Why so sad?

So your Tomboy sister is why you believe that 1500 zombies voted in Nevada. Are you a FTM? Originally Posted by WTF
among your many charms is a well practiced insolence

No doubt a consequence of upbringing
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  • WTF
  • 12-20-2020, 11:23 AM
T We know for a fact that people that should not have voted, including dead people, did vote but we never got an answer as to how many because it always kept coming back to one thing and one thing only, ". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
This is why you rarely hear about dead people voting. There is a huge negative risk/reward.:

"County detectives say a man from Forty Fort filled out an application for an absentee ballot for his mother, who is dead," reported Carolyne Blackburn. "According to court paperwork, 67-year-old Robert Lynn used a typewriter to fill out that absentee ballot application in the name of his deceased mother. Court records show she passed away five years ago. Luzerne County officials said this is the first voter fraud arrest here in 30 years."

"Court paperwork shows as detectives questioned Lynn about the absentee ballot application, he tried to pin the blame on a relative. He later allegedly admitted to filling it out," said the report. "Lynn was arraigned on charges of forgery and interference of an election. He was released on $10,000 unsecured bail. If he's found guilty, county officials said he could face up to 10 years in prison."

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  • WTF
  • 12-20-2020, 11:24 AM
among your many charms is a well practiced insolence

No doubt a consequence of upbringing Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I was raised by wolves. Made a movie out of it...
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I told you a long time ago you were losing it. Now it's official. Take you're dumbass to parler with Bina.

In Nevada, they have the evidence of 1500 zombies voting, 14,000 people from out of state voting, and 42,000 people who also vote in other states. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
This is worth repeating and really all one needs to know on the validity of Trump and Cornhole's claims Originally Posted by WTF

eccieuser9500's Avatar
My question still stands: How do dead people vote?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The democrats have perfected zombie voting. Ask them.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Last time it was only 1 county.
Of course no links for lies. Your constant MO now.

That's okay. I brought links.

WASHINGTON — In blistering language denouncing Republican efforts to subvert the election, the attorneys general for Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to reject a lawsuit that seeks to overturn the victories in those states by President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., calling the audacious effort an affront to democracy and the rule of law.

The lawsuit, filed by the Republican attorney general of Texas and backed by his G.O.P. colleagues in 17 other states and 106 Republican members of Congress, represents the most coordinated, politicized attempt to overturn the will of the voters in recent American history. President Trump has asked to intervene in the lawsuit as well in hopes that the Supreme Court will hand him a second term he decisively lost.


Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske’s office announced Friday evening that it has “yet to see any evidence of wide-spread fraud” in the state’s 2020 election, an indirect rebuke of unsupported claims of mass voter fraud made by President Donald Trump and Nevada Republicans.

In a “Facts vs. Myths” document posted to the secretary of state’s website late Friday, Cegavske’s office wrote that it is pursuing several “isolated” cases of voter fraud, but has not seen evidence of any large-scale fraud that would meaningfully affect Trump’s 33,596-vote loss in the state. Electors cast Nevada’s six electoral votes for President-elect Joe Biden on Monday.


Nothing changing there.


The state Senate on Tuesday slapped not one but two subpoenas on Maricopa County, demanding that county elections officials turn over the 2.1 million ballots cast in last month's election along with all Dominion Voting Systems machinery and software.

No word on whether the Senate has the authority to order the county to turn over equipment for an audit or who will pick up the tab.

The subpoenas came just a day after state and county officials spent six hours explaining to legislators why the various conspiracy theories about how Arizona’s election was stolen are a load of horsepucky.

So naturally, at the conclusion of Monday's marathon meeting, Senate Judiciary Chairman Eddie Farnsworth announced he would issue subpoenas to audit the tabulation machines used in Maricopa County.
“There is evidence of tampering,” the Gilbert Republican flatly stated. “There is evidence of fraud.”

Senate president OKs 2 subpoenas
There is also evidence that some Republicans are now completely and utterly untethered to reality.

It remains to be seen whether one state legislator has the power to order an audit of what people had for lunch, much less an examination of all 359 voting machines used by another branch of government.
According to state law, the chamber's presiding officer or a legislative committee chair can subpoena witnesses to appear before his or her committee. It says nothing about subpoenas that force other branches of government to conduct audits.

But on Tuesday, Senate President Karen Fann announced that Farnsworth sent the county two subpoenas with her blessing: one calling for a “scanned ballot audit” to collect electronic images of all mail-in ballots and another calling for “a full forensic audit” of tabulation machines along with the software, election management system used in the election and all administrative passwords and security fobs.

She wants it all by 5 p.m. on Friday.

The irony of what Republicans are seeking, however, is worth noting.
Lawsuits prevented a county audit
Maricopa County officials were actually planning an audit of the county's Dominion Voting Systems machinery earlier this month, along with a hand count of all votes, to try to satisfy the concerns of Republicans who continue to believe that skullduggery was afoot.

But Clint Hickman, chairman of the Board of Supervisors, said he had to put it on hold because state GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward keeps dragging the county into court, crying fraud. The machines and ballots would be considered evidence, and no lawyer worth his salt is going to allow them to be audited while the lawsuits continue.

But I digress. Monday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing was … well, it was educational if you actually listened to the various public officials who took great pains to answer Republican legislators’ questions.
Arizona Mirror’s Jim Small and Laura Gómez did a solid rundown of the hearing, in which the Senate panel heard from Supervisor Hickman as well as the county’s election director, a deputy county attorney who handled elections issues and two people from the Attorney General’s Election Integrity Unit.

All five testified that there was no evidence of fraud, manipulation, tampering or any hint of the various nefarious plots dreamed up by Republicans to explain Trump’s loss.

“I want voters to be 100% confident, to be as confident as I am in this process,” said Scott Jarrett, who was appointed by the GOP-dominated Board of Supervisors to oversee the county’s election.

Several conspiracies were debunked
He and the other four witnesses addressed a variety of conspiracies floating about. Among them:
Were Republican election observers shut out? Actually, there were more observers from both parties in this election than ever before, according to Jarrett, and they witnessed every part of the election process. They were there when early ballots were collected from drop boxes, to verify that the seals placed on the boxes to prevent tampering were intact. And though public health protocols required them to maintain a six-foot distance, they were there for the verification of signatures and the counting of early ballots.

What about those late “spikes” of votes for Biden you hear about on social media? Didn’t happen in Arizona, Jarrett said. In fact, it was Trump, not Biden, who surged among the ballots counted late in the process.

What about rigged voting machinery? Jarret said Dominion's tabulation machines passed every pre-and post-election test in all three elections in 2020 (the presidential preference, the primary and the general).

He ran down the county safeguards that would prevent Dominion employees from altering the election results or secretly programming the machines to flip Trump votes to Biden.

For one thing, the machines aren’t connected to the internet.In order to operate, each machine must have two identical memory cards that were programmed at the same time or it won’t read votes. And seals are placed over the memory-card slots so that if someone tampers with them, it’ll be detected.

The machines also are under video surveillance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The camera feed is even streamed online.
To access a machine, you would need a security fob, an administration password and a unique PIN.

“There is,” Jarrett said, “no possible way for the program to be changed during the course of the election.”

Ah, but did anyone double-check the results to make sure votes weren’t flipped? If the machines were rigged, Jarrett said that would have turned up in the hand-count audit and accuracy testing conducted after the election.

The batches of votes to be sampled, a set number required by law, were chosen by officials from both political parties.

Every one of those audits and accuracy tests in all three 2020 elections – including 47,000 votes audited after the general election – showed a 100% match between the votes counted by hand and the votes counted by the machines.
What about all those people who voted illegally? Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani suggested that several hundred thousand immigrants who are in this country illegally voted in Arizona.

Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright said the Election Integrity Unit culled through thousands of vague election complaints about the election, filed via an online form, to come up with something it could actually investigate. The unit is now looking into claims that 38 people voted illegally in Arizona.

Trump lost the state by more than 10,000 votes.

Audit away, but I doubt it'll end this
Or not, according to the true believers who were moved not one iota of an inch after hearing six hours of assurances that Arizona's election was freely and fairly held.

“Nothing's 100% secure. If people want to cheat they're going to cheat,” observed Sen. Sonny Borrelli.

And if people are going to believe the election was stolen after eight unsuccessful lawsuits, I'm guessing that not even a clean audit will change that. Next, they'll want something else.
But hey, audit away. I'm all for it as long as Republicans agree to abide by the results of the audit (and the party can pay for it, too).

Farnsworth says his legislative subpoenas will help restore confidence that Arizona elections was free of “tampering, manipulation and fraud.”

Maybe his subpoenas also will restore sanity after six weeks of absolute chaos and an absence of any evidence that the fix was in.

But I wouldn’t count on it.

Keep on pushing.
You're protesting. You're howling. You're misdirecting.

And you're lying your ass off.

Good thing your felony convictions keep you from owning fire arms.
You would think the leftists would just sit back and gloat that they stole an election on Trump. They aren't though. They're protesting, they're howling, they're trying to misdirect..why?

Maybe because in Arizona the state senate has issued warrant to seize the polling machines, notes, related equipment, and flash drives for programming the machines. Shouldn't be a problem turning that stuff over if the election was fair. What is the voting commission doing instead? They are suing the state senate.

In Georgia, the Attorney General of the state has issued orders for a full audit of those absentee and mail in votes. If the address on the envelope does not match or is not real then that vote should be thrown out.

In Wisconsin, even though four of seven judges refused to hear the case which is not the evidence is bad, they just refused to hear it but the Chief Justice looked at the evidence and wrote dissenting opinion, he said that there is strong evidence of voter fraud. So now that goes to the Supreme Court.

In Nevada, they have the evidence of 1500 zombies voting, 14,000 people from out of state voting, and 42,000 people who also vote in other states.

You know they may not get to the bottom of this until after the inauguration but they will find what we all know, that Bei Jing Biden stole the election. That'll be fun watching them drag out Kameltoe kicking and screaming. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Another "what if" story.
Since there is no doubt there were no "irregularities" or fraud, please explain what "irregularities" have disqualified votes? What is your definition of "irregularities"?
None of the lawsuits have claimed fraud. Give me 10...no, just 5 examples of fraud from each swing state. In the lawsuits that have been dismissed, for whatever reason, what evidence of fraud has been listed?
If you can't, it means you are using sheer numbers of votes as proof of the likely "irregularities" and fraud to have occurred.
At what point does your inability to show evidence prove how small the number of "irregularities" and fraud occurred?

You have no right to attack the confidence of the American voters in our system for no other reason than you being a trump or Russian shill. This election has been monitored more than any election in our history. The security of our elections will continue to improve.

What link or links (I believe nothing you say without confirmation on a national level) prove "irregularities" (that disqualify votes) or fraud? Can't you remember any source you get your info from? Other than the odds are good some fraud occurs in 150,000,000 votes (which means there is no way to tell who your "offenders" voted for)?
The odds say that the likelihood of undetected fraud by either party is equal.
Do you expect us to believe you can't tell us who is telling you what to say?
There isn't an iota of doubt that there were "irregularities" and fraud, none, but I would not go so far as to say that Biden didn't win. Then again, unless we knew the truth, which we never will, we can't say for sure if all legal ballots were counted and all illegal ballots rejected, who would have won.

While I have made the same case, that the courts rarely got around to the merits, if at all, the contest is over as far as who will be President but I have no doubt at all, by the time all state issues have been thoroughly addressed, the irregularities and the fraud will be on display for all to see but it will be to late to change anything but how we do things in the future.

Early on, I heard that one reason a couple of election officials wouldn't sign on to validating the results, is that in 71% of the counties looked at, there were more ballots counted than were sent out. If that were true, that is fraud but I never heard a court or anybody else address the answer to that question, did you? We know for a fact that people that should not have voted, including dead people, did vote but we never got an answer as to how many because it always kept coming back to one thing and one thing only, can you prove that number and who did it effect most and they either couldn't or the courts didn't even want to hear it because "you don't have standing" and "it's too late". I understand that both are based in the law, doesn't mean I have to like it or can't speak against it in order to change things the next time around.

To say "there was no fraud" is the height of naivete. Try saying "no fraud was proven in a court of law". Then you would be at least half right because in many cases, the merits ( evidence ) was never addressed.

You need only read the dissenting opinion from the Chief Justice of the Penn. SC to understand that this wasn't as cut and dry as the left would have you believe but you got your win, now let's see what you do with it.

If you want an idea of what might happen to our country if Democrats do win both seats in Georgia and control the Presidency, House and Senate, take a good look at what is happening in California, a one party state that is crumbling before our eyes with far left ideas ruling the day.

California is a disaster waiting to happen to the entire country under Democrat rule. If I live long enough, I'll be telling you "I told you so". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
My question still stands: How do dead people vote? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
two ways to do this. in person multi-voting as someone else (this is identity fraud btw) and by mail ballot.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
two ways to do this. in person multi-voting as someone else (this is identity fraud btw) and by mail ballot. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Number one doesn't answer how a dead person votes. Someone else votes for a dead person. Not the dead person. Two: where is the mailbox, or boxes, the dead use to send their ballots?

Number two calls for an investigation.

Ways and means committee?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 12-20-2020, 03:43 PM
My question still stands: How do dead people vote?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

The Chicago Daly DPST machine was expert at sending in dead people votes - as have DPST candidates from Tammany Hall in NY, LBJ in Texas, JFK 's father bought votes, and the list is endless 9500.
But - DPST's choose ignorance of FACTS over their Comrade XCi- dictted narrative rom their DNC and LSM - so you don't now anything about History ( History is defined by DPST leaders as Racist anyway)!!!

From One so expert at irrelevant memes of dead white guys ( racist, homophilic???) -9500 has no grounds for any credibility!
  • oeb11
  • 12-20-2020, 03:44 PM
My question still stands: How do dead people vote?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

The Chicago Daly DPST machine was expert at sending in dead people votes - as have DPST candidates from Tammany Hall in NY, LBJ in Texas, JFK 's father bought votes, and the list is endless 9500.
But - DPST's choose ignorance of FACTS over their Comrade XCi- dictated narrative from their DNC and LSM - so you don't know anything about History ( History is defined by DPST leaders as Racist anyway)!!!

From One so expert at irrelevant memes of dead white guys ( racist, homophilic???) -9500 has no grounds for any credibility!
eccieuser9500's Avatar

The democrats have perfected zombie voting. Ask them.
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
My question still stands: How do dead people vote? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
They died in Chicago