Honest vote needed!

surcher's Avatar
I don't really know you and can't offer any wisdom or advice without knowing who, or why you feel this way. However, if you'll do an outcall to the woodlands to meet a man in a wheelchair, I say cum, many times! I guess that's a stay with contingencies.
I used the search. I found three accounts for Alyssa. Drama follows her. I say advertise and have fun. I'd like to see her. Keep stirring the pot and I will stay away.

I have a question for the older members. I notice some other providers starting threADs not much different than Alyssa. Why do they get a pass? I can name a few providers that start a lot of threads. They do not have the same problems. Is it service and looks?
Why don't you just do what you feel is best for you. Why do you need others to tell you what to do? No one knows better then YOU what is best. I say stay and use this site for advertising only. Many women here stay neutral or act like angels. Just be one of them. Stay away from the drama and don't argue with anyone. Sorry if that defeats the purpose of Eccie, but the goal is to use this site for business purposes and garner some business, right? So if your ticking people off, then keep your views private and just advertise. Good luck hun.
stay babe... just use your head, no pun intended
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Cam.... Do you really think the other providers that start threads get a pass?! Have you been paying attention. They get jumped on all the time.

Please tell me you don't care..... please. By the way it's not against the rules for a provider to start threads.
Still Looking's Avatar
Cam.... Do you really think the other providers that start threads get a pass?! Have you been paying attention. They get jumped on all the time.

Please tell me you don't care..... please. By the way it's not against the rules for a provider to start threads. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I was in the air. ECCIE Addict did you get my absentee ballet? Looks like I missed the vote! But I'm about to start a new thread that might help
Randall Creed's Avatar
Stay.......and show some pics of those thick thighs and that ass!!!

WiLsOn's Avatar
Stay, and get nekid!

  • Sami
  • 05-15-2011, 08:22 AM
Aww sweetie don't let anyone run you off. For the longest time I felt the same way. I would speak up in a thread, then the thread would stop. Every time! I would think dam am I invisible? Whats wrong with me? I have never had a problem fitting in. But it took along time to prove I was legit. Alot goes on in this world and most are very skeptical and it does take time. I left a couple times and come back, I have now met some really good lady's and good guys. If I had left for good, I would not have had the chance to meet them. I wish you well in whatever you decide!

Have a better than great day!
Mr Willy's Avatar
Stay for sure. Don't let a few scare you off. Most of us are not here to bash others but some feel it is their duty.
Stay. Don't let the drama get to you. Remember when we were in school and the kids that like to pick on others gravitated toward the ones they could get a reaction out of. If you don't let them see you sweat, they will go pick on someone else. Just my $0.02.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
So do you feel all the love from the board now, Alyssa?

Maybe that reassurance was all that you needed to hear.

Of course, you are welcome to stay, but I would advise you to not give much credence to the occasional bashing.

. . . Life in the jungle is not always a picnic!

I have been on eccie for a little over a year. I feel like maybe I just do not mesh well here, and certainly do not feel the welcomed. Anytime I post anything, and I mean anything ..I get bashed. I can post I give the best BBBJ with CIM and PSE experience and still get a negative post. So I am asking for the next two hours if you would just answer with a simple "go away" or "stay" . I will not participate in the thread. At the end of two hours I will total it all up. If it adds all to "go away" I will disable my account and never log back on eccie ever again...Thanks for participation in advance

Miss Alyssa Originally Posted by Mizz Alyssa
  • ivan
  • 05-15-2011, 05:56 PM
Never had the honor to see you, but if you're a $200 kind of gal stay if you're not, again stay and I am sure you will have as much fun....