California chef lifts ban on restaurant customers in 'Make America Great Again' hats

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  • WTF
  • 02-03-2019, 09:43 AM
Why do you hardly ever see someone by themselves wearing one? Originally Posted by themystic
I only see them when they are gathering in a group... kinda like the klan.

You never see those fuckers out with their sheets.
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  • 02-03-2019, 09:46 AM
Obama didn't do much except strut around like he was in charge and reminds me of the old Casino owners in Vegas who thought they owned the hotels the Mafia loaned them money to buy. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I thought some Jews loaned them the money and they built them on Mormon land...

Qurstion, How do you and LL hujack every thread with Obama? Do yall dream of Obama and Hillary at night?

I can't wait until I'm hired....I'm gonna point the shit outta you two for that.
themystic's Avatar
^^^^^^^^Point made. Thank you! Little hint lefties . Because you and your hate machine vilify everyone who aren't commies.. Originally Posted by winn dixie
aww wd. sorry the world is to tough for you to participate
winn dixie's Avatar
Because you are afraid to be around more than one of them at a time!

The reason you won't call Melanie a "cunt face" to her face! Can't take the ass whipping. Originally Posted by LexusLover
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Making sure you saw this.... bahahahaha
themystic's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Making sure you saw this.... bahahahaha Originally Posted by winn dixie
making sure you see this Snowflake

Melania Cunt Face
Melania Cunt Face
Melania Cunt face
Melania Cunt Face
Melania Cunt face White Knights Run!!!!
Melania Cunt face White Knights Run!!!!
Melania Cunt face White Knights Run!!!!
Melania Cunt face White Knights Run!!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Why do you hardly ever see someone by themselves wearing one? Originally Posted by themystic
As someone eloquently pointed out before. " You are weird"!
Please stay on topic and post something original that you have not already posted.

Didn't think you could.... hahahahahahahahaha
themystic's Avatar
As someone eloquently pointed out before. " You are weird"!
Please stay on topic and post something original that you have not already posted.

Didn't think you could.... hahahahahahahahaha Originally Posted by winn dixie
your one of the scared ones. ..............booooooooooooo,

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sure not see many of the trump coward snowflakes in public
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your one of the scared ones. ..............booooooooooooo,

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sure not see many of the trump coward snowflakes in public
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
The only coward here is you. Derailing every thread with your idiotic insults to Trump and his supporters and proof of not knowing your stuff. So why does it take 10 or more of you pussy hat wearing lefties to attack ONE MAGA hat wearing man (or in your case woman or child)? Because you're a cowardly little snowflake! LMAO!!!!!!
Another fake never made it out of the shoot after being Mayor of San Antonio .... probably a "shoe-in" for Texas Governor, but like Gary Hart was for President .... until Cisnero's wife was confronted one early morning with their kid in her arms by the media hounds asking her about "Henry's" affair with his "assistant"!

Henry was a pawn of the establishment conservatives in S.A. and was only superficially Hispanic ... just like Obaminable was (and is) only superficially Black. He's bought and paid for by the traditional White members, decision-makers, and "bankers" of the DNC, which has not morphed into hysterical, immature, socialist crybabies. Their ignorant, lameass, bullshit is putting this country at serious risk in the world. They have no clue what motivates predators around the world.

It's all about HillariousNoMore getting her fat ass kicked in 2016, and Trump draining the swamp and succeeding with their best effort to marginalize and minimize his efforts to improve this country and rebuild this country's ability to be competitive and re-establish this country's respect around the world after eight years of wimpy whining by the so-called President who occupied the WH and sucked off the government tit while pissing off trillions of dollars and doubling the debt while doing it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Amen to that. I thought old Cisneros had a shot at the big time in politics...but he managed to turn his "concerns" into bankable activities...

After public office, Cisneros served as President and COO for the Spanish-language network Univision from 1997 to 2000 before forming American City Vista to work the nation's leading homebuilders to create homes priced within the range of average families. That company evolved to become CityView[5] where Cisneros is Chairman. He is a partner in the minority owned investment banking firm Siebert Cisneros Shank & Co.[6]
I thought some Jews loaned them the money and they built them on Mormon land...

Qurstion, How do you and LL hujack every thread with Obama? Do yall dream of Obama and Hillary at night?

I can't wait until I'm hired....I'm gonna point the shit outta you two for that. Originally Posted by WTF
Fuck Obama and Hillary.

I'm sure that the process of banking was facilitated by community service oriented Jewish people in exchange for a modest profit - that is capitalism!!

If you become the mod of this forum are you going to employ contractors to do all the work?
Perhaps a lesson was learned here. It's never smart business to alienate about half your client base. Once those receipts start reading a lot smaller numbers, minds tend to change quickly. Seems when liberals don't like an establishment, business doubles. When conservatives dislike your establishment, the money dries up quickly.
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  • WTF
  • 02-03-2019, 02:37 PM
Fuck Obama and Hillary.

I'm sure that the process of banking was facilitated by community service oriented Jewish people in exchange for a modest profit - that is capitalism!!

If you become the mod of this forum are you going to employ contractors to do all the work? Originally Posted by friendly fred
They can take out the trash....I'll ban the rest of it.
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  • 02-03-2019, 02:44 PM
Seems when liberals don't like an establishment, business doubles. When conservatives dislike your establishment, the money dries up quickly. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
That just proves the real pussies are conservatives.

Fucking snowflakes won't eat at a goid restaurant if they think a liberal owns it.

And they'll flock to some chicken nugget flophouse if they think some antihomo conservative is selling rainbow flags to burn.

Liberals just seem not to care who sales what...
themystic's Avatar
The only coward here is you. Derailing every thread with your idiotic insults to Trump and his supporters and proof of not knowing your stuff. So why does it take 10 or more of you pussy hat wearing lefties to attack ONE MAGA hat wearing man (or in your case woman or child)? Because you're a cowardly little snowflake! LMAO!!!!!! Originally Posted by Lantern2814
aww latrine did you get your feelings hurt?. are you one of the MAGGs who didn't get a trophy like the other kids. Go put your hat on, look in the mirror and say, " Someday Ill be brave enough to go Outside with my hat on" until then just hide like the rest of the trump sissys
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
definition of snowflake

“Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not the beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. We are all part of the same compost heap."
Began being used extensively as a putdown for someone, usually on the political left, who is easily offended or felt they needed a "safe space" away from the harsh realities of the world, but now has morphed into a general putdown for anyone that complains about any subject.
A clueless and conceited college student that cannot handle critical thinking from others. In other words, a deluded jerk.
A term used to describe extremist liberals that get offended by every statement and/or belief that doesn't exactly match their own. These individuals think they are just as "unique" as snowflakes, when really their feelings are just as fragile.
“A snowflake was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery. They were called snowflakes because it said they valued white people over black people.”