How much do ladies like . . .

It is a business for the ladies, not pleasure. They get paid to put up with men touching them that they don't want touching them. As all men are hung differently and enjoy different fantasies, women cannot appear to offend any potential clients. If you want that fantasy and want lady to really enjoy it from you, got to get a real SO. I am sure plenty of providers will act like they like it but you will never know if it is true or not unless she does with you without pay, which is unlikely. Originally Posted by Boudin3112
It's sexy in concept, however I don't get as much pleasure out of riding a face as much as when I can relax on my back and let a man's tongue do the work.
wildwing's Avatar
I am not your "usual kinda chick"....I find something good in all my clients no matter the situation! None of us are "perfect" and all of us need "love/Lust".....sure there are some gents that "irk" me,but I push that aside and think positive thoughts......... I go into my sessions with the forethought that i am gonna have as much fun as I can and I am gonna make sure the gent is gonna have as much fun as he can.........I have never been one that is "good at faking it".....Once in a while I may "exaggerate" a little,but MOST times I am just "keepin it real" and letting "the good times flow"!!!!

I have a great sex life at home and a great hobby sex life!

let's just lay back/relax and have a ball!!
Originally Posted by DallasRain
Baby you know how to party . Fucking awesome experience. I am getting better everyday. Gonna have to do the ride next time. Give me a few months more in the gym and I will take on you and one banned diva in doubles. That's this big man's goal.
I know several providers on a personnel level, most start drinking as soon as they wake
Or light up all day to make it through now is this the exception of the norm I couldn't tell you, hell I don't want to fuck 5-6 times a day lol so some performing has to happen.
This is only my oppion take it for the wooden Nickel it is, but it would seem a low volume
Provider would tend to enjoy and, be more personable then a high volume provider
I am not your "usual kinda chick"....I find something good in all my clients no matter the situation! None of us are "perfect" and all of us need "love/Lust".....sure there are some gents that "irk" me,but I push that aside and think positive thoughts......... I go into my sessions with the forethought that i am gonna have as much fun as I can and I am gonna make sure the gent is gonna have as much fun as he can.........I have never been one that is "good at faking it".....Once in a while I may "exaggerate" a little,but MOST times I am just "keepin it real" and letting "the good times flow"!!!!

I have a great sex life at home and a great hobby sex life!

let's just lay back/relax and have a ball!!
Originally Posted by DallasRain
You rock Dallas! Sometimes the ones that annoy you or get on your nerves make for some good boneing.
In this business a very high percentage of the workers are on medication. There is no such thing as a low volume provider. She takes as many calls as her financial situation reauires. She stops seeing guys when the phone stops ringing. I have never had a prostitute tell me she could not see me because she already saw too many guys that day. I have never had a prostitute not schedule with me. So, if I am the first that day or the 8th she is seeing me because if she doesn't I am calling someone else. It is all an act on both parts, guy saying she is best ever is BS, she is only working girl I see is BS, my income is $$$$$$$ is BS, just as her having orgasms is BS. Prostitutes have orgasms on rare occasion with clients but it is rare , forced, and not that good for her. I am a realist. I know what this transaction is masterbation by proxy. But at times masterbation by proxy is better than just plain old masterbation. To have a real good session with a lady I have had to have seen her numerous times and we click, so guess spending thousands to get a real orgasm out of her is the true girlfriend experience, lol. I am not in this to boost my own ego because having sex with a prostitute is as simple as a phone call, no ego building act occurs. I landed a prostitute how hard was that? Some guys want their egos stroked and that's cool. Just would rather my ego stroked for real instead of phony.
myren1900's Avatar
I am sure there are some providers that are available 24/7 and operate like you describe, but there are also many that only work part time to supplement income from other jobs.
Providers WILL get orgasms clients. Some are very good at faking it, but you will KNOW when it's real. And it doesn't HAVE to be a repeat visit, but it is more likely to happen with a regular.
Boudin3112, I think you view on providers is way too pessimistic. Maybe you are just seeing the wrong type of providers.
I think if man is really attentive and really knows how a woman's body work its really easy to tell fake from not. Yes it is fake most of time but there are ocassions when it isn't and I agree it happens most with regular visits or really great chemistry. But sadly all to many men see women as just a vagina and mouth connected to life support. And I fully believe guys that treat all women that way SO or not and if you think not, denial isn't just a river in a Egypt.
And Dallas luv,, you ride a mean dam face. The highway to hell is paved with those luscious lips.
In this business a very high percentage of the workers are on medication. There is no such thing as a low volume provider. She takes as many calls as her financial situation reauires. She stops seeing guys when the phone stops ringing. I have never had a prostitute tell me she could not see me because she already saw too many guys that day. I have never had a prostitute not schedule with me. So, if I am the first that day or the 8th she is seeing me because if she doesn't I am calling someone else. It is all an act on both parts, guy saying she is best ever is BS, she is only working girl I see is BS, my income is $$$$$$$ is BS, just as her having orgasms is BS. Prostitutes have orgasms on rare occasion with clients but it is rare , forced, and not that good for her. I am a realist. I know what this transaction is masterbation by proxy. But at times masterbation by proxy is better than just plain old masterbation. To have a real good session with a lady I have had to have seen her numerous times and we click, so guess spending thousands to get a real orgasm out of her is the true girlfriend experience, lol. I am not in this to boost my own ego because having sex with a prostitute is as simple as a phone call, no ego building act occurs. I landed a prostitute how hard was that? Some guys want their egos stroked and that's cool. Just would rather my ego stroked for real instead of phony. Originally Posted by Boudin3112
+1000 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The words of a man who has been around (almost certainly a helluva lot), paid attention, and gained invaluable wisdom along the way.
river985's Avatar
river985's Avatar
Maybe some like the work but I find it very challenging to believe that any prostitute is attracted or turned on by many of the gents. I've never met any gents from icky, but I'd be willing to bet that we are not the best looking or best lovers. Sure there are exceptions, like myself lol, but for the most part I think it's safe to assume we're mostly middle aged white guys that are married and not in top physical condition. Hey, I respect the women here for tolerating us and boosting our confidence for being good actors. They do what our wives and other ladies won't do. It's probably not the easy for them to put up with us and be harshly judged by the rest of society. Anyway we'll never know how they feel but for $300/hour they're willing to make us believe they feel however we want them to feel. Thanks to all of the great ladies here that continue to keep the dream alive. Originally Posted by Scratchynuts
Well said Scratchy...and Facesitting...what better way for a lady to experience us without having to look at our ugly muggs!
loverlove17's Avatar
It's sexy in concept, however I don't get as much pleasure out of riding a face as much as when I can relax on my back and let a man's tongue do the work. Originally Posted by YummyMarie