Has This Happend To You While Sitting In The Drive Thru?

Has this ever happend to anyone or have you paid it forward to someone you didnt know? Originally Posted by BrandyMichelle
There were two things that were drilled into me growing up. Family and friends always have a place to sleep at our house and secondly they never go hungry.

I usually can't give someone a place to sleep but if I'm in a position I make sure they get fed. I've bought groceries/fast food for panhandlers, I've paid for meals for veterans, etc. A lot of times people don't help because they can't save everyone, but I live by the starfish rule. Make a difference where you can.

erudite's Avatar
I did this once with a provider. After the session I left her twice the fee plus a tip and said "This should cover your next visitor's donation."

I bet that guy was so grateful!
silverstate53's Avatar
Paying it forward i do it weekly
Randall Creed's Avatar
[long pause, to ponder moments in life similar to the thread subject]

Nope. Never happened to me.

No one's ever nice to me.
[long pause, to ponder moments in life similar to the thread subject]

Nope. Never happened to me.

No one's ever nice to me. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Even if that's the case, and my good deeds done to recieved ratio is about 1000:1, living in a cruel world it's a great way to say, "fuck you world!". Yes, I'm a bit twisted, kind of like a "good" Joker.
Just wanted to follow up went back to same chick fila and no one behind me in the drive through. So i told the lady about looks like she was the manager
we both start laughing. So looks like i have to go back again
*Ginger*'s Avatar
Paying it forward i do it weekly Originally Posted by silverstate53
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
Had this happen to me in Cracker Barrel. When I finished eating my meal I get up to pay and the cashier tells me someone has already covered my bill. I asked who so I can thank them but the cashier told me he wanted to remain anonymous. I thought that was very sweety. Smiling from ear to ear! Thank you kind people
TexasChiliDog's Avatar
Yes, at a toll booth.
It has happened to me a couple of times...always when I needed a smile. Funny how that works.

In the past I would find a family in Walmart or the grocery store and give them a gift card or cash to help them pay for their groceries. They usually look at me like I am crazy...but then I just tell them that I am thankful that I am able to extend my hand to bless them.

Thanks for this post, it has been awhile and I need to start my RAOK (random act of kindness) days again.
You know I think I love that crazy Reese Foster and I've never even met her.
hurricane786's Avatar
I have actually paid for the order behind me in Starbucks a few times :-). I typically do it in Friday and ask the cashier to wish them 'Happy Friday'. Just makes me happy...
Randall Creed's Avatar
It has happened to me a couple of times...always when I needed a smile. Funny how that works.

In the past I would find a family in Walmart or the grocery store and give them a gift card or cash to help them pay for their groceries. They usually look at me like I am crazy...but then I just tell them that I am thankful that I am able to extend my hand to bless them.

Thanks for this post, it has been awhile and I need to start my RAOK (random act of kindness) days again. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Yeah, I tried to do this once, at a Walmart, for a young mom. She was coming up short on what she was trying to purchase. I offered to cover the difference, admittedly mostly to get her out of my way, as she was juggling what to keep and what not, but she wasn't having it. The difference wasn't even that great. 5 bucks would've covered it, but she said no, putting back things that looked like were for a baby. Maybe she'd been taken advantage of by 'kind strangers' and felt like I was a creepy perp looking for 'favors' later on. Fat chance of that, fwiw (she was't that particularly hot...considerably on the heavy side, even).

I simply wanted to move things along, for my sake and the people behind me.

Btw, Reese, you need to change your avatar, because the current one makes me want to pounce on and pound you.
While I was in college, I was running late for my class and starving so I stopped at a Jack in the Box and quickly ordered, got up to the window and couldn't find my wallet. Turns out, I had left it at home. The cashier looked at me and said "Don't worry about it, take your food and pay us when you can" I was in shock and grateful at the same time.

The next day, I went back to pay for my food and gave the cashier a target gift card for her kindness. She was so thankful. I would've died of starvation that day had it not been for her. I was in a bad part of town too. There are kind, genuine people still left in this world
As pretty as you are and with such a wonderful smile I would think you would be treated all the time Bliss. I too have helped a few times myself. I have never been on the receiving end. I do enjoy giving especially when I can do it anonymously.