Another Obama Lie

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Romney's lies do not effect the lives of every American - yet. Obama's do. I do not believe in rewarding a confirmed and pathological liar with another term. Even if that means we get another liar in office. Unfortunately, that is our choice. But if we re-elect a person who continually lies, during the campaign and while in office, we are rewarding him. I won't be a part of that.

I'm not Republican. My candidate won't win. Still, I don't want Obama to be re-elected. It's bad policy to reward liars.

My main problems with Romney is where he is telling the truth.

He is for indefinite detention of American citizens, as is Obama.
He supports the Patriot Act, as does Obama.
He supports endless deficits, as does Obama.
He supports war with Iran, to benefit his wealthy friends, as does Obama.
He supports endless and growing foreign aid, as does Obama.
He supports the ridiculous war on drugs, as does Obama.
He supports the idea that the US should be the world's policeman, as does Obama.
He supports using the tax code as a means of social engineering, as does Obama.
He supports the Fed, as does Obama.

So the differences between the two are small. However, Obama is the current Liar in Chief, and must be replaced.
Gotyour6's Avatar
It's "divert" and I'll respond to the post any way I like, thank you very much.

Love your logic, by the way. It's OK for Romney to lie because he isn't President yet, he just wants to be? Brilliant. Originally Posted by timpage

Again, lets get back on topic.
Of course you can't because saying anything bad about your boy will simply kill you.

You are right though. Post away. It is mainly useless crap but have at it.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Yes, they both lie but you dont see me praising either one of them.

The topic however is Obama.
Make another thread about the other liar.
Wow, you have nothing to say about your king so you push it off.

Lets talk about Obama on this thread and we will create another thread for the others.
Oh boy my liar can out lie your liar...