Another liberal point of view: Hillary on female presidents

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
I would consider voting for a Female Presidential Candidate. But it certainly won't be the likes of a Hillary Clinton. Everything she touches turns to shit. Originally Posted by acp5762
Nope, she didn't lie to the nation and the UN to help start a war. Not lying must be the DEFINITION of "turn to shit"!

Condaleeza Rice has even more experience and something else that Hillary lacks; class and dignity. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeah, shilling about "mushroom clouds" for war mangers and still saying Iraq was "agood and necessary" war! Now RHAT is experience!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-23-2013, 01:13 AM
Mrs Bill Cliton, should she decide to run, will spank the republicans for two terms just like Obie did ..

simply because the rice white, bible thumping, good ol boys are too stupid to figure it out
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually Hillary did make public statements about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. She, along with John Kerry and John Edwards (they both ran for president), warned the world of the existence of those weapons. Check out the second to last quote. It was made by a future Secretary of State.
Well the Bush admin lied to them, and anyone who didn't march in lockstep to war was labeled un American.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If they are over 35, and natural born citizens, they are qualified to run. I do not want to see either one of them get elected. Hillary probably will be elected, but that doesn't mean she should be President. It simply means the electorate is comprised of a majority of fools.

But they are both qualified. No doubt about that.
I wondered who would the first low life to make a personal attack and it was the New Yorker. Or should I say the New Yorker who quit.

As for experience Hillary has none, nada, zero, zip, null, nothing (to quote Dan Rather). All of her "experience" is as part of a legislative body. Sarah Palin (and you can bitch all you want) has been Mayor and Governor. She took n vested, monied interests in Alaska and won. She actually put some life in McCain's campaign for a few months. She has ran a small business, written a book (without the ghost writer), and been responsible for a number of conservative candidates winning their elections around the country. Can Hillary claim any of that? I can also tell you what Sarah Palin didn't do. She didn't lie for her husband. She didn't break the law, She didn't put her future first before the country. She didn't fail the 3 AM phone call test. She did not cover up the needless deaths of four Americans in a foreign land. And she didn't eat a pile of shit trying to keep herself in the limelight of politics by being a toady for a socialist.
Condaleeza Rice has even more experience and something else that Hillary lacks; class and dignity. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Clinton was the Secretary of State of the United States of America. This is comparable to being the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska? The more you post, the sillier you look.