
Indiana Bone's Avatar
Glad you found your way over Musman, talk to you later IB
Musman's Avatar
Hey, Bud! Yeah, I knew about it but time has been tight. I've had to actually work since things have slowed down a bit in my biz.

See you around...

Indiana Bone's Avatar
I'm like you Musman i like the feel of this board, i feel like i can say pretty much what i feel within reason and not get slammed for it. It looks like everyone is making there way over slowly but surely. IB
Hey Musman -

Great to see you here!
We need to get some more ladies onboard - like those two spinners poor Bodilly takin' advantage of
Musman's Avatar
Now, that's an idea, SeaDog!
Kelly TNT's Avatar

Yes, we do need More Ladies to join the site! If you know a provider that hasn't joined our community...please invite them!

We appreciate all the fine folks that have sent New members our way!

Kisses from Dallas!!

~Kelly TNT
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
OK, first I gotta talk to Kelly. Cuz she's MUCH better looking and a ton softer than you gents.

Kelly: You're one of the tops. Gotta love having you riding over me. Or is that riding me??? LOL In any event, I hope we can hook up soon.

Gents: Please invite ladies you know and respect to this little haven. You know the deal; bring in the does and the bucks will follow.

Kelly TNT's Avatar
OK, first I gotta talk to Kelly. Cuz she's MUCH better looking and a ton softer than you gents.

Kelly: You're one of the tops. Gotta love having you riding over me. Or is that riding me??? LOL In any event, I hope we can hook up soon.

Gents: Please invite ladies you know and respect to this little haven. You know the deal; bring in the does and the bucks will follow.

HID Originally Posted by Horn^I^Dog
Horn^I^Dog, you are so sweet! Thank you Hon!!

I am from Texas ya know?!! I Like to Ride!

I wish I could share the Good Lovin with New Orleans!
How sad is it that I have never been there!!!

I need to change that!!

~Kelly TNT
tkdbf's Avatar
  • tkdbf
  • 04-27-2009, 03:27 PM
Horn^I^Dog, you are so sweet! Thank you Hon!!

I am from Texas ya know?!! I Like to Ride!

I wish I could share the Good Lovin with New Orleans!
How sad is it that I have never been there!!!

I need to change that!!

~Kelly TNT Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
I second that Kelly. You really need to come visit us down here. Please...Please...Please come visit.

Would it help if I said please again?
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Okay, maybe if you said Please.
Now, who could I get to go with me? Fawn? Hmmmmm...? I'll get back with ya!

~Kelly TNT
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-28-2009, 02:32 PM
Okay, maybe if you said Please.
Now, who could I get to go with me? Fawn? Hmmmmm...? I'll get back with ya!

~Kelly TNT Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
I'm with ya Kelly we need to get down to New Orleans so
we can show these Big Boys what some good lovin is all about....
by the way baby, welcome to eccie
tkdbf's Avatar
  • tkdbf
  • 04-28-2009, 02:55 PM
Okay, maybe if you said Please.
Now, who could I get to go with me? Fawn? Hmmmmm...? I'll get back with ya!

~Kelly TNT Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
I'll say please as many times as it takes.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Fawn! It looks like we need to plan our trip to New Orleans! You guys might not be able to handle the two of us crazy women! Haaaa! But, Oh it will be fun trying!

Kisses to ALL!

~Kelly TNT
bodilly's Avatar
I wish some of the guys would participate a little more here to.
I check everyday just to see if anything is going on.

I will post a review here every chance I get. Calling on some of the other guys to do the same.

One thing for sure I have never came here and not be able sign on.

Just my 2 cents
Indiana Bone's Avatar
I've invited several people and they haven't showed up yet, hopefully as SP Hunter says when the does start showing up then the hunters will come a hunting. IB