Penn State Sanctioned

I beg your pardon ... obviously you have absloute proof Paterno was directly involved and knowingly covered up the entire scenario ..

so lets see it. Originally Posted by CJ7

LOL, boring! He covered it up. I know it; you know it; we all know it. Even the university knows it.
They aren't expected to appeal the sanctions. Joe Paterno and his chain of command, by virtue of being accomplices after the fact, are all just as guilty of child rape as the actual rapist. I'm not going to get into yet another pissing contest with you or anyone about Paterno's guilt.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-23-2012, 03:25 PM
LOL, boring! He covered it up. I know it; you know it; we all know it. Even the university knows it. They aren't expected to appeal the sanctions. Joe Paterno and his chain of command, by virtue of being accomplices after the fact, are all just as guilty of child rape as the actual rapist. I'm not going to get into yet another pissing contest with you or anyone about Paterno's guilt. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

how can anyone cover up something they dont know about ?

speculation aka "everyone knows about it" isnt proof ... until its proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by the courts or hardcore evidence shows up before it goes to a court Paterno isnt guilty of anything ..

so if "everyone" knows Joe is guilty why hasnt someone come forward with absolute proof to prove his guilt?

what the hell are you and everyone covering up Olivia? Hiding evidence throws you and everyone else in the GUILTY column.


you dont know jack shit ... you just think you do.
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  • WTF
  • 07-23-2012, 03:25 PM
No flak from me 74comet. Good luck finding anyone to read anything Paterno with an open mind!
how can anyone cover up something they dont know about ?

speculation aka "everyone knows about it" isnt proof ... until its proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by the courts or hardcore evidence shows up before it goes to a court Paterno isnt guilty of anything ..

so if "everyone" knows Joe is guilty why hasnt someone come forward with absolute proof to prove his guilt?

what the hell are you and everyone covering up Olivia? Hiding evidence throws you and everyone else in the GUILTY column.


you dont know jack shit ... you just think you do. Originally Posted by CJ7
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus, this Paterno worship is seriously out of hand. The guy was slime. He knew about it and covered it up. End of story.
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  • WTF
  • 07-23-2012, 03:45 PM
Jesus, this Paterno worship is seriously out of hand. The guy was slime. He knew about it and covered it up. End of story. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Our all knowing swine has oinked!
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  • CJ7
  • 07-23-2012, 03:46 PM
to give a man the benefit of the doubt is worship? wouldnt you want the same or would you prefer everyone give you what you are giving Joe?

you and Olivia report to Penn State with you KNOW he knew about it evidence ..

the cabs out front ..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are not giving him the benefit of the doubt, you are blind to the facts. There is a difference.

Like you are so prone to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. So far, only Saint Joe has earned that from you.

But you must be right. Louis Freeh lied. They all lied. Paterno knew nothing, except how much he "loved" his players. Bullshit. He loved his salary, and kept it by winning at any cost. Morality, decency be damned, as long as Penn State won.

I repeat. Bullshit.
Wasn't it a University investigation itself which found that Paterno turned away people seeking to inform him of what was going on? I think they found that Paterno told everyone he didn't want to know. That's where the problem lies.


The problem with guys like Paterno is that whenever someone in business or public goes out of their way to boast about how "moral" they are compared to others, blah blah blah.....

It's usually because it's the opposite.

How many times in my life is it always the guy who carries on about how honest he is who's the really dishonest one.

He was just another con man who loved the adoration from a gullable public who are STUPID ENOUGH to think that a silly game like FOOTBALL has some exalted moral meaning.

It's only A GAME!
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  • Doove
  • 07-23-2012, 03:57 PM
$60 million sanction, a four-year football postseason ban and a vacation of all wins dating to 1998. Is that enough? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
With the exception of the $60 million sanction, i fail to see how this punishes any of the people who were actually responsible.

Though i am glad they took the statue down - i think that was necessary. As important as the football program is/was at Penn State, and as important as Joe Paterno was to the football program, i think it's a bit naive to think that something this big was going on around him without those who also knew including him. It was one of his assistant coaches, after all. How is he not a part of the decision in how to deal with it?

But beyond that, i think this was as much the NCAA protecting it's image as it was seeing justice done.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-23-2012, 03:59 PM
You are not giving him the benefit of the doubt, you are blind to the facts. There is a difference.

Like you are so prone to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. So far, only Saint Joe has earned that from you.

But you must be right. Louis Freeh lied. They all lied. Paterno knew nothing, except how much he "loved" his players. Bullshit. He loved his salary, and kept it by winning at any cost. Morality, decency be damned, as long as Penn State won.

I repeat. Bullshit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

not having read this (from 6days ago) or anything like it, I stand down.
With the exception of the $60 million sanction, i fail to see how this punishes any of the people who were actually responsible.
Originally Posted by Doove

There has to be accountability for the whole program or no one will see the point in helping people when they need it.

If the guys running the show are that corrupt then everyone must suffer too.

I mean this was no small thing. That shit was pretty ugly and went on for decades.
  • Laz
  • 07-23-2012, 05:35 PM
Killing the football program will hopefully make it less important to the school and give it less influence. Having a program like that given so much stature that anything that hurts it is covered up is prime breeding ground for corruption. As for Joe Paterno his legacy is destroyed and I am glad he lived long enough to know it happened. He knew enough to take action and failed to do so. He has no excuse.
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COG, Please let me know where in the Freed report there is any "fact" that Joe knew about the Sandusky travesty. I will not settle for a you know or everybody knows explanation. In the 270+ page report I want you to point out exactly where Paterno is named as specific conspirator in the cover up. Quote facts, not hunches, gut feelings or anything based upon emotions. Show me an email. Show me a letter of some type, Show me a video of a meeting. These things just do not exist!! Just the facts please.
Sandusky was arrested in 1998 but set free. How can you accuse a man of a crime he was just set free from because of lack of evidence. Does anyone remember the Duke lacrosse team debacle. In the country we are innocent until proven guilty, unfortunately in this horrible chain of events maybe we should have gone with the reverse.
Again I am not making excuses for Spainer, Curley, Schultz and obviously not Sandusky but would someone please bring facts into the discussion not just emotions. I support the other sanctions. I just cannot stand the fact that they are trying to defame (yes they have succeeded) a man after he is dead and cannot defend his name.
COG, Please let me know where in the Freed report there is any "fact" that Joe knew about the Sandusky travesty. I will not settle for a you know or everybody knows explanation. In the 270+ page report I want you to point out exactly where Paterno is named as specific conspirator in the cover up. Quote facts, not hunches, gut feelings or anything based upon emotions. Show me an email. Show me a letter of some type, Show me a video of a meeting. These things just do not exist!! Just the facts please.
Sandusky was arrested in 1998 but set free. How can you accuse a man of a crime he was just set free from because of lack of evidence. Does anyone remember the Duke lacrosse team debacle. In the country we are innocent until proven guilty, unfortunately in this horrible chain of events maybe we should have gone with the reverse.
Again I am not making excuses for Spainer, Curley, Schultz and obviously not Sandusky but would someone please bring facts into the discussion not just emotions. I support the other sanctions. I just cannot stand the fact that they are trying to defame (yes they have succeeded) a man after he is dead and cannot defend his name. Originally Posted by 74comet

So the only one you make exception for is Paterno? Let me see if I get this right; everyone else in the cover up is guilty except, who? Your hero? Nice. And of course completely logical. Rock it.

But beyond that, i think this was as much the NCAA protecting it's image as it was seeing justice done. Originally Posted by Doove

I agree that the NCAA was protecting it's position, but I also agree with the sanctions.