurt our reputations and more. He is one of those that ruins it for everyone else.

He is not a client. That would suggest a mutual agreement. He is a predator.

Sadly, im sure he thinks this is all funny.
Magic is right and enough is enough.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Thank you, Destiny and Meredith. I know how difficult it was for each of you to share those experiences. Our talks about this literally broke my heart.

Now I'm gonna get back on my soap box and give y'all a little education. First of all, don't you Dare put it on any of us for our choice to see this guy. You weren't there, you don't know the mind fuck he plays. And remember, before October, NONE of us knew about the others' experience. Once we started connecting dots, and the final was from him admitting to Destiny about his other handle. That and his repeated PMs are what led me to really push these ladies to share their stories. Meredith nailed it...he is a predator. One who is articulate, manipulative, and very strong.

I hated that I pushed them so hard to speak out...sadly we all looked at ourselves as somewhat RESPONSIBLE for HIS horrible behavior. But I know that secrets and lies perpetuate it and the light of truth can stop it. So here it is. And I will be posting links to this thread in the alerts I am posting about him in the ladies rooms of LA and East TX. NO ONE should have to feel like we did.

As a provider with a reputation for being strong willed and outspoken, I willingly take the hits for bringing things to light, or getting involved in what may not appear to be my business. This shit is EXACTLY why I try to maintain contact with the ladies in town. If we DONT talk, we ignore one of our most valuable resources...each other! As long as I am on this board, I will have the backs of the sister providers I work with. Whether they have mine or not doesn't matter....it is the simple human concern for anothers life and safety that will ALWAYS motivate my actions. Judge me if you will, but remember that's a slippery slope

This is one of the sides of the hobby that we aren't especially comfortable talking about. One that we don't like to admit exists. Thank you to all of you amazing REAL gentlemen who DO treat us with respect and kindness. You are the ones who remind us that we do this because we enjoy it and we enjoy YOU :-)

Peace and good karma to all.
Cassmann's Avatar
No you ladies Shouldn't have to put up with all that was said he has done. And yes Destiny also told me about her experience and him holding her head. It's bad Enough to do this working Knowing the dangers involved, even worse when you have to deal with someone like This!! I Do appreciate my time with the ladies I see, and I would never dare treat Any of them like that!!
I just read the eccie rules again and I may be wrong but a client should not have two handles if to avoid his past sessions and it appears this shit head broke that rule. That is for Muff to know as he is the best with the rules.
I for one think the guy should be banned from eccie. I also think based on Merediths session he should be in jail.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I also think based on Merediths session he should be in jail. Originally Posted by Harley Diablo
The experience doesn't sound voluntarily nor enjoyable and verges on the edge of an assault. Just because this shit we do is not on the up and up doesn't give any of us the right to take advantage of any woman regardless of what she does. I'd like to apologize to the ladies that experienced such rough treatment and abuse without your approval. It doesn't matter the environment this isn't right.

I would like to add.. I did hear through the grapevine that some of the ladies had trouble with HDG back in the early fall of 2017. It was only hear say then that seems to have been brought to life with this thread.
MuffinMan's Avatar
I just read the eccie rules again and I may be wrong but a client should not have two handles if to avoid his past sessions and it appears this shit head broke that rule. That is for Muff to know as he is the best with the rules.
I for one think the guy should be banned from eccie. I also think based on Merediths session he should be in jail. Originally Posted by Harley Diablo
HD, you are right....a member or provider can not have "multiple active" handles. His pelicanboy handled was disabled in December 2016.

While we're on this subject, what this member is allegedly accused of doing is reprehensible and boarders on possible criminal. If, in fact, it proves to be true he will deserve any consequences that come with that behavior. Understand that we are not the Hobby Police, but rather work within the Guidelines of the board. Personally, I keep a list of "bad actors ", both male and female that I read and watch every post they make. If I happen to miss one occasionally I depend on my known and trusted men and ladies to keep me informed if I've missed a broken guideline.

BTW Ladies...Never, Ever allow these asshat guys to abuse you! Keep your sisters informed and keep us all informed, but please, do it within the Guidelines.
Please be safe out there!
Bye bye HDG. sounds to me like you are toast. A provider would have to be completely stupid to knowingly accept an appointment with you if any of this is true and even worse if all of it is. You made your bed. Gonna have to sleep in it now. Good luck on BP.
Dittychaser's Avatar
The Pelicanboy account was still active when I looked yesterday. It does now show as disabled.

He was obviously trying to escape a bad reputation as Pelicanboy. Lots of bad stuff posted about him leading up to him establishing the Himeros Desire God handle.

In his introduction post on 11/12/16 https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php...273&highlight= he claimed he was new to the board. This shows his deceptive intent.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Ditty... I'm not saying you're wrong, but my correspondence with the Admins show I asked for it to be disabled on 12/08/16 and the Admin responded it was done. He was a problem in 2016 and I was glad he was leaving the Hobby.

I asked for a verification yesterday in looking into this situation and it was confirmed that indeed both handles belonged to the same computer, but the pelicanboy was disabled and only the HGD was active. If it was ever reactivated is was done after I had it disabled it was by someone other than me.

Now you know as much as I do.