Shortless androgyneous male model banned

As you mention, this model does well for him(her?)self. He got paid. He's laughing all the way to the bank.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
True, but in my little world not all is about money. :-)

But i agree to your other points i haven`t thought of that. But what do you generally think about censorship of creative expression?
here is a quote i liked for that topic:

"Elite control depends [...] on misdirecting us along careerist, consumerist, nationalist, and other ideologically convenient paths that sacrifice either autonomy or mutuality, and often both. This misdirection operates [...] through dominant institutions [...] that internalize and disseminate particular views of human nature and society"
pyramider's Avatar
If there was a titty bar next to my church . . . I might to decide to attend a service.
Sisyphus's Avatar
If there was a titty bar next to my church . . . Originally Posted by pyramider
When I first started visiting could do that! Zoning laws????!!! What are those????
atlcomedy's Avatar
True, but in my little world not all is about money. :-)

But i agree to your other points i haven`t thought of that. But what do you generally think about censorship of creative expression?
here is a quote i liked for that topic:

"Elite control depends [...] on misdirecting us along careerist, consumerist, nationalist, and other ideologically convenient paths that sacrifice either autonomy or mutuality, and often both. This misdirection operates [...] through dominant institutions [...] that internalize and disseminate particular views of human nature and society" Originally Posted by ninasastri
But if you want a copy of that magazine you can buy one: Find a store that carries it...subscribe to the magazine...borrow a copy from a friend...hell it is probably online...

Just because someone creates a work (I'll use that term broadly) doesn't mean it gets 100% outlet distribution.

Should Goldberg's Deli (Jewish) have to carry Hitler's writings in its book section?

Should WriteOut (Gay bookstore) have to carry Mike Huckabee's new book?

Million of manuscripts are submitted annually for publication and never are published much less put on store shelves.

No one is censoring anyone's right to creative expression but that expression needs to be compelling enough that someone wants to publish it/shelve it/buy it/read it/advertise in it/etc. etc. etc.
But if you want a copy of that magazine you can buy one: Find a store that carries it...subscribe to the magazine...borrow a copy from a friend...hell it is probably online...

Just because someone creates a work (I'll use that term broadly) doesn't mean it gets 100% outlet distribution.

Should Goldberg's Deli (Jewish) have to carry Hitler's writings in its book section?

Should WriteOut (Gay bookstore) have to carry Mike Huckabee's new book?

Million of manuscripts are submitted annually for publication and never are published much less put on store shelves.

No one is censoring anyone's right to creative expression but that expression needs to be compelling enough that someone wants to publish it/shelve it/buy it/read it/advertise in it/etc. etc. etc. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
good points! I concur!
But i stick to my point that at least they should have used a different excuse for putting it off the market (too female?)

if they said it like YOU do, no problem ;-). Thanks again, you made great points!
John Bull's Avatar
C'mon WTF. Join up with me and we'll fix this Tea Party.

Truly there are some religious nuts in the TP but they make up a fairly small part. Most of us are Libertarian types. And we want to cut all spending.

Drives me nuts when these Rep CongressIdiots try to tell me they are going to cut the deficit. Cut the damned debt and then we'll talk.
Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Beyond! I think prettied up men are unattractive to the point that I do not consider them worthy sexual candidates.

I don’t think the guy’s very androgynous. He has his hair done like a 50’s pinup girl. He’s taking off his shirt like he has something to show underneath. In short, they were trying to give the impression of a flat chested woman taking off her shirt and it worked. In my opinion it is a flat, bare-chested woman, it should be banned.

He’s a symbol of the changing face of fashion? I find that hard to believe. But the fashion business and gay men gave us the cult of skinny so why not.
I am not a big fan of government intervention. That is where me and the Tea Folks agree. The Tea Folks are a strange lot....they do not want government intervention unless say you built a strip club next to their church. Then they would want the government to shut it down. Originally Posted by WTF

What a twit! How do you interpret "limited government" as "no government"? Zoning is a legitimate local governmental function [I personally believe you don't understand federalism]. Petitioning your government is a right of citizens. Why would you criticize them for exercising their freedom of speech and religion? Do you think your rights are superior to theirs?
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  • WTF
  • 05-24-2011, 02:00 PM
What a twit! How do you interpret "limited government" as "no government"? Zoning is a legitimate local governmental function [I personally believe you don't understand federalism]. Petitioning your government is a right of citizens. Why would you criticize them for exercising their freedom of speech and religion? Do you think your rights are superior to theirs? Originally Posted by Marshall
F@*k you and your twitty twat.

I am tired of your ignorant bs.

There , we have both exercised freedom of speech.

And to answer you witless question. If it was perfectly legal to build the strip club and then folks tried to shut it down after the fact, that is total BS. I understand that is how the world works but do not then try and tell me you are for limited government.
F@*k you and your twitty twat.

I am tired of your ignorant bs.

There , we have both exercised freedom of speech.

And to answer you witless question. If it was perfectly legal to build the strip club and then folks tried to shut it down after the fact, that is total BS. I understand that is how the world works but do not then try and tell me you are for limited government. Originally Posted by WTF're upset bunky....awwwwwww....when you fly off the handle like that, I know I scored a point.....
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  • WTF
  • 05-24-2011, 02:07 PM
C'mon WTF. Join up with me and we'll fix this Tea Party.

Truly there are some religious nuts in the TP but they make up a fairly small part. Most of us are Libertarian types. And we want to cut all spending.

Drives me nuts when these Rep CongressIdiots try to tell me they are going to cut the deficit. Cut the damned debt and then we'll talk. Originally Posted by John Bull
Some people are at least looking at things is ashame the Marshall's of the world can't seem to see the bad with the good.

Can you believe Grover Norquist? Ending the subsidy is a tax increase in his eyes! That is like saying ending welfare is a tax hike! Well duh, to a select few, yea it is. I'm not sure WTF is wrong with Norquist on this issue.

Astronomical deficits and Tea Party enthusiasm for deficit reduction are producing hairline cracks in the GOP over defense spending, and an uneasy alliance between anti-war San Francisco liberals and small-government Texas conservatives.

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California and Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn have joined forces with Tea Party activists to kill $6 billion a year in ethanol subsidies, taking on the corn lobby and anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist.
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  • 05-24-2011, 02:20 PM're upset bunky....awwwwwww....when you fly off the handle like that, I know I scored a point..... Originally Posted by Marshall
You scored a point for free speech, nothing more.

I have no problem with you saying idiotic things.

You argue aganist Dave Stockman points. He supports Ron Paul as the only guy that truely gets it. Yet you claim to be some Tea Party supporter? I support the core principles of that movement more than you ever will.
Can you believe Grover Norquist? Ending the subsidy is a tax increase in his eyes! Originally Posted by WTF

Could be worse, he could think a tax cut is a "tax code expenditure"....President Dumbo gotta cut that spending.....
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
How did we get from some flat-chested man-boy to the Tea Party and spending cuts? I guess that’s y’all comment on prissy boys, but at least be provocative! Ineffectual congressmen and presidents are anything but.