
That.guy001's Avatar
This is going to go over like a flaming bag of poo, but it's an industry truism that the opposite is actually the way to go.

Raise your rates. You'll attract the better-quality guys, and get more appointments. It seems to defy the laws of economics, but the anecdotal evidence is compelling. (Seen it myself.)

Be fully prepared to eat crow. However, there are many, many ladies who have already confirmed that raising rates brought in new, quality clientele. There are any number of gents who think the $15 steak always tastes better than the $5 steak, even thought they're identical.

Personal experience - I raised my rates by a measly $25 and got more and better appointments. YMMV.

Conversely, discounts have never done a damned thing for me. No more appointments than usual, but clients who were more of a handful (exception being the regulars-only discounts, which I liked quite well). YMMV.

And I agree with Aidan. Some months just suck. Save your money to compensate for feast/famine cycles. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
YES and NO.

(This has nothing to do with MissSexy...I'm only speaking generally)

I can agree with what you're saying if the service is up to par, but you can't price hamburger meat as filet mignon and expect guys to say, "Mmm, this is great!"

There's nothing like walking into a Ruth's Chris and coming out thinking I just had Boat N' just happened!

I can understand why January is slow after the holidays, but why would it slow down in October? Originally Posted by tradermac75
I think it's the kids are back in school so parents have to shell out for new cloths extra circulars. Plus it is right before the holidays. There is a lot of free time for or excuses for free time during the holidays. Maybe people are saving up the kitchen passes for later when the party season starts.
There's nothing like walking into a Ruth's Chris and coming out thinking I just had Boat N' just happened! Originally Posted by That.guy001
And if a gal changes her rates from $70B&G/$160HR to $400 per hour, that'd be a valid argument.

OTOH, if you go from 180 to 200, with never a NCNS or bad review, a solid reputation, and enjoying repeat business... it works. Don't ask me why, there isn't exactly a plethora of market studies in this area.

The magic numbers seem to be 200, 250 and 400. Frequencies of repeat appointments and tenor of clientele changes noticeably if your rates go from below those numbers to meeting or exceeding those numbers.
This is going to go over like a flaming bag of poo, but it's an industry truism that the opposite is actually the way to go.

Raise your rates. You'll attract the better-quality guys, and get more appointments. It seems to defy the laws of economics, but the anecdotal evidence is compelling. (Seen it myself.)

Be fully prepared to eat crow. However, there are many, many ladies who have already confirmed that raising rates brought in new, quality clientele. There are any number of gents who think the $15 steak always tastes better than the $5 steak, even thought they're identical.

Personal experience - I raised my rates by a measly $25 and got more and better appointments. YMMV.

Conversely, discounts have never done a damned thing for me. No more appointments than usual, but clients who were more of a handful (exception being the regulars-only discounts, which I liked quite well). YMMV.

And I agree with Aidan. Some months just suck. Save your money to compensate for feast/famine cycles. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
I have to disagree with Emily on this. I can't speak about your business except as a consumer, but as a consumer I look for deals. I still want quality, and don't mind paying for it, but if there are two gals that I like and one is $50 less for an hour it's an easy choice.
When my business is slow I cut rates till I get work. A little profit is better than none.
I have to disagree with Emily on this. I can't speak about your business except as a consumer, but as a consumer I look for deals. I still want quality, and don't mind paying for it, but if there are two gals that I like and one is $50 less for an hour it's an easy choice.
When my business is slow I cut rates till I get work. A little profit is better than none. Originally Posted by Mr. Nasty
The factor you're missing in this equation (which is perfectly understandable, because you don't actually get to witness a lot of this end of the business) is that there are two general types of clients.

Client A looks at the price, then at the girl. All things being relatively equal, he picks based on rate.

Client B looks at the girl, then at the price. If the girl is quality, he doesn't give a rat's ass about the rate.

It might be a bit surprising, but the number of client As and client Bs are about equal.

Increases in rates means some of the As stop talking to you, but you start catching the eye of Bs. Decrease your rates and the opposite happens.

I've long suspected it's the "you get what you pay for" factor - ie; cheap must equal poor quality - but without market studies no one can prove it.

I make no conclusion about whether As or Bs are more worthwhile human beings. Only that a girl who can keep more Bs in her client list makes more money.
That.guy001's Avatar
Emily, you make great points and I agree that YOU can raise rates and get away with it. Not ALL Providers have the intellect or the talant that you have (from what I've heard and read).

I've never walked out of a QUALITY 250 appt thinking, "This was really only a 200 Provider." I have walked out of some 150 - 175 hhr's saying, "I just paid twice what that was worth!"

If someone is having problems with SALES, they need to step back and objectively look for the problem (i.e. time of year, personality, quality of service).

Some of my favorite restaurants have mediocre food but excellent service. Even a $40 steak sucks when it's just thrown at you!
Emily does make some good points, and if I see a girl that really does it for me, or have seen her before and it was great, then the price is secondary. If I'm on the fence about seeing a girl and she raises her rates I'll probably never find out if I'm missing out, but the same girl runs a special and I give her a second thought. If the service is good then she has a customer even after the special. I don't know if that makes me an "A" or a "B" customer. I'm just tossing out my viewpoint.
I think flattery will get you everywhere (that, and 250 per hour, AHAHA) but your essential point is totally true.

A lady has to assess the market to see what ladies at the new rate she is contemplating are like. If she can't compete with those ladies, a rate increase is doomed. Pure market economics - if they can get better for the same money, they will see the better girl instead of you, and your prior client base will have been priced out. This equals no money. Going from 70 to 400 is screwing yourself for free.

If she can compete at the new level, profits improve. IME, most ladies can tweak services and offer improvements which make them competitive even in higher-priced markets. A lot of gals underestimate themselves and what they have to offer, and how much they can do to better the product.

For eg; I could probably turn myself into a 400/HR if i wanted. It would involve a better diet, lots of exercise, photos and probably learning to do at least a little PSE believably. Since I don't want that extra money enough to start jogging, give up bacon, and finally post pics, I'll stay a 250 gal. BUT, I'm aware of the potential. I merely choose not to exercise it.

Not every 160/HR gal can turn herself into 300 per hour - this is true. I do believe most of them can turn themselves into 200 per hour, though. No business can survive in this economy without keeping a sharp eye on service level and innovation.
I think flattery will get you everywhere (that, and 250 per hour, AHAHA) but your essential point is totally true.

A lady has to assess the market to see what ladies at the new rate she is contemplating are like. If she can't compete with those ladies, a rate increase is doomed. Pure market economics - if they can get better for the same money, they will see the better girl instead of you, and your prior client base will have been priced out. This equals no money. Going from 70 to 400 is screwing yourself for free.

If she can compete at the new level, profits improve. IME, most ladies can tweak services and offer improvements which make them competitive even in higher-priced markets. A lot of gals underestimate themselves and what they have to offer, and how much they can do to better the product.

For eg; I could probably turn myself into a 400/HR if i wanted. It would involve a better diet, lots of exercise, photos and probably learning to do at least a little PSE believably. Since I don't want that extra money enough to start jogging, give up bacon, and finally post pics, I'll stay a 250 gal. BUT, I'm aware of the potential. I merely choose not to exercise it.

Not every 160/HR gal can turn herself into 300 per hour - this is true. I do believe most of them can turn themselves into 200 per hour, though. No business can survive in this economy without keeping a sharp eye on service level and innovation. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
You sure are sexy when you talk business.
dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 10-13-2010, 08:43 PM
Also for those high income late filers, Friday is the last day to pay up to Uncle Sam.
jhorni's Avatar
I go to San Antonio a lot because there is a better selection of nice looking women plus they have better rates. And no stl woman lol !!!
That.guy001's Avatar
I go to San Antonio a lot because there is a better selection of nice looking women plus they have better rates. And no stl woman lol !!! Originally Posted by jhorni
Just when I think I understand...whats stl??
Just when I think I understand...whats stl?? Originally Posted by That.guy001
That is a term that was coined recently by one of our locals.
It means South Texas Look. Not as big as a BBW, but not close to a spinner.
simplegent's Avatar
Babe, October and January are typically the worst months for this industry. I have been in the business for 2 years and indy for 1 and this is exactly the way it was last year. Hold on there chica. November will be better. Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna
As a hobbyist - this is a true statement.