Lessons Are Where You Find Them

FLReWrite's Avatar
Well little troll girl, why don't you actually comment on something you know first hand.

From your most likely fictional life story this whole board does not fit that category.
Originally Posted by Old-T
What in the hell makes one of these ho ass bitches suck on a stanky old nigga's dick for three hundred and fifty dollars? You couldn't pay me a thousand dollars to suck an old ass stanky dick; and trust me, I could use the money. What in the hell is wrong with these hos? You can get a job. You might not be as rich as a ho, but you'll be rich enough, and you don't have to suck on no old ass dick for it. God damn. These bitches is cold to the bone, man. They want that bullshit.
James1588's Avatar
FTFY. Originally Posted by FLReWrite
Just earlier today, I wasted nearly a full minute of my life -- which, of course, I'll never get back -- musing on the possible nature of the individual who posts as "Yitzchak" (and who knows what other handles). My guess: a juvenile, whose mother is not aware of what he's doing online from her basement. But that's just a guess. And, really, who cares?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-09-2017, 10:00 PM
FTFY. Originally Posted by FLReWrite
Thank you kind sir.
These hos deal in dirt, man. They suck dick and tell lies for a living. They have to deal with shitty people, because they are shitty people.
So Yitzchak has gone from a woe-is-me, forlorn romantic (read the Waterpark Thread), to a bitter, racist misogynist. Still funny to read.
A misogynist is someone who dislikes women. I dislike whores. All women are not whores.

Moving out of my parents house was easy, and I didn't have to suck anyones dick to do it.
FLReWrite's Avatar
Everyone, please ignore ^^^^. It's the only way (maybe) it will go away.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-10-2017, 07:15 AM
A misogynist is someone who dislikes women. I dislike whores. All women are not whores.

Moving out of my parents house was easy, and I didn't have to suck anyones dick to do it. Originally Posted by yitzchak
One of the endearing qualities of a troll is they have no reality, so it is hard for them to remember what they said a few days before.

We don't know if you are a mysoginist, but you are now talking like one. You used to pretend to be the puppy love enamored virgin.

I suspect this current fictional Y is a lot closer to the real you.

Another attribute of trolls is their near infinite ability to regenerate. Tiny Tree gets banned, and at the same time Y-boy picks up his(?) pace. Coincidence? Probably not. "Both" of you are childish, self-infatuated buffoons. And I still suspect your heritage is Portugese.

You are an angry, hatefilled little boy trying to act like a grown-up. Come back in 6 years when you get out of high school.

But if you stay, i gess you have one redeaming social value: it is easy to lauhgh at your racist stupidity.

Carry on.

FLReWrite's Avatar
But if you stay, i gess you have one redeaming social value: it is easy to lauhgh at your racist stupidity.

Carry on.

Originally Posted by Old-T
Haha. Old-T is one of those rare guys who can insult you on Saturday but you're in church on Sunday before you realize it! Good work, Mr. T!
Guest072118's Avatar

Do you need a hug?

I didnt suck a dick to move out but I'll sure be sucking dick to pay for my land/new home in cash and be debt free. Shame on me.
Yes. I was pissed, and I am filled with hate, because my life completely sucks. Sorry to derail your thread, James. It makes me extremely mad to hear you say that, Elle, because if you're anything like the whore I met, than you got that cash by dishonest means, from people who need it more than you, who are trying to do something with their life, even though they seem to be failing at it. So, while you are debt free, you have put others in debt and dug a grave for them. It is no better than a drug dealer or a con artist or similar criminal who has obtained a large sum of cash. They get rich by manipulating people and destroying their lives.

I think I am better than a whore, because I work instead of trying to con people out of money, even though I may be part of the demimonde. I can't afford a car. So, I have to ride the bus. Planes are too expensive. Nevertheless, I work for the pathetic amount that I have. I don't beg for it, or try to take it from people, so I can spend it on worthless shit like overpriced hotel rooms and fancy clothes. How can I not hate you?
If someone like you has so much money, than why would you need to lie to, beg and rob people to get more?
Smpslt7's Avatar
Take your hate somewhere else. There's not a single woman I've met on this site that has lied to me. I've seen them of my own free will, given them cash in exchange for their pleasures, and walked away with a smile. God bless them all.
So Yitzchak has gone from a woe-is-me, forlorn romantic (read the Waterpark Thread), to a bitter, racist misogynist. Still funny to read. Originally Posted by papadee
Well, you know, he's just trying to find his niche is all...