George Zimmerman in 45 years

I B Hankering's Avatar
Hmmm, a Peruvian "estate," eh? What's that, a single wide with goats in the front yard, indoor plumbing optional, with a couple of local Trayvon-lookalikes standing outside? IBSyndrome, I don't think you should be counting Pussy George's $ just yet. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Look, Randy4Andy, no goats; hence, not your kinda place!!!!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-18-2013, 09:45 AM
The jury ruled that it wasn't Zimmerman. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I agree and had already. I was just correcting my ole buddy 2Dogs!

You have no idea who committed a crime, nor do I. All you have is speculation. That was not enough to convict for this jury. That is all that can factually be said. Originally Posted by WTF
Attn: IB Hankering is running a $25. blow and go special it is good for this date only. Any other services are extra.
bojulay's Avatar
Wisconsin man, 76, guilty in fatal shooting of 13-year-old e Originally Posted by WTF
What does a picture of WTF and his EX Wife have to do with anything?
Must be against the law to shoot kids taking out the trash in Wisconsin.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-19-2013, 07:39 AM
What does a picture of WTF and his EX Wife have to do with anything? Originally Posted by bojulay
Son, my ex wife is your momma!
2dogs says the only crime was committed by Martin. I'd like to know what he would have done as a 17yr old if a fucker is running towards you with a gun screaming obscenities at you! What would you have done differently?
GZ was actually walking away, back to his truck when TM assaulted...

Your scenario should be........."what would you have done if a 17 yo came up to you and said 'what's your problem', then sucker punched you, wrestled you to the ground, had you pinned down, pummeled your head with bare fists for 40 seconds or longer, and said 'you'r gonna die tonight' , while trying to get your gun from you."

those are the facts into evidence.

2dogs says the only crime was committed by Martin. I'd like to know what he would have done as a 17yr old if a fucker is running towards you with a gun screaming obscenities at you! What would you have done differently? Originally Posted by txrancher1
I B Hankering's Avatar
2dogs says the only crime was committed by Martin. I'd like to know what he would have done as a 17yr old if a fucker is running towards you with a gun screaming obscenities at you! What would you have done differently? Originally Posted by txrancher1
Evidently you didn't listen to the testimony or completely failed to comprehend what was said. Rachel Jeantel testified that Martin told her that he reached his dad's girlfriend's townhouse. Jeantel then testified that Martin turned and confronted Zimmerman. That confrontation took place at the sidewalk "T" intersection 60-70 yards from the townhouse where Martin told Rachel Jeantel he was. That means Martin went BACK to the intersection to confront Zimmerman. So your ignorant notion that Zimmerman had his weapon drawn and was chasing Martin while shouting obscenities is completely unsubstantiated by any evidence or testimony.

Further, Jeantel and Zimmerman both swore that it was Martin who initiated the confrontation. Zimmerman's statements, "ear-witness" accounts and physical evidence confirm that the fight started at the "T" intersection. Martin turned and confronted Zimmerman. The evidence and testimony affirms Zimmerman's version of events; not your fantasies, txrancher. See at:

CONCLUSION: Zimmerman's right to shoot and kill an assailant threatening his life trumps your -- or anyone else's -- ignorant notion that Martin had a right to turn, assault and physically endanger Zimmerman's life with assault because Zimmerman was "following" him. And so the jury ruled.
Who gets out of their truck and follows a kid on a rainy night but a queer?