So, who is the Republican candidate? Step up.

We don't actually pick our candidates. The socialist media and RINOs pick them for us. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That's because the only thing you know how to pick is your nose.
Who, motherfuckers?

I predict the GOP frontrunner will be Rick Perry. He's got them new glasses that make him look all smart and like he can remember which parts of government he is going to abolish and all that complicated platform shit.

He comes from Texas and dumbasses from Texas do good as President. We let you have Shrub for 8 years and that shit worked out good for everybody. Well, except for all those dead and wounded US service men and women. And, of course, all those dead people in Iraq.....and, you know that trillion or so dollars we spent but....what the hell? Shit happens, right?

Talk, motherfuckers. You do not have the slightest idea who you want to be President of the United you? Originally Posted by timpage
Chillax, Tim. It is more than two years away.

The Dems don't know who their candidate is either.

Suddenly Hillary is no longer a lock. She may not get past Elizabeth Warren. BigTex is in tears.

I still think that Chris Christie has a good shot. The bridge closing "scandal" appears to have faded, but that is probably just Dems dragging their heels until it is closer to the election.

And I think Scott Walker has a great shot. If we learned anything about him, it is that he knows how to win against Democrats. Like winning an election, and a do-over election, and lawsuits against unions, and bogus John Doe investigations, and ... The list goes on.
That's because the only thing you know how to pick is your nose. Originally Posted by ExNYer

You are just pissed because you can't vote for Otrannyboy, again.
You are just pissed because you can't vote for Otrannyboy, again. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What makes you think I would vote for him - even if I could?

It all depends on who the GOP runs doesn't it? I've already named two GOP candidates in this thread. You have mentioned NONE.

Why? Afraid of the inevitable ridicule when you start talking about Palin and Perry?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I am hoping for any combination of a Perry/Quitter ticket. Originally Posted by bigtex

God help us.
boardman's Avatar
I'll throw my hat in the ring. Santa Claus will be my running mate.
If anyone can figure out how to give shit away without it costing anyone any money he can do it.

I'm sure I can win, I mean, who votes against Santa Claus other than maybe WTF just to be the lone wolf.
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  • Seedy
  • 07-18-2014, 10:18 AM
I'll throw my hat in the ring. Santa Claus will be my running mate.
If anyone can figure out how to give shit away without it costing anyone any money he can do it.

I'm sure I can win, I mean, who votes against Santa Claus other than maybe WTF just to be the lone wolf. Originally Posted by boardman
Bm, the lazy non-working, mooching, dumb ass libtards already have Santa in office.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is the real question, who is going to run (and beat) Hillary in 2016?

Tampon thinks Hillary is trending.
boardman's Avatar
Bm, the lazy non-working, mooching, dumb ass libtards already have Santa in office. Originally Posted by seedman55
Oh shit, that's right...
Guess I'll have to settle for the Easter Bunny.