when his actions as president stop having a direct effect on the entire country
Originally Posted by CJ7
That is an inane statement. With that type of logic anyone can blame poor results in life on anything. My mom was an alcoholic, so if weren't for her I wouldn't be such a piece of shit. If it weren't for that rich guy I would be rich. Most people today excuse anything based on emotion not fact.
When a person talks about the worst economic crisis and in the same breath adds a massive new government expenditure in OBamacare that argument falls very flat.
We could blame Clinton for not getting Bin Laden, thus we could then excuse Bush for his miserable failings the last few years of his term. Why ,because if he did not have to focus on the war, he could have paid more attention to eventual collapse and prevented it. This argument gets very weak. Until the actions of Clinton are no longer having a direct effect on the country then we can stop blaming him WTF kind of logic is this?
Randy said it well, however what I see Randy is a complete willingness for most democrats to look at anything other than what they believe. You will rarely see a concession from them. Many republicans admit Bush's failings as well as the liberal spending habits of a republican congress. I will make a challenge to any liberal to even admit one thing Obama has not done right? Anything?