Some Cuban cigars are far superior to cigars from other countries. Most people who say Cubans are no better have probably only smoked fakes, which are everywhere. And Chizzy smokes fucking Nub cigars, so that's all you really need to know about that.excuse me stiggie, but my statement is true, that isn't to say there aren't great Cubans but throwing all the Cubans and Dominicans and others in together, overall the Cubans are over a lot
A Cuban Bolivar Belicosos Fino is one of the finest cigars you will ever smoke. Period! Originally Posted by Big Stig
and quite frankly, it depends what a customer wants also.....those looking for a mild to medium are not going to be happy with most Cubans
and furthermore................... .. go fuck yourself
saying Cubans are above the others is like saying stig only bangs hot spinners........ and we know that isn't always the case