SEVEN DAYS IN MAY, Starring Thoroughly Modern Milley

A group of guys on a hooker board criticizing the decision’s of others. That’s why I love upset ny. To be fair. There is a great deal of double standard going on in the White House. Donny and joe will always be judged by what the previous president did and was praised or shunned for doing. Funny thing is I believe that’s been going on since 1798. I do love the discussion here so please don’t take this as an insult. I love living in a country where we can speak our mind Originally Posted by Bigdaddy14606
I agree. I do find this portion of the board a great outlet. Public figures are by nature open to criticism and elected officials--and their subordinates--are judged at the ballot box. My concern--mostly for my young children--is that we may be tipping over into an environment with an elite ruling class who gatekeep communication/privacy/elections.