Albany is a Wasteland

Whatever dude. If you're going to worry about what the rich are doing you're going to have a long and very unhappy life. Because they're going to do whatever they want and nothing's going to stop them, it's not just Trump. And if you want to talk small markets, Hartford is no bigger then Albany really. So check out hartford's Eros and advertising places and you'll see there's a ton going on and nobody gives a shit about it. Matter fact Hartford and Albany are probably about the same size, and if you look on the Eros website there's probably anywhere from 28 to 40 girls on there at any one point. I've been seeing girls there for years and there's never any talk of anybody being arrested or being harassed. So if you don't like Albany's provider Market maybe you should get out of Albany. And you're not paying any more in Hartford or Springfield than you would here. I can go to either one of those towns which are equal to Albany in size and I can get anything I want with pretty much no trouble whatsoever. Women have been selling pussy since the beginning of time and it's never going to change, ever. It's not going to stop because one man says it's going to stop. Bulshit! Originally Posted by 50507
Never knew there so many Trump loving mongers - at least I got this board waking up a bit. The Wasteland has arisen and you that support that idiot keep of listening to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and believe in the fake truth of this piece of garbage
I bet the real reason Albany turned into a "Wasteland" is Climate Change...LMAO
I bet the real reason Albany turned into a "Wasteland" is Climate Change...LMAO Originally Posted by hvacman
  • 50507
  • 04-21-2019, 07:34 AM
Never knew there so many Trump loving mongers - at least I got this board waking up a bit. The Wasteland has arisen and you that support that idiot keep of listening to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and believe in the fake truth of this piece of garbage Originally Posted by Streambed
Okay assshole, if you want to turn it political, I voted for third-party this time around. I'm not a trump supporter, but if you think one man is going to find a way to stop women from finding ways to sell pussy that you're a complete and utter fool. I pity you!
Maybe you should ask Alexandria Ocommie Cortez what the real reason is...I am sure since "She is the boss" another isightfull answer will fall out of her blow hole...
Hobby1750's Avatar
I voted for Trump and I'm proud of it. Don't be a lemming and be manipulated by the media. Watch his press conferences and you'll see what he actually says, which is much different than what the media reports.
Press conferences- he has none a lies through his teeth - I have called nobody an asshole so you can cut that out - maybe mods will delete this thread, just trying to wake the board up and point out the reality of STG and no Ter and the Federal seizure of useful hobbyist resources in the wake of Mr Bigley and the hamburger spellers. Oh yeah fake news
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Any thought as NYS shrinks in numbers leaving for others states/

Lady's just fallowing the where the money at/going

On February 27, 2018, the FOSTA-SESTA package was passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 388-25.[1] On March 21, 2018, the FOSTA-SESTA package bill passed the Senate with a vote of 97-2, with only senators Ron Wyden and Rand Paul voting against it.[2] The bill was signed into law by President Donald Trump on April 11, 2018.[3][4]

SESTA was co-sponsored by 27 Democratic and Republican senators;
seems hard to blame one guy for signing that in truth hated by both parties and both parties wanted but errr ok if ya say so
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Albany is extremely hot with LE right now, so many local girls are UTR or only see established friends

However, there is a fair amount of traveling ladies that pass through
Albany is extremely hot with LE right now, so many local girls are UTR or only see established friends

However, there is a fair amount of traveling ladies that pass through Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
That is the Issue we have in The Mid Hudson Valley area..So many travelers that you can establish a girl that you can get references from..The one sold provider I used to see just disappeared into thin air much to my displeasure...I hope it is like a pendulum and swings back...
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I believe HV doesn’t have many visitors because they’re not vocal enough about a somewhat centralized area(s) that may make it worth it for ladies to visit. I live in NY and am still unfamiliar with most of the area, to the point I wouldn’t even know which “major” town/city to hit. Out of state ladies certainly wouldn’t be familiar enough to choose a town on their own.
It has to do with LE..a Few years ago a Provider outed a few girls to cut down on the Compilation.It backfired on her..The hotels are more aware now so the HV is hit or miss now..more miss then hit..THE STATE OF AFFAIRS IS SAD...
Vote blue, Like the majority of nys. Vote blue for every state office. Every senate seat. Every county official. Every mayor. Every city council member. Then maybe FOSTA will be eliminated...and we can have our precious backpage back - and all the beautiful hooks will return to posting ads. It will be sooooo nice to window shop, but we will all be so broke from either unemployment or ludicrous tax rates, looking is ALL we will be doing. (Unless the green new deal also promises free pussy)
hittingcoach's Avatar
Try being in the lower Hudson Valley. Total wasteland.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
FYI Paris Devine is in Hudson Valley early May

Don’t want to disclose too much because she has become more and more private/selective over time.

Expect a no-nonsense screening process