F Joe Biden's No good, Very Bad week, - but what next poll

PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
does a dirt bag like you ever do any kind of fact checking that doesn't involve the plethora of LIES peddled by FOX Spews ? Don't believe any lame brain attempt by RepubliKKKans to come out with a legitimate call for Biden Impeachment... I can tell you now Joe is laughing his head off. Heck, you couldn't even come up with a case against Hillary. We are still waiting. Go away and get a real job. Sucker
biomed1's Avatar
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Wait a min....
Buffalo will probably refuse to accept him. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Isn't NY a sanctuary state? Surely you are not suggesting them to be hypocritical up yonder way? I mean, it's not like NYC is choking on migrants already? Ooops! They are... Oh well, not my problem.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...you ever do any kind of fact checking ... Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
Yup. How's 'bout you? So you're telling us that Slo-Joe is a spry little octogenarian? Fit as a fiddle? The Fetterman before Fetterman was cool? Have you noticed how he clenches his fists when he speaks? That surely is a sign of something progressive and non-reversible. Wait a hairy second... Do you do that also?

You happen to have a list of items that are now less expensive under F Joe Biden to share?

Maybe you could claim gasoline.
It was 3x as expensive as it was under Trump when Slo-Joe started and now it's only 2.25 X. Is that what good looks like?

Maybe you could claim housing. Around my world, low end housing prices are pulling back a couple years, i.e. dropping in price. Unfortunately, the buyers for those can't afford them because of continually rising interest rates. Is that what good looks like?

Well... OK. On that last one. It is what good looks like - to me. I am buying up a couple of them to turn in to rent houses for those unable to purchase them because of continually rising interest rates under F Joe Biden. Looks good to me