Leoman... The new DOC HOLIDAY?

true! Took me 5 sec. LOL Three Words type...hit search, click link, lol
silvester91999's Avatar
B Three.. damn what you show is absolutely gorgeous. I fwink I'm in wove..
thank you...LOL...but this thread is not about me!
silvester91999's Avatar
Some times you just gotta stop and say wow..
Just my 2 cents... hobbiest forget to realize that providers are not required to be attracted to everyone, they might have a gut feeling about why they don’t want to see you, they might have seen you and don’t want to see you again for various reasons. Yes we are all here for the various reasons but as a hobbiest I choose who I want to see, just like the provider does. Live with it move on... SG has a good reputation (I’ve never had the pleasure to meet her but none the less). I’ve met some I CHOOSE not to see again and so be it. If the provider says “no” grow up and move on
For the record, I turn down more guys than I see. I have a few pet peeves that if I told you all you'd call me B4...Bitchy Brainy Busty Beauty...but there things I am really picky about in real life and in this fantasy world and judgy or not...I don't find those guys attractive.

It's my choice to only see guys I would normally date in real life, so if I read your posts and see an issue...you will either not get a response (because it usually ends badly to politely decline - see above) or a polite, no thank you.
Precious_b's Avatar
It is very easy to find on Twitter. Took all of 60 seconds. Maybe less. Originally Posted by CrimsonValkyrie
true! Took me 5 sec. LOL Three Words type...hit search, click link, lol Originally Posted by B Three
I was able to find her. The account had a lock on it.
But she was gracious to open it up.
And the people above *may* have been graced, as I, to be able to Follow.

I thank thee, Slave G.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
I have a few thoughts.

1. Guys need to understand that ladies must make gut decisions for their own comfort and safety. Sometimes we just have to make snap judgments based on very little information. I do this and counsel others to do it as well.

2. Discrimination is not the same as racism. But again, Rule 1 applies and if someone wants to make a judgment call, that is up to her.

3. Somethings are better left to PMs or private areas. Originally Posted by B Three
Ummm.. no. This dude doesn’t get the Fucking hint. Honestly all this bullshit is because he does not like to be told no. He gets in his feelings and throws a bitchfit. Gather round Ladies && Gs, This is how the Fuckery started;
He contacted me for an Appt first. He is a strange man and raises MANY red flags with the things he asks as well as the things he says. He’s very aggressive in how he approaches. He pretty much tells you you’re going to see him and what you’ll will do and how. ( good fucking luck)
He also send pictures of I’m assuming other providers and fishes for information. He also does not take rejection well. And refuses to cooperate with references. I declined he got mad I blocked him.
Few days later He contacted me on my rw number. I flat out lie to him and tell him he’s got the wrong number. He persisted. I send him a pic of a guy and tell him wrong number bro. This fool still had the audacity to ask the person in pic if he could please speak to me. That he just required a few min of my time!
No fucking respect. Ok granted the pic was a fake but what if it was not? What if it really was a boyfriend? He has zero respect for anyone’s privacy. It’s fucked up of him not only to be asking but sending others information and pictures. Trying to guess addresses and such. Anyhow.. I told him to fuck off.
THEN... he starts sending pm’s. I politely decline his request (again)
And yes I was polite lol
He replies with let’s be professionals.
I replied with this :
Actually me not telling you to fuck off is very professional.
What’s your fixation with me? You’re aware that I’m a prude right? All I offer is rub and tug.
I’m not full service. I won’t suck your dick. Stick my fingers up your ass or call you daddy. I don’t get naked. I don’t kiss let alone want your mouth on my meow. I’m not all that cute. I have kids. Lots of kids. Whom I like to talk about the whole time oh and did I mention I have a shit attitude? All I offer is a decent hand job and some really nice tits that I’m a total nazi about not touching.
Are you certain you want an appt with me? Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes
Yeah... not only did that backfire but he’s STILLLLLL up in my inbox. Lol
I may just start a thread asking members who are fluent in other languages if they can teach me how to say fuck off in other languages. So far I know 3 and none of which leoman understands.
Oh...I’ll spare you guys about about the socks and vnecks as well as this review he offered to write on me because I’m this “hidden gem” he can make popular with his words of whatever the fuck he writes.
Apparently he doesn’t research very well which is stupid in itself with all the fucking questions he asks. If he had he’d realize that I’m like satan. Right after that,Knowing damn well we share incalls he contacted Slave only to receive a lesson in what happens when you play with fire.
I dare him to act dumb It’s like go ahead and act like a bitch with me and find out I act accordingly
He is not the well mannered valued poster he’s pretending to be on this thread. He’s noxious, selfish, toxic, foolish, and above all, dangerous. That is why I will not see him as a client. He can also fuck right off with this discrimination/race shit. I don’t discriminate against race but I do discriminate against those who rape women, animals and babies... and maybe judge a few of you by the cereal you eat.. unfrosted weirdos 🙅🏻 Lol
winn dixie's Avatar
Sounds like someone many of us know! Same mo.
Neville’s Haze's Avatar
Never trust a guy who types u instead of you.
Never mind someone with LEO in their handle.
It’s probably Mata.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-20-2019, 06:22 AM
Never trust a guy who types u instead of you.
Never mind someone with LEO in their handle.
It’s probably Mata. Originally Posted by Neville’s Haze
Never mind someone with LEO in their handle.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Ummm.. no. This dude doesn’t get the Fucking hint. Honestly all this bullshit is because he does not like to be told no. He gets in his feelings and throws a bitchfit. Gather round Ladies && Gs, This is how the Fuckery started;
He contacted me for an Appt first. He is a strange man and raises MANY red flags with the things he asks as well as the things he says. He’s very aggressive in how he approaches. He pretty much tells you you’re going to see him and what you’ll will do and how. ( good fucking luck)
He also send pictures of I’m assuming other providers and fishes for information. He also does not take rejection well. And refuses to cooperate with references. I declined he got mad I blocked him.
Few days later He contacted me on my rw number. I flat out lie to him and tell him he’s got the wrong number. He persisted. I send him a pic of a guy and tell him wrong number bro. This fool still had the audacity to ask the person in pic if he could please speak to me. That he just required a few min of my time!
No fucking respect. Ok granted the pic was a fake but what if it was not? What if it really was a boyfriend? He has zero respect for anyone’s privacy. It’s fucked up of him not only to be asking but sending others information and pictures. Trying to guess addresses and such. Anyhow.. I told him to fuck off.
THEN... he starts sending pm’s. I politely decline his request (again)
And yes I was polite lol
He replies with let’s be professionals.
I replied with this :

Yeah... not only did that backfire but he’s STILLLLLL up in my inbox. Lol
I may just start a thread asking members who are fluent in other languages if they can teach me how to say fuck off in other languages. So far I know 3 and none of which leoman understands.
Oh...I’ll spare you guys about about the socks and vnecks as well as this review he offered to write on me because I’m this “hidden gem” he can make popular with his words of whatever the fuck he writes.
Apparently he doesn’t research very well which is stupid in itself with all the fucking questions he asks. If he had he’d realize that I’m like satan. Right after that,Knowing damn well we share incalls he contacted Slave only to receive a lesson in what happens when you play with fire.
I dare him to act dumb It’s like go ahead and act like a bitch with me and find out I act accordingly
He is not the well mannered valued poster he’s pretending to be on this thread. He’s noxious, selfish, toxic, foolish, and above all, dangerous. That is why I will not see him as a client. He can also fuck right off with this discrimination/race shit. I don’t discriminate against race but I do discriminate against those who rape women, animals and babies... and maybe judge a few of you by the cereal you eat.. unfrosted weirdos 🙅🏻 Lol Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes
THIS is why I just say "YES DEAR" when the little woman starts redecorating our in call!! Lol

Your sassy loving slave,

vanessaamour's Avatar
I've met him 2xs and have had no issue with him was polite and not aggressive. Just my 2centss. Everyone gets along with everyone differently but I wouldn't put him up by doc holiday not by any means
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
[QUOTE=B Three;1061281659]I have a few thoughts.

That is always appreciated...

1. Guys need to understand that ladies must make gut decisions for their own comfort and safety. Sometimes we just have to make snap judgments based on very little information. I do this and counsel others to do it as well.

So true...

2. Discrimination is not the same as racism. But again, Rule 1 applies and if someone wants to make a judgment call, that is up to her.

** Racism:

Prejudice , DISCRIMINATION, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior: a program to combat racism.

* The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that RACE, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races: theories of racism.

First off, I recognize that there are SUBTLE differences between discrimination and/or racism... One is a BELIEF and another is an ACTION...(and I very much enjoy that you brought that up... Thank you

However, based on this gentleman's speech patterns and ill use of the English language... I do not THINK that he is/was intelligent enough to understand these subtle differences... So, while he USED the word DISCRIMINATION in his pm he paired it with HIS RACE and accused me of not SEEING HIM because of that...

Yes... I saw RED... and I will again, if this topic comes up... I feel very strongly about this issue and while I do not post a lot... Racism/discrimination is something that I have been an activist AGAINST since I was a small child...

3. Somethings are better left to PMs or private areas.

99.9% of the FUCKTARDEDNESS that we deal with in this world can be dealt with a PM, email or text..... While I am an IDIOT when it comes to TECHIE stuff ...I am a freaking prodigy when it comes to that darn BLOCK BUTTON on my phone... Lol

It actually takes A LOT to make me this angry... Hell, Italia OUTED ME all over the FREAKING INTERNET and I did not even RESPOND on Eccie. It was annoying, upsetting, a personal violation and it put my children's lives in danger... but I DID NOT RESPOND...

I am an INTJ and while I enjoy READING the boards... I rarely feel the need to post... and, to be honest, I think the NEW LADIES need the COED SPACE to get to know the community and vice versa...

So, WHY NOW? Since, I live in my head most of the time let me take a moment to give you sort of a BRIEF mental RUN DOWN of Leoman and how he came to my ATTENTION...

I created a thread in January to discuss PROVIDERS THAT OUT MEN because they TEXT TOO MUCH... It was a GENERIC thread and on 1-16-18 @ 03:54pm LEOMAN RESPONDED... POST #12

Now, Leoman's POST at this time was ODD... It was clear that there was something going on with him besides the TOPIC of the thread. Given the fact that I have quite a few stalkers on eccie, that frequently CREATE FAKE HANDLES to interact with me, I decided to keep an EYE on him. I also took the time to read EVERY POST that he had made on Eccie. I also noted that he is a NEW MEMBER (7-20-2018)... and, I WATCHED....


On 1-22-19 @ 1:26 pm.... I responded POLITELY (POST #19) and at that time I made it CLEAR that I felt like he was the type of gentleman that needed A LOT OF ATTENTION... Especially, during a ladies FREE TIME and I told him that he should STAY with his ATF because I do not have FREE TIME to do FREE THINGS... (again, no big deal... issue handled... I moved on.

Then he started texting my roommate, LMCC, and I was AMAZED that he just WOULD NOT take NO for an answer.... but hey... WE get this all the time and we were just ignoring him...

I was polite but firm when he contacted me via pm.... Everyone that has seen my twitter can verify that. There is NO NEED for me to be rude if I do not have to be... It is a ridiculous use of my time and I hate to be inefficient...

After I POLITELY DECLINED... I was told that he was a SUPER NICE GUY and he was going to PAY ME $300 plus TIP and that he would TAKE HIS MONEY TO A PROVIDER THAT LIVED UP TO HER REPUTATION... and that he would go and see someone that does not JUDGE PEOPLE or decline someone before screening them... (self-alerts are great)

I POLITELY RESPONDED AGAIN... I told him that he had overstepped himself and that I DID NOT FEEL like we were a GOOD MATCH. I explained that I did not want him to WASTE his money on an APPOINTMENT if I did not think that we would enjoy ourselves...

I then received a very BELLIGERENT pm from him saying that I JUDGE people before screening them (Yes, I do.... and everyone of the ladies on this board BETTER be paying attention to the behavior of who they are going to be spending intimate time with...) I was then told that HE FELT like I had DISCRIMINATED AGAINST HIM basically because of his RACE... SMDH!!

Soooo.... I PUBLICLY told him on 1-19-19 that I WAS NOT the provider for HIM.... My assistant politely told him AGAIN via pm on 2-18-19 that we were flattered but that at this time we would have to decline...

Now, based on his poor usage of the English language, the insulting adjectives issued when he was denied, combined with him throwing in his RACE and telling me that he FELT DISCRIMINATED AGAINST because I had denied him... The natural inference for me is that he is/was calling me a RACIST...

There are many things that concern me about this man.... his syntax is not consistent... which could mean this is a second language... Or, IT could mean he was trying to WRITE in a manner so as not to be EXPOSED as a FORMER MEMBER...

There are phrases and words that he used when he was texting and pming LMCC that reminded me of MrBangBang and Bonn11...I don't know... all I know is that I can tell you with absolute certainty that I have seen this writing style somewhere before on this board... I just have not had time to investigate further...

I am a voracious reader and I very much enjoy graphology... I do believe that everyone has a UNIQUE WRITING STYLE... sort of like a FINGER PRINT... We all have certain words, phrases, grammar uses that are particular to us...

Now, lets talk about PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE BULLYING... Obviously, I am quite capable of dealing with these sort of shenanigans.... I'm OLD AS HELL... Lol...So, I should be...

Normally, I would have just blasted this guy on my TWITTER... However, I grew concerned about our younger ladies... Some are FEISTY but others may not be ready to deal with someone using this sort of subtle manipulation...

I WORRY about the younger ladies... Despite the fact that I am somewhat aloof... I love KIDS and many of the younger ladies remind me of some of my fellow classmates at school... naive and sweet... and just GOSH DARN WONDERFUL...

If this gentleman is/was pushing the envelope mentally and physically with the young ladies then I am hoping this THREAD will serve as an ALERT for them to proceed with caution.

Hell, even TED BUNDY was described as NICE!! LOL...

Now, lets talk criminology... an area that I believe you have a great deal of expertise... I come from a more scientific origin and because of that I very much enjoy CRIME SHOWS of all kinds... but I particularly enjoy FORENSICS because of my science background... I have spent quite a bit of my time working with people who are POSTER CHILDREN for the DSM-V.

While there are MANY different types of rapists, murders etc... Many of them share similar personality and behavioral traits that could oftentimes be traced back to their childhood...

So, my GUT & my PROFESSIONAL opinion is that we are dealing with a very insecure, narcissist male with authority and anger issues. To me he is the equivalent of a TICKING TIME BOMB...

But that is JUST ME... I VERY much enjoy all of your posts and I recognize that you guys put up with A LOT OF DRAMA... You don't know me and I hope this helps to clarify why I decided to post this in coed....

I appreciate you and all of the mods and admins that take care of us on the BIG E...

Thank you for all that you do...

Your affectionate slave,


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