here it comes .. the Hail Mary effort to void Trump's election

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please explain why your vote is more valid than someone else’s?

Trump has whined and bitched about the 2016 election every fucking day, and he won. Are you going to listen to him do the same on FOX for the next 10 years?

If you’re a patriot, then you’ve got to support our institutions. You have the right to question everything, but cult membership apparently doesn’t count, does it?

Or not.

But hate, xenophobia, ignorance and dumbassery will not be en Vogue .
I never said my vote was more important than yours, and yes I will listen to FOX for the next 10 years and I support our institutions, but my point is I believe we are seeing voter fraud in 4 states on a massive scale, and you will never be able to convince me that Biden won this thing, the Dummycrats, as I predicted months ago, would keep digging until they "found" enough votes, irregardless of whether or not they were valid votes, to put Biden ahead ..... then, magically, all the votes have suddenly been counted ..... and if you can honestly believe that mail-in ballots are not the biggest problem in a fair election, then perhaps you belong in the "ignorance and dumbassery" group .....
Munchmasterman's Avatar
We didn't predict you would claim fraud when you were losing.
We knew you would claim fraud. trump has been saying that for a year.

You're blathering again. Some states count mail-in ballots on election day. Some do it other ways. In person votes are tallied first because the machines tally them as they are made. Mail ins are loaded by hand. Observers from both parties watched vote counting. trump fucked repubs by claiming mail-in might not return in time. So most of the voted in person. That why it looked like trump was ahead.
The "red mirage". Mail-ins were counted after in person.
Show any credible source of observed cheating.
Good luck.
I never said my vote was more important than yours, and yes I will listen to FOX for the next 10 years and I support our institutions, but my point is I believe we are seeing voter fraud in 4 states on a massive scale, and you will never be able to convince me that Biden won this thing, the Dummycrats, as I predicted months ago, would keep digging until they "found" enough votes, irregardless of whether or not they were valid votes, to put Biden ahead ..... then, magically, all the votes have suddenly been counted ..... and if you can honestly believe that mail-in ballots are not the biggest problem in a fair election, then perhaps you belong in the "ignorance and dumbassery" group ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
  • oeb11
  • 11-06-2020, 09:20 AM
Blue Meanie does love his marxist propaganda from the LSM!
and -MM/Yr do love their DPST victory at any cost - including cheating, lying, theft and pervasive Voter fraud on the part of the DPST's!
Lapdog's Avatar
Chicken Little is feeling threatened about losing his freedumb.
  • oeb11
  • 11-06-2020, 09:23 AM
Thank U - yapping yorkie

Are u also a handle of YR's??
Likely so!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I believe we are seeing voter fraud in 4 states on a massive scale Originally Posted by 00 gauge
What about the other 46?

I believe Texas solidly went for Biden and that there was massive voter fraud in Florida.

Sounds like a BUNCH of whining in your spare time.

Grab a shovel and finish that wall!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Blue Meanie does love his marxist propaganda from the LSM!
and -MM/Yr do love their DPST victory at any cost - including cheating, lying, theft and pervasive Voter fraud on the part of the DPST's! Originally Posted by oeb11
Prove any of those things, Comrade DOTY?

There's a reason nobody else even qualified for the DOTY ballot.
  • oeb11
  • 11-06-2020, 09:35 AM
YR / multiple handles - Perseveration - while expecting a different outcome - is the definition of Insanity!
Seek some professional Help!
Lapdog's Avatar
Thank U - yapping yorkie

Are u also a handle of YR's??
Likely so! Originally Posted by oeb11
