I guess we all agree on immigration reform.

This thread is a good example of just how any immigration proposal is doomed to failure.

I just saw on the news that major Hispanic Groups are already gearing up to resist any meaningful border controle. And since this entire exercise is geared toward appeasing the Hispanic Community, that means that the most that will be done is some inane lip service toward the issue.

Take a visit to Houston. Take a trip down to the inner East Side, Navigation, Canal, Harrisburg, Clinton, from the loop to downtown. This is what the Country will look like in 20 or so years.

A Shit hole.
  • 06-21-2013, 09:04 PM
Welcome to the NEW united state!

Just watch out we dxug the fuck out of YOU!

Now who want to know how this is being acomplish! Originally Posted by CJOHN