Biden gonna take out the trash at debate

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I understand team O'Biden has dedicated a full week of debate prep for, get this, I shit you not - to train the O'Biden to be able to stand up on his own for 90 minutes straight. As such, I'll be watching his knuckles turn white from his death grip on the podium to keep from falling over.

Anyone know what the over-under is on him popping-a-squat and dropping another klinker load, ala G7?
biomed1's Avatar
JFK Jr. thinks Trump will win
I think its a waste of time Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Respectfully, I don't think that JFK, Jr. is doing a lot of thinking about anything.

He died in July 1999.
Levianon17's Avatar
I understand team O'Biden has dedicated a full week of debate prep for, get this, I shit you not - to train the O'Biden to be able to stand up on his own for 90 minutes straight. As such, I'll be watching his knuckles turn white from his death grip on the podium to keep from falling over.

Anyone know what the over-under is on him popping-a-squat and dropping another klinker load, ala G7? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Well let's just hope he doesn't look for a chair again if you catch my drift, lol.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Respectfully, I don't think that JFK, Jr. is doing a lot of thinking about anything.

He died in July 1999. Originally Posted by biomed1
I got the wrong Kennedy

thanks Sir

The Hill
RFK Jr. predicts Trump will win CNN debate against Biden
5 hours ago

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I hate to use my Special Olympics analogy again, but if you win gold and the other person wins silver; are you really winning anything in the overall grand scheme of things?

The only one who is really winning is CNN because they will probably have record ratings for an hour and a half of a very awkward back and forth comedy routine between dumb and dumber.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The only one who is really winning is CNN because they will probably have record ratings for an hour and a half ... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Lord knows they need it. I believe they have dipped below the 400K viewer mark pretty consistently these days.
ICU 812's Avatar
Dark brandon showing up at first debate and gonna obliterate trumpf like corn pop. Trumpf will suffer biggly if he is made to follow the the debate rules. Trumpf is gonna try to talk over muted mics like a madman.
Cornpop going down again. Trumpf gonna get exposed Originally Posted by winn dixie
Too early to get this excited. This event (not really a "debate") could go either way.

Both parties are likely to take performance enhancing drugs to maintain energy and or focus.

Both parties are of advanced age. Either one of them could, while live and on stage, develop a profoundly debilitating or even disabling condition.

My hopes are on former President Trump, but I won't bet any money on it due to the very real possibilities (about 0"50 in my estimation) that either oner of them will collapse on camera.

This event cvould end early.
ICU 812's Avatar
Dark brandon showing up at first debate and gonna obliterate trumpf like corn pop. Trumpf will suffer biggly if he is made to follow the the debate rules. Trumpf is gonna try to talk over muted mics like a madman.
Cornpop going down again. Trumpf gonna get exposed Originally Posted by winn dixie
Now then, if both men can stay on their feet and functioning while the hot lights are on:

Former President Trump will be confronted by three; President Biden, and the two "moderators". The NN employees will interrupt Mr. Trump and n does not allow him to get his message out. They will accuse him of presenting misinformation.

I do believe and expect that Mr. Trump will at times, try to speak loudly enough to be heard over a deed mike. He hasn't' asked me, but I would advise him not to that. I would instead just try to make pointed side remarks from time to time that are loud enough for President Biden to hear but not loud enough to register with the TV audience.

While on a live mike, I would advise former President Trump to avoid disparaging remarks about President Biden's obvious weaknesses and focus on policy issues. Let President Biden show himself to be the man he is.
No idea how the debate will go, but this is pretty funny.
If Biden could carry a bag of actual trash to the dumpster, I'd be impressed at this point.

We all know this is going to be a car crash of epic proportions, buckle up.
winn dixie's Avatar
To be fair. Trumpf is 300 lb plus..

Dark brandon will handle the entitled spoiled brat. Trumpfs losing will continue.
trump as already said "maybe I'll lose on purpose." who says shit like that if they think they will win?

So much winning. lol

I'm sure Salty and a few others will be live posting on here. I'm gonna go drop a couple of loads in my SB. I'll catch up on the train crash tomorrow.
Levianon17's Avatar
No idea how the debate will go, but this is pretty funny.

Originally Posted by Diligaf
Yeah, it's funny but probably how it will turn out. Trump will lose the Debate on purpose and Biden will think he won it on purpose, lol. My expectations are quite low for either one to inspire me enough to vote for either one.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Biden is the trash and today is trash day.

I see it as Biden has to tell the people they are happy, i.e better off than they were 4 years ago and not to believe their lying eyes and bank statements etc.

Trump just needs to talk directly to the people, pretty much ignoring Biden alltogether and ask the American people directly if they are better off than they were 4 years ago. How do they feel about multiple wars costing billions of dollars. How do they feel about having their boarders over run and spending billions of dollars supporting the interlopers.

Q's that need A's that Biden cannot possibly provide.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
CNN said they are going to have a 1 to 2 minutes delay on the broadcast. It's not enough that the moderators are in the Democrats pocket they get to edit out when Joe slips and slumps.