How to trace a license plate number????

Guest032213's Avatar
hummm Originally Posted by LEXUS
If you have questions just ask
Thank you everybody for all your help. I was not able to get the info I wanted. Im thinking this loser was using fake plates or something. Their tracks are covered pretty good but I know that if they keep it up they will slip one day. I just hope they know that by cutting my brake lines my children could have been hurt or killed. They were in the car when the brakes gave out. Thank god I had just made to the end of my block. I hope that they will think before they act next time. They can hurt me all they want but my babies should be off limits. Whoever it is your a very sick person and I hope you get help.
I have filed several police reports on this loser. When this person cut my brake lines LE took it a little more serious but nothing has been done. Honestly, I just want to know who is doing this to me and my family. This person really gets off on the fact that I can't see him but he can see me. The last email sent said something along the lines off "We will see you soon, but you won't see us". I think or hope that if he or "they" know I know who they are it will stop. I'm just really tired of looking over my shoulder and always being paranoid. It is no way to live. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
Audrina, save the emails, and re-notify the cops... now that they are using email or cyberspace they have stepped over the threshold of "Cyber Stalking" which is a more serious offense..

Look into the cyber stalking laws ..
pt1's Avatar
  • pt1
  • 04-13-2011, 04:20 AM
Thank you everybody for all your help. I was not able to get the info I wanted. Im thinking this loser was using fake plates or something. Their tracks are covered pretty good but I know that if they keep it up they will slip one day. I just hope they know that by cutting my brake lines my children could have been hurt or killed. They were in the car when the brakes gave out. Thank god I had just made to the end of my block. I hope that they will think before they act next time. They can hurt me all they want but my babies should be off limits. Whoever it is your a very sick person and I hope you get help. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
Do NOT take this problem lightly. You need the help of the police. If regular cops don't help. Try a different department like the constables or the Department of Public Safety - State Troopers, Sheriff Department . Internet criminal activity may create Federal Jurisdiction. But if this keeps happening and no police agency will help get a lawyer so someone knows what is happening just in case for your children. The lawyer can write to AG and the DA and ask why nothing is happening. There are laws that require the police to perform an investigation. Please do not rely on an internet chat board only. The the stalker is usually someone you knew. Get help - In my professional life I have read too many cases that have gone badly.
Did someone recommend a private investigator?

Also, how hard is it to get a concealed carry permit where you're at?
tia travels's Avatar
If she moves across the state lines from where this person is harrassing her, doesn't it make the crime more serious then? Wouldn't punishment be harsher and could she get other police involved?

Audrina, if the car is ever near your place and you can get close enough to write down the VIN number, try that.
If she moves across state lines she has jurisdictional issues. Cutting break lines is attempted murder. There is a cheap way to safeguard your property a little--in the sporting goods store get an infrared camera for hunting deer. The recorder is turned on when there is movement, say near your car and it is recorded--it lasts for twelve hours I think. Its only 100.00 or so. Sounds like a pimp, if so the FBI should definitely help you out because its a clear violation and they can get a conviction. If its personal its harderm, but if you have the proof, no brainer.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Lets say you move
You put in a change of address with the Post Office
Guess what! The Post Office will release your new address for one year!!
So what you do is that you get a Post Office box and the change of address goes there!
Now for an ID...
Go to one of those private mail boxes... the address looks like an apartment address...
But the clerk there could be easily bribed, coerced or what ever
Before you are allowed to have one of these you have to show real ID except you need to show ID where you used to live.
You just might be able to use a PO Box on your Drivers license if you show copies of Police Reports about some stalker
Got kids?
Well the creep might be able to gain your current address just by going to the school and conning the staff there with some story. Again show the staff the police reports to flag your kids file
When you move-change or mis-spell your name
Car registration needs to be changed too! to another address. Lets assume the creep has connections
Noisy people want to know where you are moving to... Create a address that ends up in the middle of a lake or perhaps this will work... your name, general delivery, town,State, Zip Originally Posted by instfixer
Good advice and I agree. For the school thing, you can just tell then you order them to do a complete Blackout for your childrens file. They must do so (if you can prove custody) and then no one can find you in that manner. You can also use this method if you are ever admitted to a Hospital for a procedure or ER, etc. Been there done it before- we had this same talk when this started. Call me/PM me if you need more help- I have some other things you can try that worked for me. Take care!

Audrina, I would also seriously advise you to compile and KEEP on compiling a stack of police reports on this person. Try to use a camera and bait the jerk. YOu have A TON of things you can do within your legal rights in Texas and you need to make a report for any and every little thing so that you have a leg to stand on and so that they start paying attention to you and doing their damn jobs! Plus, if, God forbid, you have to do something drastic in order to protect your life, you will have alot backing you up.

Good Luck!
Please please be careful!

wheres waldo's Avatar
Just rear end them and read the accident report.
In Louisiana a private eye can obtain the info as long as it's pertaining to a case.
Just rear end them and read the accident report. Originally Posted by wheres waldo
Well you got a point there. But it would be her fault and she'll have to fix that bastards car plus she'll get a ticket.
Just go find a cop parked at a convenience store and tell him somebody parked in your driveway and abandoned the car. Tell him you want to send them a letter before you have the car towed.
Many creative / imaginative suggestions here. Many of them are ultimately impractical, though.

I also understand the police not being very helpful.

This doesn't sound like a job for an amateur at this stage of the game.

Since your life / health, and those of your loved ones, appears to be in jeopardy now, I strongly suggest you consider the private investigator route, as suggested above.

You may decide to only use the PI route to ID the stalker. You may decide (or later decide) to use the PI route to take it further, such as letters warning the stalker to stay away (PI's letterhead) and that the situation now has another "watcher" ... it's no longer just you vs the stalker. In addition, if things ever escalate, you have a "dispassionate, credible third-party" to vouch for you and your story, should you find it necessary to go back to the police.

I understand there is expense in this approach, but this person doesn't seem to be playing around - you shouldn't either.

My $0.02 ...

Take care of yourself and Good Luck !!