Mass Shooting In Orlando Florida Night Club.

One should "respect" another ....

....who keeps his personal philosophy separate from his gainful employment!

But I'm sure its rare to be able to exercise one while enjoying the other, simultaneously!

What would you estimate ... he posted about 50 clown and tatted fag pictures? Originally Posted by LexusLover
At least 50 !
LexusLover's Avatar
At least 50 ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
It has seem like like 5-6 times at least in each thread in which he posted!

And if I recall correctly they were posted as derogatory remarks directed at specific posters to marginalize and ridicule them! It's his kind of derisive attitude that results in these attacks on members of the gay community. He even made light of the attack on police!
From Dec 15...

The mass shooter, Omar Mateen, is light skinned. If you had just shown me a picture of his face, I would have thought he was a white Italian. However, he is a Middle Eastern (Afghani) individual.

Not surprising since most Middle Easterners (Palestinians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, Afghanis etc) are light skinned, almost white. India is definitely not part of the Middle East and Indians look very different from Middle Easterners.

In general, there are Muslims of every single race. There are millions of white Muslims, millions of black Muslims, millions of East Asian Muslims etc. Heck, the largest Muslim country in the world is an Asian country called Indonesia. No one "looks like a Muslim" just like no one "looks like a Christian".

Where's WTF? Didn't he say the odds of another attack were practically nil? That people were basically paranoid? I'd like to see this terrorists connection to the mosque he frequented. This behavior isn't being discouraged.

Thanks Obama! Thanks Hillary!
The mass shooter, Omar Mateen, is light skinned. If you had just shown me a picture of his face, I would have thought he was a white Italian. However, he is a Middle Eastern (Afghani) individual.

Not surprising since most Middle Easterners (Palestinians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, Afghanis etc) are light skinned, almost white. India is definitely not part of the Middle East and Indians look very different from Middle Easterners.

In general, there are Muslims of every single race. There are millions of white Muslims, millions of black Muslims, millions of East Asian Muslims etc. Heck, the largest Muslim country in the world is an Asian country called Indonesia. No one "looks like a Muslim" just like no one "looks like a Christian". Originally Posted by WhiteHippy
Self deluded rationalization of the Year.

The guy looks Middle Eastern. Vast numbers of Middle Easterners are Muslim. Why? Because if you aren't you'll be dead. Ask a Coptic Christian. True "anybody" can be Muslim, Christian, Atheist, etc.
MSNBC is reporting that it was the gun's fault. Apparently, now, just owning a gun is what makes you kill 50 people.

Obama gave a little speech too. He vows do to do nothing, as usual.

Here's the shocker (sarcastic), he had been under investigation by the FBI and they did nothing, as usual.
  • DSK
  • 06-12-2016, 12:11 PM
MSNBC is reporting that it was the gun's fault. Apparently, now, just owning a gun is what makes you kill 50 people.

Obama gave a little speech too. He vows do to do nothing, as usual.

Here's the shocker (sarcastic), he had been under investigation by the FBI and they did nothing, as usual. Originally Posted by nwarounder
I wonder how they are going to blame right wing hate speech and guns?

After all, this guy was born in America, albeit to Afghani parents.
Self deluded rationalization of the Year.

The guy looks Middle Eastern. Vast numbers of Middle Easterners are Muslim. Why? Because if you aren't you'll be dead. Ask a Coptic Christian. True "anybody" can be Muslim, Christian, Atheist, etc. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I agree with you that the majority of Middle Easterners are Muslims. I'm glad you agree with me that there are Muslims from every race. Anyone can be a Muslim.

You would have to be a fool to think a Muslim only looks a certain way. A lot of ignorant Americans think Muslims are just "those brown people", which is the height of stupidity. There tens of millions of black Muslims (both African and African Americans), tens of millions of East Asian Muslims (China, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia etc.), and yes millions of white Muslims too (Albania, Bosnia, Russians, white western converts etc.). Heck, 14% of Russians are Muslim and Islam is an official state religion of Russia.
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  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2016, 12:15 PM
Here's the shocker (sarcastic), he had been under investigation by the FBI and they did nothing, as usual. Originally Posted by nwarounder
So tell me--what should they have done prior to last night?

Please be specific.
I agree with you that the majority of Middle Easterners are Muslims. I'm glad you agree with me that there are Muslims from every race. Anyone can be a Muslim.

You would have to be a fool to think a Muslim only looks a certain way. A lot of ignorant Americans think Muslims are just "those brown people", which is the height of stupidity. There tens of millions of black Muslims (both African and African Americans), tens of millions of East Asian Muslims (China, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia etc.), and yes millions of white Muslims too (Albania, Bosnia, Russians, white western converts etc.). Heck, 14% of Russians are Muslim and Islam is an official state religion of Russia. Originally Posted by WhiteHippy

You characterized this guy as a "white Italian" then went on a rant about anyone can be Muslim. Now you are characterizing how other people "mistakenly think all brown people are Muslim". Is this WTF?
I never characterized him as a white Italian. I simply said he could pass off as one due to his light skin (he's paler in his other pics, the pics you didn't post). He is not a white Italian, he is a Afghani Middle Easterner.

The rest of my post was not a rant, I was simply stating the truth that Muslims can look like anyone and there are Muslims in every race and ethnicity. I'm not arguing with you buddy, in fact I agree with the post you made in the other thread.

Muslims are taught by their religion that non-believers (Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Atheists etc) are enemies and should be either converted or killed. That's why Islam is such a dangerous religion.
So tell me--what should they have done prior to last night?

Please be specific.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You first. What would you have done? Other than make sure he made it to the polling booth.

Be specific.
So tell me--what should they have done prior to last night?

Please be specific.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Send him to Guantanamo and torture him for the rest of his life. Just so I'ts clear, I support eliminating anybody that supports muslim terrorists in any fashion, so killing them before they kill us is always an option I would support.

And you?, please be specific.
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So tell me--what should they have done prior to last night?

Please be specific.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I will be after it is fully disclosed for what he was "under investigation"!

Then I will explore the "weapons" issue!