Need Some Advice On Allergies...

Yes, I've been using chamomile tea bags over my eyes...does sooth them for awhile. I can't use Benadryl as it gives me a very nervous feeling and does just the opposite...I told you I'm strange! (lol)

Anyway, not to hijack my own thread...but, how about our Spurs! They're really kicking booty tonight!
If it is really getting you down, you can go get a steroid shot or oral steroid pack from you doctor. It will mitigate the immediate problem and tends to last about two months for me, which gets me out of the problem season.

I have done the shots and my sensitivity to cedar is much less than it was about 10 years ago. The other consideration is that mold has been very high recently, kinda double teaming on the nasal passages and eyes.

My current survival method, prescribed by my allergist, is one 24hr Claritin-D every morning, and Afrin as needed on bad days. Sometimes I add in Mucinex to help with proper drainage. Yeah, you can get addicted to Afrin, but in the scheme of things it ain't a moral failing. As a side note, I tend towards the name brand of the Claritin-D because it does not affect my blood pressure like other allergy/decongestants do. Even the generic Claritin knock-off which are much cheaper will spike my blood pressure. Not real sure why the difference but my allergist and I think it is cheaper and better to go with the Claritin-D and not have to add in blood pressure medicine.

I'm sorry this has cut into your fun. I know allergies can really get you down, and then it just gets worse because you don't get enough sleep. Take care of yourself.

blaktygre's Avatar
claritin-D and visine-A. my choice of weapons against allergies..
ammonite's Avatar
Dennis I'm thinking of teabagging in a different way I think, does it also make the swelling go down?
ski-hog's Avatar
Hah LOL, my thoughts exactly!! It actually is proven that sex does help with allergies.
ammonite's Avatar
Lol, I have noticed that the "swelling" goes away shortly after teabagging.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I'm about going crazy with my allergies this week...mostly, it's in my eyes. They're very itchy and it's causing the skin around my eyelids to swell and flake...and it's hot to the touch...very sexy, huh?

Is anyone else having any allergy issues...what do you think is causing this...and does anyone have any remedies? This is costing me more than aggravation as I've had to cancel all appointments this week because of it...PLEASE HELP!! Originally Posted by Likinikki

Hang in there LikinNikki here is what I take for my allergies is essentials supplement of mega antioxidant, chelated mineral, poly C. They seem to help with with my allergy problem. Had a good friend told me about supplements so far they been working for me. U can get them at GNC take care and get better wee!
Mountain Cedar is from the devil!

I've used prescription meds: NasaCort, I believe.

I've also tried combinations of Claritin D, Tavist, Zyrtec, and Mucinex. I've even resorted to occasional use of a neti-pot.

Hang in there, at least it's not too long until the cedar season is over.
ammonite's Avatar
I just take Sonya for my allergies. That way all the stuff she takes wears off on me. The only side effect is that I sometimes say "wee" at inappropriate times.
GuySmiley's Avatar
Strange as it sounds, the 'eating honey from the local beekeepers' can work. I start eating it in October, and when this time of years rolls around, I have no problems unless it just a super awful cedar pollen count, and it's usually just a mild inflammation that passes in a day or so. Cost lots less too. But it doesn't work for everybody, my metabolism seems to work with it pretty well. At this point, the 'honey solution' might be too late, but keep it in mind next year.

weee... whoa, where'd that come from...?

oh, wait, I remember...
ammonite's Avatar
Yes, the providers of local honey do us all a great service. I have allergies most of the time so I try to eat local honey all year long...wee ..oops sorry about that.
oshins's Avatar
The good news is that the 'season' usually ends in February. So you are almost out of the proverbial woods.

Just a side note... its not mountain cedar. I know that is the local misconception, but the tree that produces 'cedar fever' is actually Ashe Juniper. Not sure how it ever got that name in this area. It doesn't look or smell anything like a cedar tree.

GneissGuy's Avatar
There are some prescription allergy eyedrops that may help a lot more than OTC eyedrops. Patinol is one example. These can be a REAL relief.

Be very careful with nonprescription nose sprays. Some of them irritate the lining of your nose. They temporarily reduce the swelling, but when the medicine wears off, the tissue swells back up and you're worse off than before. Then you spray again, getting worse and worse. It's truly addictive.

There are some prescription nasal sprays that may be worth the effort. They may have less side effects and are not as addictive. Astelin is one example.

I really think you'll get used to the needle if you try the shots. It's a lot of effort, but a cure is really worth it. Breathing freely after years of problems is an amazing thing.
SAKnight1982's Avatar
If u are just taking sudafed, with your symptoms you should also be taking an antihistamine like benadryl or claritin as previously stated. Personally I would go with zyrtec-d which has both. Zyrtec-d has always worked for me and does not cause drowsiness. Also taking an antihistime alone on a daily basis is a good idea if your are like me and get those allergies often. Also everyone is different so what antihistimine works for us may not work for you. It's like a trial and error. And drixoral worked even better so once that comes back on the market I'm stocking up on that.

just take Sonya for my allergies. That way all the stuff she takes wears off on me. The only side effect is that I sometimes say "wee" at inappropriate times.
Ammonite, I recall you were shouting that at our last rendevous...over and over and over again! (lol)

Oshins...thank you for that tidbit of information...I didn't know that! So, what's the yellow pollen that I see all over the place that from the Ashe Juniper?