Where is my access to the ladies section??

Chica is right ladies. We just don't have enough lady mod's. Keep sending in the emails to the addy chica provided. I know it's a pain, but they are just swamped.
Heck, I sent a request back in May and June.... nothing
Could we get a sticky post on what the various levels of provider/verified provider/access to the Powder Room/local ladies only etc. are, and how to apply for each and who to contact? I think it would cut down a lot on the confusion, particularly for ladies who are completely new to the board.

Heck, I've been here for years and I still don't know what the differences are...
Good idea.
I have sent several as well and have never received a response.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-20-2011, 08:21 PM
hey ladies, let me try to answer a few of your questions.... You must be an active provider with a showcase and the bio filled out, one year on the board or 250 post with active reviews....
If you feel you meet these requirements send a request to : powderroom@eccie.net

(This post is outdated. Please write owderroom@ecci.net for the newer requirements which are a lot more lenient. - Lea 2/23/14)
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thank you Fawn for the additional info!! This our newest sticky thread.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-21-2011, 05:54 AM
Thank you Fawn for the additional info!! This our newest sticky thread. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Youre very welcome Chica Chaser.... I hope to hear from some of you ladies....
May I ask when this became a requirement? Just curious...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
January of this year, I believe.
So if we NON PR ladies have something to ask just the ladies, or information to share about someone, then what? Trust me I understand now why this is the way it is, however, what is the issue with Infoshare? Even "new" folks, have questions and statements for the ladies and certain things can not be said in Co-Ed for obvious reasons.

*Male Mods, I understand that these are not questions you may be able to answer*

Arianne, You have been my girl crush for awhile! I may need to save my pennies and relocate You would be WORTH the snow
Porscha Ride's Avatar
So even after we are verified we aren't allowed to have access to the Powder Room until we've been on here for a year or have at least 250 posts? Who came up with these requirements? Shouldn't the fact that we are verified be enough? I have just came back after taking a few yrs off and think the fact that I can't have access to the ladies only board right now is ridiculous. I guess if I have a problem with someone I should just put it out there for everyone to read instead of just the ladies because I have posted enough and haven't been back for a year yet. Does this make sense to anyone? Because it doesn't to me.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You missed quite a bit in those few years you were gone Ms Ride. A whole lot, in fact.
It would probably be best to raise your questions privately with one of our lady mods.
ahahaaaa i now see what this elusive powder room is. Always mentioned, but never seen. I should be coming up on 250 soon (*crosses fingers*) so I guess I'll send an email then. Ive been a member since 2009, but not active enough I guess.
  • mob
  • 12-11-2011, 04:34 PM
Hook Nikki up! She's the coolest chick on the planet!
Get this done!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Do not hijack the thread please.