Is the ISO forum worthwhile?

textodd11's Avatar
Other than the SNATCH thread, I have never gotten a decent response for any request posted there. See a couple hundred views and 1 or 2 responses/PM's. Sure it's active, but it's never worked out for me. Then again, I've gotten NCNSed more in the last year for no reason at all than I did in the previous 5 put together. God I miss some of those old quality ASPD days.
ck1942's Avatar
Then again, I've gotten NCNSed more in the last year for no reason at all than I did in the previous 5 put together. God I miss some of those old quality ASPD days. Originally Posted by textodd11
Research! Research! Research!

As for the good old days... many NCNS episodes back then, too, imo.

Meanwhile, I'm still enjoying the hobby pretty much.
Doglegg's Avatar
I have used both the SNATCH (yep, guys can use it also for a quick response when a sudden time opportunity arises) and I have used the ISO when pre-planning a day or two out.

The ISO also lets me specify that the session will require a nurse's uniform, sugar-free chocolate syrup, a pussy pump, and a fox tail butt plug.

If the lady has all of the above and answers the ISO iso either publically or via PM, she should also have done her form of screening, either ladies forum, contacted my reviews, or ask me for non-recent references.

If the lady answers my SNATCH request, she should know me or make quick use of any available references before telling me to come on down. The SNATCH is not meant for 8 hrs prior notice for verification.

You can bet in either case I will be looking at who replies, their reviews, and what I know of their board 'presence'.

In either area, I have had mixed results, especially when asking for smooth peanut butter, gummy bears, and Crisco from a can.
calliemac775's Avatar
I have had pretty good luck on both SNATCH and ISO. In fact, I.was stuck Waco at one point, posted an ISO short notice outcall and got three responses. Od course they were about three hours late, so nothing came of it, but they did respond. And any time I've posted on SA I've had about a 60% success rate. Heck, I met UTR Daisy because she responded to a coed thread I posted..we pm'd and texted back and forth and I ended up setting up a session that night, wasn't even planning on it..the ladies do read our posts. Have no doubt. Honestly, as a whole , this board has been very good to me as a hobbyist.
formula89's Avatar
I almost exculsivly use the ISO.
I like to though out the line and give the time to a lady who wants it.
John4229's Avatar
I’ve had mixed results.

I’ve tried putting out an ISO when I was looking for a short-notice appointment and there weren’t any SNATCH posts in my area (when you only have a few lucky hours, travel time matters). Volume wise, I’d get three or four responses – but no suitable ones. That is, I was specific about needing an incall in a specific part of town, within the next couple of hours and got responses from providers who didn’t have an incall, weren’t in the right part of town, or wouldn’t be available until later in the evening.

On the other hand, when time wasn’t so critical, my results have been rather good. I posted an ISO in another city two weeks before a trip there and got good results (even a few providers from nearby towns who were willing to drive to the place I was staying). I also posted an ISO when I was looking for a provider who would be willing to put in the extra effort to deliver MSOG (which didn’t happen because the one I made arrangements with flaked, but I still got several responses) – that was three or four days in advance.

I’d also echo what ck142 said about research. When you put out an ISO, you get responses from providers who are actively looking for business – and sometimes, they’re in need of clients for a very good reason (they have bad track record). Stress on “some” – I’ve also got responses from solid and reputable providers as well. A check of profiles/reviews and a search of the boards will help your sort out the replies and make your choice.
I get a lot of my dates from them posting in the iso....but then again I respond to alot that never get read
It sure was today! Many thanks to the gents who contacted me after seeing my post in SNATCH. The morning got off to a "flakey" start but thanks to y'all it turned out beautifully!